Batista claims VKM had HHH suspend Titus O'Neil !


Nov 6, 2013
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At the 28:00 mark is where they discuss Titus.

In a recent interview with The Mike Calta Show, he revealed a new piece of information that created at least some of that anger:

"If you ever spent any time with Vince or walked through the hallway, Vince is always grabbing you and he wants to wrestle, and he wants to tell you how much he benched the day before. He's just that type of dude. It was just one of those moments... and even if, I think Vince -- this is just second hand information -- I heard Vince said it was just wrong time, wrong place. If that's the case, that's when you take a guy like Titus, who is such a loyal dude, such a good dude, you take him aside and say 'hey, man, that was the wrong time and wrong place, don't do that again.' It never would have happened again, it would have been done. But Vince not only fined and suspended (Titus), and he's missing WrestleMania, but he didn't even do it himself. He had Hunter do it. It's just so ridiculous, man. I just don't get it. I think he should leave." The interview is below.