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  1. Karlos4wrestling

    NJPW 2017

    OK, my bad i thought that this is already the final version of the save.After i played this save for a while i have to say that if this save had the Showdown presentation ti could be easily the best save ever made because as for gameplay goes the save is absolutely outstanding! I have already...
  2. Karlos4wrestling

    NJPW 2017

    I have both of course but any playable save has some textures inside, in this save are none, just a folder named textures which is empty...
  3. Karlos4wrestling

    NJPW 2017

    Hello there, since i am big NJPW fan i'm extremely curious for this project. unfortunately i cannot find link with complete contain. Original one has about 530 kb with no textures and other things inside. Any chance that will be update here? Save looks pretty amazing! Thanks 4 answer.