[Closed] My Hacks Collection

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Young Lion
Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Brought this over from Hacker's Club, in case it ever completely vanishes. I hacked these between 2000 and 2002, those were some good times! The first two codes are very recent.

nHDR/Mrshowtime2001's Archive:

New Saturn Tights
R: Referee 3 (Upper Body), Saturn (Attire)
8104E49A 183C
8104E49C 0000
8104E49E 0000
8104E4A0 0000
8104E4A2 0000
8104E4A4 0000
8104E4A8 0000
8104E4AC 0000

Description: It takes the right-side of Saturn and duplicates it to the left-side. Gives a mirror-image, looks much better in my opinion!

New Original 1 Tights
R: Tori Top (Upper), Original 1 (Attire)
8104E6C0 1852
8104E6C4 0000
8104E6C6 0000
8104E6C8 0000
8104E6CA 0000
8104E6D4 0000

Description: Takes away the design from the left-side of Original 1. Front is bare but the back retains the design.

Red Heaven Cage Match (Red barbwire)
810503EC 2C5B
810503EE 2C5B
810503F0 2C5B
810503F2 2C5B
810503F4 2C5B
810503F6 2C5B
810503F8 2C5B
81050124 2C5B
81050126 2C5B
81050128 2C5B
8105012A 2C5B
8105012C 2C5B
8105012E 2C5B
81050130 2C5B
81050132 2C5B
81050134 2C5B
81050136 2C5B
8116C330 0000
8116C332 0000
8116C334 0000
8116C336 0000
8116C374 AC77
8116C378 4444
8116C37C C37E
8116C382 0400
81052C24 04F4
81052C26 04F0
81052C2C 2C5B
81052C2E 2C5B
810500E8 2C5B

Replaces:Cage Match

Red Barricades
81050124 2C5B
81050126 2C5B
81050128 2C5B
8105012A 2C5B
8105012C 2C5B
8105012E 2C5B
81050130 2C5B
81050132 2C5B
81050134 2C5B
81050136 2C5B

Glass Barricades
81050124 2D33
81050126 2D33
81050128 2D33
8105012A 2D33
8105012C 2D33
8105012E 2D33
81050130 2D33
81050132 2D33
81050134 2D33
81050136 2D33

Red Ladder
81052D1C 2CD3
81052D1E 2CD4
81052D20 2CD5
81052D22 2CD6
81052D24 2C5B
81052D26 2C5B
81052D28 2C5B
81052D2A 2C5B

Glass Ladder
81052D1C 2CD3
81052D1E 2CD4
81052D20 2CD5
81052D22 2CD6
81052D24 2D33
81052D26 2D33
81052D28 2D33
81052D2A 2D33

Glass Cage
810503EC 2D33
810503EE 2D33
810503F0 2D33
810503F2 2D33
810503F4 2D33
810503F6 2D33
810503F8 2D33

Red Barbwire Table
81050190 2C5B
81050192 2C5B
81050194 2C5B
81050196 2C5B

Glass Arena
8105042C 2D33
8105042E 2D33
81050430 2D33
81050434 2D33
81050432 2D33
81050436 2D33
81050438 2D33
8105043A 2D33
8105043E 2D33
81050440 2D33
81050442 2D33
810504E8 2D33
8105010E 2D33
8105043C 2D33
81050150 2D33
81050196 2D33
81050400 2D33
81050402 2D33
81050404 2D33
81050406 2D33
81050408 2D33
8105040A 2D33
8105040C 2D33
8105040E 2D33
810528F4 2D33
81050124 2D33
81050124 2D33
81050126 2D33
81050128 2D33
8105012A 2D33
8105012C 2D33
8105012E 2D33
81050130 2D33
81050132 2D33
81050134 2D33
81050136 2D33
810500F8 2D33
810500FA 2D33
810500FC 2D33
810500FE 2D33
81050100 2D33
81050102 2D33
810500E8 2D33
8105010E 2D33
81050150 2D33
8105010C 2D33
Replaces: RAW Arena

Chair On A Pole Match
The Pole
8116C330 0000
8116C332 0005
8116C334 0000
8116C336 0005
8116C374 C362
8116C376 7CBD
8116C378 4381
8116C37A 6689
8116C37C C365
8116C37E D651
8116C382 0B80
8116C386 0000
8116C38A 0000
8116C38C FFFF
8116C38E FE59
81052C68 2D2F

The Weapon
8116C3E4 0000
8116C3E6 000B
8116C3E8 0000
8116C3EA 000B
8116C428 C36F
8116C42A 0268
8116C42C 439F
8116C42E BD18
8116C430 C361
8116C432 83D4
8116C436 09CE
8116C43A 0D32
8116C43E 09CE
8116C440 FFFF
8116C442 F600

The Activators
D1064880 0014
8116C3E6 000B
D1064880 0014
8116C3EA 000B
D1064880 0014
8116C3EC 0000
D1064880 0014
8116C3EE 0000
D1064880 0014
8116C3F0 0000
D1064880 0014
8116C3F2 0000
D1064880 0014
8116C3F4 0000
D1064880 0014
8116C3F6 0000
D1064880 0014
8116C3F8 0000
D1064880 0014
8116C3FA 0000
D1064880 0014
8116C3FC 0000
D1064880 0014
8116C3FE 0000
D1064880 2000
8115AF44 0001

There is a pole in the lower left corner of the ring
There is a weapon attached to the pole (the weapon you choose)
Go on lower left turbuckle, hold C-Down and press R to get the weapon
Press Z to Win

For codes:mrshowtime2001
For guide:666BEAST666
Other Credit: Jamstubbs, for the addys

Red Barbwire Sledgehammer/Bat
81052C2C 2C5B
81052C2E 2C5B

Red Barbwire Night Stick
81052C40 2C5B

Red Barbwire 2x4
81052C50 2C5B

Red Barbwire Kendo Stick
81052C68 2C5B

Red Barbwire Pool Cue
81052C74 2C5B

Red Barbwire Microphone
81052C80 2C5B

Red Head
81052C8A 2C5B

Red Barbwire Water Bottle
81052C98 2C5B

Red Roses
81052CA4 2C5B

Red Cheese
81052CBC 2C5B

Red Briefcase
81052CC4 2C5B

Red Finger
81052CCC 2C5B

Red Bull
81052CD4 2C5B

Red Stop Sign
81052CDC 2C5B

Red Trash Can
81052CE4 2C5B

Red Ring Steps
81052CEC 2C5B

Metal Cage
810503EC 09D7
810503EE 09D7
810503F0 09D7
810503F2 09D7
810503F4 09D7
810503F6 09D7
810503F8 09D7

Wooden Cage
810503EC 09B1
810503EE 09B1
810503F0 09B1
810503F2 09B1
810503F4 09B1
810503F6 09B1
810503F8 09B1

Wooden Trash Can
81052CE4 09B1

Wooden Stop Sign
81052CDC 09B1

Wooden Finger
81052CCC 09B1

Wooden Bull
81052CD4 09B1

Wooden Briefcase
81052CC4 09B1

Metal Briefcase
81052CC4 09D7

Metal Bull
81052CD4 09D7

Metal Finger
81052CCC 09D7

Metal Cheese
81052CBC 09D7

Wooden Cheese
81052CBC 09B1

Metal Microhpone
81052C80 09D7

Wooden Microphone
81052C80 09B1

Wooden Sledgehammer
81052C2C 09B1
81052C2E 09B1

Metal Sledgehammer
81052C2C 09D7
81052C2E 09D7

Kurt Angle tights
Simple yet effective attire hack
8104c7e0 0000
8104c7e2 0000
8104c7e4 0000
8104c7e6 0000
8104c7e8 0000
8104c7ea 0000
8104c7ec 0000
8104c7fc 0000
8104c7fe 0000

Kidman Tights
Replaces:Original 3 (Long)
8104C446 0000
8104C450 0000
Credit:mrshowtime2001 for code, DOOMSDAYEWF for addys
Tell me if it is any good, I think its perfect

Edge Pose
D115AF56 4418
8115AF56 4436

Chyna Handspring
D115AF56 4418
8115AF56 3BE9

Backflip Offa Stuff
D115AF56 4418
8115AF56 34B1
Credit:Original addy finder and me for replacement
Also, credit SHIBIE for Backflip Taunt and MMH for helping me understand this stuff.

Matrix Style Flying Taunt
D115AF56 427E
8115AF56 4107

Disappear Taunt
D115AF56 427E
8115AF56 0008

Put in these taunts at your own risk, they won't screw up your GS but like I said they are whacked. Also for the first one in the middle of the taunt do an attack and you do it in midair and it actually connects.

Major thanks to MMH for teaching me this stuff.

Golden Cage
810503EC 1958
810503EE 1958
810503F0 1958
810503F2 1958
810503F4 1958
810503F6 1958
810503F8 1958

Golden Mat
810500E8 1958

810500E8 24EB

White Mat
810500E8 247B

Concrete Mat
810500E8 2DD7

Concrete Cage
810503EC 2DD7
810503EE 2DD7
810503F0 2DD7
810503F2 2DD7
810503F4 2DD7
810503F6 2DD7
810503F8 2DD7

White Cage
810503EC 247B
810503EE 247B
810503F0 247B
810503F2 247B
810503F4 247B
810503F6 247B
810503F8 247B

White Barricades
81050124 247B
81050126 247B
81050128 247B
8105012A 247B
8105012C 247B
8105012E 247B
81050130 247B
81050132 247B
81050134 247B
81050136 247B

Golden Barricades
81050124 1958
81050126 1958
81050128 1958
8105012A 1958
8105012C 1958
8105012E 1958
81050130 1958
81050132 1958
81050134 1958
81050136 1958

Red Barbwire Value: 2C5B

Scorpion Tights
R: Original Pants (Pants)
8104C8FC 1AD8
8104C916 1ADA
8104C918 1ADC

Japanese Tights
R: Taka (Attire)
8104C4E8 195E
8104C502 1960
8104C504 1962

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Whoa... someone from hacker's club actually posted in the hacker's club archives! Kinda surreal, being as we created the section for the very purpose of what you said, so they won't disappear. :)

I didn't actually expect any of the old guard to actually post in it! :D We were just going to continue to try and archive all we could! Thanks, man!


Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
I like this topic!

Very nice to see a HC vet at da OSR and these codes are very cool! Back in my younger days I loved deathmatch wrestling and barbedwire ropes code was one that made me mark out when I saw it created.

Thanks alot for sharing this nHDR bro.
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