Main Eventer
1-you need to have CWCHEATS installed on your psp.
2-TO FIND cwcheats codes about your SVR version ..(you find on google)
3- upload on your cwcheat the codes using CWCHEAT database editor (you find on google)
4- when you have selected wrestlers /arena open cwcheats and select time you want
5-close cwcheats and go back to the game
..remember , your match time limit will work 'til you will close the game..
in next session older set up about match time will not work 'til you will select another time limit.
here the codes about SVR 2009 psp :
NOTE: add 0x
ex: 0x004538B0 0x00000000
Match Timer Always At 0 Minutes
004538B0 00000000
Match Timer Always At 1 Minute
004538B0 00000001
Match Timer Always At 2 Minutes
004538B0 00000002
Match Timer Always At 3 Minutes
004538B0 00000003
Match Timer Always At 4 Minutes
004538B0 00000004
Match Timer Always At 5 Minutes
004538B0 00000005
Match Timer Always At 10 Minutes
004538B0 0000000A
Match Timer Always At 15 Minute
004538B0 0000000F
Match Timer Always At 20 Minutes
004538B0 00000014
Match Timer Always At 25 Minutes
004538B0 00000019
Match Timer Always At 30 Minutes
004538B0 0000001E
Match Timer Always At 40 Minutes
004538B0 00000028
Match Timer Always At 50 Minutes
004538B0 00000032
Match Timer Always At 60 Minutes
004538B0 0000003C
2-TO FIND cwcheats codes about your SVR version ..(you find on google)
3- upload on your cwcheat the codes using CWCHEAT database editor (you find on google)
4- when you have selected wrestlers /arena open cwcheats and select time you want
5-close cwcheats and go back to the game
..remember , your match time limit will work 'til you will close the game..
in next session older set up about match time will not work 'til you will select another time limit.
here the codes about SVR 2009 psp :
NOTE: add 0x
ex: 0x004538B0 0x00000000
Match Timer Always At 0 Minutes
004538B0 00000000
Match Timer Always At 1 Minute
004538B0 00000001
Match Timer Always At 2 Minutes
004538B0 00000002
Match Timer Always At 3 Minutes
004538B0 00000003
Match Timer Always At 4 Minutes
004538B0 00000004
Match Timer Always At 5 Minutes
004538B0 00000005
Match Timer Always At 10 Minutes
004538B0 0000000A
Match Timer Always At 15 Minute
004538B0 0000000F
Match Timer Always At 20 Minutes
004538B0 00000014
Match Timer Always At 25 Minutes
004538B0 00000019
Match Timer Always At 30 Minutes
004538B0 0000001E
Match Timer Always At 40 Minutes
004538B0 00000028
Match Timer Always At 50 Minutes
004538B0 00000032
Match Timer Always At 60 Minutes
004538B0 0000003C