[Closed] A bunch of weird, unidentified codes

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Onslaught Six

Young Lion
Apr 14, 2014
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I recently unearthed my cheat files circa 2005-07, with some pretty righteous, although WEIRD stuff in there. I haven't completely delved into it yet and I don't know what I might have that isn't out in the wild, and (like a lot of stuff it seems) I have no idea where the credit may lie, although I'm sure that the majority of the people who made them don't care at this point.

Anyway, I figured I would post the codes and see if anyone could take a shot at figuring out what the fuck some of them even do.

I apologise in advance for any weird formatting.

I THINK this is supposed to turn the special meter into the Japanese version from VPW2 but I didn't see that happen.
"Special Meter"??:
810DF576 034D
810DF57E 034C

I think this might be intended to make the computer control a guest referree.
"Ref Hack"??:
D115B576 0003,8115B576 0001,D115B576 000A,8115B576 0001,D115B576 0022,8115B576 0001,D115B576 0023,8115B576 0001,D115B576 0050,8115B576 0001,D015B577 001B,D0155B43 0000,8015B649 0018,D115AEC6 0044,8115B648 0004,D115AEC6 0048,8115B648 0004,D115AEC6 004A,8115B648 0004,D115B21E 0044,8115B648 0004,D115B21E 0048,8115B648 0004,D115B21E 004A,8115B648 0004,D015AF33 0004,8015B649 0004,D015B28B 0004,8015B649 0004,D015AEC7 0049,8015B56B 0000,D015AEC7 0031,D0155B43 0000,8015B56B 0001,D015AF33 0004,D015B577 001B,8015B56B 0000,D015B21F 0049,8015B56B 0001,D015B21F 0031,D0155B43 0000,8115B56B 0000,D015B28B 0004,D015B577 001B,8015B56B 0001,D015B649 0004,80064881 0002,D015B649 0004,D015AB23 0001,80064881 0000,D115AEC6 0026,8115B648 0004,D115AEC6 0027,8115B648 0004,D115AEC6 008F,8115B648 0004,D115B21E 0026,8115B648 0004,D115B21E 0027,8115B648 0004,D115B21E 008F,8115B648 0004

I am pretty sure these were intended to create a "Tokyo Dome" ramp that leads directly to the ring, that the wrestlers could interact with. It seemed like it worked more or less seamlessly (a little glitchy here and there) but we could never get the shadows to display properly. I tried to get someone to make a code to simply not render shadows at all but nobody got around to it. I think KussenKDogg made this one, maybe with the help of Imbored.
Cheat27="Arena Hacks...\Ramp Hack...\1",81050130 0A1D,81050120 04F9,81050134 08CF,81050136 0000,8107A470 3FA0,8107A484 3F82,8107A488 4080,8107A498 3FFF,8105011A 04F9,8105012E 08CF,81050118 04F9,8105012C 08CF,81050204 3F90,81050218 3F80,8107A1DC 3FA0,8107A1F0 3F82,8107A1F4 40D0
Cheat28="Arena Hacks...\Ramp Hack...\2",D1064880 0010,81005598 3F82,D1005598 3F82,81079E80 3ED0,D1005598 3F82,81079DA4 3F20,D1005598 3F82,81079F5C 3F20,D1064880 0020,8100559A 3F83,D100559A 3F83,81079DA4 3F80,D100559A 3F83,81079F5C 3F80,D100559A 3F83,81079E80 3F80,D100559A 3F83,D1064880 0010,8100559A 0000,D1064880 2000,8115B308 4300,D1064880 2000,8115AFB0 4300

I'm assuming this is an attempt to bring the Test of Strength back, but I have NO idea what it could replace, and reading the code doesn't seem to tell me anything. Anyone have a clue how this is supposed to work?
Old Test of Strength:
81090FAA 114E
81090FAC 114E
81090FAE 114E
81090FB0 114E
81090FB2 114E

A code to make the edges of the arena barricades square instead of octagonal. I was trying to texture an arena to have old-style steel fence instead of the big black WWE barricades. Unfortunately, it stretches the textures oddly so it was impossible to make one texture for the entire barricade and have it line up and look good. (If anyone made one of these later on, feel free to let me know!)
Cheat66="Arena Hacks...\Square Barricade",81050120 0555,8107A498 3FD0,8107A4A8 4442,8107A3CC C2A0,8107A54C 3FA0,8107A57C C212,81050118 0551,8107A128 3FD0,8107A138 4442,8107A05C C2A0,81079F48 3FA0,81079F78 4212,8105011A 0550,8107A1DC 3FE1,8107A20C 4386,8107A214 C499,8105011C 0557,8107A2B8 3FE1,8107A2E8 C386,8107A2F0 C499,81050104 056A,81050106 056B,81079CB4 3F90

These are clearly hacks to make a NOAH arena more accurate; I'm guessing they affect the Wrestlemania arena because that's what I always used. (It was the simplest arena.) Not sure what the apron codes would have done, maybe I made all four aprons different?
Cheat67="Arena Hacks...\NOAH Arena...\Aprons",81050648 092B,8105064A 0929,8105064C 092B,8105064E 0929
Cheat68="Arena Hacks...\NOAH Arena...\Ropes",800528E8 0005,800528EE 0005

No idea; I think it changes the camera angle to be more WWE-on-TV-like.
Cheat69="Misc. Hacks...\Arena Camera Mod",810E1626 C250,8106B468 3B00,8106B47C 3B00,8106B490 3B00,8106B528 3B00,8106B53C 3B00,8106B550 3B00,810563F0 C000,D115AF98 0010,810E34CE 4444,D115AF98 0010,810E371A 4444,D115AF98 0010,8115B2F0 0010
Cheat70="Arena Hacks...\Match Camera",810563F0 C000

I unfortunately have no idea who Sting was going to replace in my game. Anyone got an idea?
Cheat75="Move Replacements...\Sting",D115AF50 0A06,800ABF9D 009D,D115B2A8 0A06,800B0CAD 009D,D115B600 0A06,800B59BD 009D,D115B958 0A06,800BA6CD 009D,D115AF50 0A06,800AE139 0028,D115B2A8 0A06,800B2E49 0028,D115B600 0A06,800B7B59 0028,D115B958 0A06,800BC869 0028

No idea.
Cheat71="Arena Hacks...\New Tokyo Dome",800528F4 0002,81050430 043F,8105042C 03A5,81050430 21A5,81050434 0000,81050438 0899,8105043C 03AF,81050440 03AF,81050442 03A5

This cheat would make the ring texture in the upper lefthand corner stretch the entire way across the ring. The idea for this was that you could then replace the entire texture to have a Japan or WCW-style ringmat with a big logo in the middle. (The texture is normally mirrored 3 times; it's not just a plain texture because the shadow of the ropes is actually part of the ringmat texture.) Later I had a hack that replaced the corner ringmat texture with a texture from the ceiling that was unique to every arena; the idea was that each arena could have its own unique ringmat texture without having to change textures or codes. (I wanted to play the game seamlessly without editing anything on the fly.)
The only problem with all of this is that this code didn't work during entrances for some reason. I don't know why. Might have something to do with the order the game loaded things into memory.
Cheat81="Arena Hacks...\Ring Mat",812981B0 FEE8,812981D0 FEE8,81298184 FEE8,812981D4 FEE8,812981F4 FEE8
Sep 30, 2011
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Judging by the activator lines in the Sting code (wrestler id of 0A06), it appears that code was made for a caw slot. It doesn't look like a standard move replacement either.


Sep 20, 2011
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The arena specific ringmats code has been in my releases forever, and I found one that works in entrances a long time ago. Not sure if I still have it but i put it in a few of my readme's.

Onslaught Six

Young Lion
Apr 14, 2014
Reaction score
dnewgrounds said:
Judging by the activator lines in the Sting code (wrestler id of 0A06), it appears that code was made for a caw slot. It doesn't look like a standard move replacement either.
Then it's probably actually master move mods or something; probably to give him moves or taunts that aren't normally available in those slots.
SLX said:
The arena specific ringmats code has been in my releases forever, and I found one that works in entrances a long time ago. Not sure if I still have it but i put it in a few of my readme's.
It wasn't the arena specific ringmats that didn't work, but rather the stretched texture.


Main Eventer
Oct 31, 2010
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dnewgrounds said:
Judging by the activator lines in the Sting code (wrestler id of 0A06), it appears that code was made for a caw slot. It doesn't look like a standard move replacement either.
It makes the front special link to the sharpshooter.
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