Onslaught Six
Young Lion
- Joined
- Apr 14, 2014
- Messages
- 15
- Reaction score
- 0
Last summer, before NMZ went down, I went through a phase where I decided--should the forum ever go down--I should have some of my old codes backed up. This was primarily so that, if (or when) I would get back into the game again, I wouldn't have to redo some of my go-to codes (which I had already redone 2-3x already at that point). So this is essentially all the move replacement codes I had at the time.
Keep in mind that I had (and still maintain) a rather unorthodox policy concerning the game and the approach to "accuracy" or "realism." It was 2004/2005 but I would rather Kane still wear a mask. Stone Cold was still a main eventer against guys like Batista and Randy Orton. Bret Hart was active. And they were all wearing trenchcoats and fingerless gloves. (I had a real problem with anybody in the game who was wearing neither gloves nor wristbands of any kind; it looked stupid. For any wrestler who didn't wear either, I elected to give them gloves or wristbands.) In short: I cared more about making the game more fun or more interesting--to my tastes--than to anyone else's. This is, IMO, the way the game should be played and was designed to be played. They wouldn't have given us the ability to edit in-game wrestler's appearances otherwise. (If they intended us to "replace" existing wrestlers entirely, they would have let us edit the move data, or figured out a way to save it, or something.) But whatever, I'm getting off track.
The point is: Some of these codes may do things that do not necessarily make sense, but I thought it was cool anyway.
Also: In 2005, I released a save called "Project: Custom." At the time, it was more common to call "original" wrestlers "custom" wrestlers. So that completely made-up guy who is a thinly veiled version of yourself would be a "custom" wrestler instead of an "original" wrestler. I have no idea why this terminology came into place; it might have come from one of the SmackDown! games or something. In any case, the idea behind this save was to replace every existing wrestler in the game--including all the women and all the secret characters, managers, etc.--with an "original" character. Basically this would have been Fire Pro Wrestling for No Mercy. Some guys were extremely similar to their "real world" counterparts (A guy named "Precision" looked exactly like Bret Hart) while others were completely different. (Triple H and Kane's replacements were part of a stable called, I think, the Red Regime, and all had names beginning with 'Red.' Triple H was Red Leader, Kane was Red Demon, Mankind was Red Warrior, stuff like that.)
Although no properly playable copy of the save exists (a complete and utter shame), I did manage to find an incomplete beta on some backup CD-Rs. While I couldn't get the textures off the CD, I did manage to extract the (work in progress) cheat file, which contained many, if not all, the wrestler replacement moves. A lot of these were stand-in codes for existing wrestlers--for example, Precision's codes gave the guy the Sharpshooter as his front finisher through some fancy linking moves and stuff. Others were meant to change the way the game flowed--the Steve Austin replacement had a Snapmare into Dragon Sleeper or something as a front grapple, as well as the Leg Sweep Into Ultimate Punching as a strong grapple. (It didn't do full damage.)
Over time, I elected to take some of these codes and use them on my own to enhance my own replacements, or the in-game wrestlers. One of the main things I started to take was that EVERY wrestler replacement I did expanded the back grapple moves. As you might know, all the default wrestlers have only 4 back grapple moves--2 weak and 2 strong--when they actually have space for 8. This is because Revenge and WM2K only had 4 slots, so the choice to add more slots was probably a last minute decision (just like adding the "special" category of ground specials, because there's a handful of things that don't work right regarding that).
But enough talk! Have at you! Here's a chunk of the old codes. I'll also add that these are NOT very well documented because I always assumed if I needed to know what they did, I would just look up my old threads...which no longer exist. So, go ahead and use them if you want, and see what they do. (If anyone has notes, I'd love to hear them.)
Booker T r/Buchanan:
81323102 0630
81323104 3181
81323106 8C21
81323108 A078
813230FE 0580
81323012 C120
81323148 0018
8132311E 9010
8132309A 0405
8132309C 8048
8132309E 2800
8132310A 1602
8132310C 0A05
8132308C 4705
813230AA 0410
813230AC 3004
813230B2 60B4
813230DC 5008
813230DE 0790
8132310E 7A0B
8132311A 0981
80323147 0000
80323148 0000
80320DD7 0000
80320DD8 0000
Benoit grapples:
813214C2 8C09
813214C4 40D8
813214B6 1803
810446C2 0D9A
813214C0 01E0
813214C2 8C09
81321526 02A0
Benoit specials:
D115AF50 0201
81091108 1504
D115AF50 0201
800ACF15 005F
D115B2A8 0201
81091550 1504
D115B2A8 0201
800B1C25 005F
Vader r/Mark Henry:
81322E9E 0410
81322E94 0001
81322E96 3000
81322E04 0102
81322E06 5851
81322E16 8A00
81322E14 0100
81322E84 0284
81322E86 5404
81322EC4 1840
Dean Malenko:
D115AF50 0202
81091114 23C8
D115B2A8 0202
8109155C 23C8
D10AAADC 0202
8109155C 23C8
D115AF50 0202
81090FE6 085C
D10AAADC 0202
8109142E 085C
8132158E 5855
81321584 8140
813215FE 01A0
81321602 10F0
81321606 6C03
This was one that nobody really touched but I thought was astounding. Kevin Nash's stance from WCW/nWo Revenge is still in the game, and you can apply it to any wrestler with the right ID. (Those values are floating around everywhere now.) Replace xxxx with the wrestler ID.
I am not entirely sure what the bottom line does but it must be related--anyone got a clue? It's been a while.
Nash Revenge Stance:
D115AF50 xxxx
810A13DF 4041
81321A9E 981F
I have no idea what some of these codes do. I think they might be to give him his full entrance taunts as regular taunts, or something.
D115AF50 0004
81091142 22D8
D115AF50 0004
81091040 1DEC
D115AF50 0004
81090FF0 04C4
D10AAADC 0004
81091438 04C4
D115AF50 0004
81090FAA 0258
D10AAADC 0004
810913F2 0258
81320C46 A01A
81320C48 A804
D115AF50 0004
8109100E 0852
81320C7A 2060
81320CB6 0770
81320C3E 1703
81320C54 0100
81320C56 8A00
81320C9E A00E
81320CBC 8B04
81320CBE 5825
Edge special taunt:
D115AF50 0404
8109116C 3D0E
D10AAADC 0404
810915b4 3D0E
8132215E 181C
8132216C 820A
D115AF50 0404
8109116C 3D0E
D10AAADC 0404
810915B4 3D0E
813218FE 1200
81321928 1020
I am pretty sure in here is a code to give him his other ducking taunt. I liked Eddie as a heel.
81321736 5704
8132173C 0A03
8132173E 6002
813217B8 0040
803217F7 0000
803217F8 0000
This gives Foley the Mankind entry taunt instead of Cactus, making him possibly the best Foley in the game. Then again, when I made this, I didn't know Mankind got his own face during his entrance. (Lots of dudes have that, it's so weird.)
Foley entrance:
81321016 0220
Seems like more lines than just for the Sharpshooter--anyone got a clue?
HBK Sharpshooter:
813210B6 0040
81045386 35F2
D115AF50 0009
81091174 36BA
D10AAADC 0009
810915BC 36BA
This would have been 2004-2005 Orton, so coming right out of Evolution and having a face run.
Orton r/Saturn:
81321650 0481
81321652 602C
8132165A 7048
8132165C 0468
8132165E 2C04
81321664 1703
81321666 185C
813216D6 07A0
81321682 1042
8132168A A83C
8104536E 3516
813216DA 01B8
813216B6 02A0
813216BC 8881
813216BE 963D
I don't know why I had Batista over Andre the fucking Giant. I seem to remember a lot of people arguing that he should go over someone else--maybe Viscera. I'm not sure.
Batista r/Andre:
81322FD2 1408
81322FDA B02C
81323026 0500
8132302A 1580
8132302C 8280
8132302E 2823
81323030 8104
81323034 0284
81323036 6403
81322FAE 2505
81322FB4 3382
8132300E 501C
81323012 306C
These codes are remnants from Project: Custom.
Austin Cobra Clutch:
8132AA6 0600
Austin Ace:
D115AF50 0002
81090FE6 4006
D10AAADC 0002
8109142E 4006
81045054 413C
81320AA6 0600
D115AF50 0002
800ABAB1 00EC
D10AAADC 0002
800B07C1 00EC
81320AA0 03A1
81320AA4 0140
81320B06 02C0
81320B0A 11A0
81320B0C 9C84
81320B0E E400
81320ABA C09C
This gives Ken Shamrock some different moves, for some reason.
81321E76 102B
81321E78 2108
81321E7C 0285
81321E7E 6404
81321DF6 5405
81321E0C 01E0
81321E50 730D
81321E56 F07A
Jericho Duck Taunt:
81320890 6050
Gives The Rock his WM2K entry taunt back. I think it might even alter his face like Jericho and Mankind.
Rock Entry Taunt:
81320A2E 02C0
Cena replaces Godfather:
D115AF50 0305
800ABF9E 0028
D10AAADC 0305
800B0CAE 0028
D115AF50 0305
8109100E 0474
D115AF50 0305
8109102C 021C
D10AAADC 0305
81091456 0474
D10AAADC 0305
81091474 021C
80321C2F 0000
80321C30 0000
I have some more, but this should be enough to tide you all over. If anyone has any idea of what some of these codes do, or if anything breaks, be sure to let me know.
Keep in mind that I had (and still maintain) a rather unorthodox policy concerning the game and the approach to "accuracy" or "realism." It was 2004/2005 but I would rather Kane still wear a mask. Stone Cold was still a main eventer against guys like Batista and Randy Orton. Bret Hart was active. And they were all wearing trenchcoats and fingerless gloves. (I had a real problem with anybody in the game who was wearing neither gloves nor wristbands of any kind; it looked stupid. For any wrestler who didn't wear either, I elected to give them gloves or wristbands.) In short: I cared more about making the game more fun or more interesting--to my tastes--than to anyone else's. This is, IMO, the way the game should be played and was designed to be played. They wouldn't have given us the ability to edit in-game wrestler's appearances otherwise. (If they intended us to "replace" existing wrestlers entirely, they would have let us edit the move data, or figured out a way to save it, or something.) But whatever, I'm getting off track.
The point is: Some of these codes may do things that do not necessarily make sense, but I thought it was cool anyway.
Also: In 2005, I released a save called "Project: Custom." At the time, it was more common to call "original" wrestlers "custom" wrestlers. So that completely made-up guy who is a thinly veiled version of yourself would be a "custom" wrestler instead of an "original" wrestler. I have no idea why this terminology came into place; it might have come from one of the SmackDown! games or something. In any case, the idea behind this save was to replace every existing wrestler in the game--including all the women and all the secret characters, managers, etc.--with an "original" character. Basically this would have been Fire Pro Wrestling for No Mercy. Some guys were extremely similar to their "real world" counterparts (A guy named "Precision" looked exactly like Bret Hart) while others were completely different. (Triple H and Kane's replacements were part of a stable called, I think, the Red Regime, and all had names beginning with 'Red.' Triple H was Red Leader, Kane was Red Demon, Mankind was Red Warrior, stuff like that.)
Although no properly playable copy of the save exists (a complete and utter shame), I did manage to find an incomplete beta on some backup CD-Rs. While I couldn't get the textures off the CD, I did manage to extract the (work in progress) cheat file, which contained many, if not all, the wrestler replacement moves. A lot of these were stand-in codes for existing wrestlers--for example, Precision's codes gave the guy the Sharpshooter as his front finisher through some fancy linking moves and stuff. Others were meant to change the way the game flowed--the Steve Austin replacement had a Snapmare into Dragon Sleeper or something as a front grapple, as well as the Leg Sweep Into Ultimate Punching as a strong grapple. (It didn't do full damage.)
Over time, I elected to take some of these codes and use them on my own to enhance my own replacements, or the in-game wrestlers. One of the main things I started to take was that EVERY wrestler replacement I did expanded the back grapple moves. As you might know, all the default wrestlers have only 4 back grapple moves--2 weak and 2 strong--when they actually have space for 8. This is because Revenge and WM2K only had 4 slots, so the choice to add more slots was probably a last minute decision (just like adding the "special" category of ground specials, because there's a handful of things that don't work right regarding that).
But enough talk! Have at you! Here's a chunk of the old codes. I'll also add that these are NOT very well documented because I always assumed if I needed to know what they did, I would just look up my old threads...which no longer exist. So, go ahead and use them if you want, and see what they do. (If anyone has notes, I'd love to hear them.)
Booker T r/Buchanan:
81323102 0630
81323104 3181
81323106 8C21
81323108 A078
813230FE 0580
81323012 C120
81323148 0018
8132311E 9010
8132309A 0405
8132309C 8048
8132309E 2800
8132310A 1602
8132310C 0A05
8132308C 4705
813230AA 0410
813230AC 3004
813230B2 60B4
813230DC 5008
813230DE 0790
8132310E 7A0B
8132311A 0981
80323147 0000
80323148 0000
80320DD7 0000
80320DD8 0000
Benoit grapples:
813214C2 8C09
813214C4 40D8
813214B6 1803
810446C2 0D9A
813214C0 01E0
813214C2 8C09
81321526 02A0
Benoit specials:
D115AF50 0201
81091108 1504
D115AF50 0201
800ACF15 005F
D115B2A8 0201
81091550 1504
D115B2A8 0201
800B1C25 005F
Vader r/Mark Henry:
81322E9E 0410
81322E94 0001
81322E96 3000
81322E04 0102
81322E06 5851
81322E16 8A00
81322E14 0100
81322E84 0284
81322E86 5404
81322EC4 1840
Dean Malenko:
D115AF50 0202
81091114 23C8
D115B2A8 0202
8109155C 23C8
D10AAADC 0202
8109155C 23C8
D115AF50 0202
81090FE6 085C
D10AAADC 0202
8109142E 085C
8132158E 5855
81321584 8140
813215FE 01A0
81321602 10F0
81321606 6C03
This was one that nobody really touched but I thought was astounding. Kevin Nash's stance from WCW/nWo Revenge is still in the game, and you can apply it to any wrestler with the right ID. (Those values are floating around everywhere now.) Replace xxxx with the wrestler ID.
I am not entirely sure what the bottom line does but it must be related--anyone got a clue? It's been a while.
Nash Revenge Stance:
D115AF50 xxxx
810A13DF 4041
81321A9E 981F
I have no idea what some of these codes do. I think they might be to give him his full entrance taunts as regular taunts, or something.
D115AF50 0004
81091142 22D8
D115AF50 0004
81091040 1DEC
D115AF50 0004
81090FF0 04C4
D10AAADC 0004
81091438 04C4
D115AF50 0004
81090FAA 0258
D10AAADC 0004
810913F2 0258
81320C46 A01A
81320C48 A804
D115AF50 0004
8109100E 0852
81320C7A 2060
81320CB6 0770
81320C3E 1703
81320C54 0100
81320C56 8A00
81320C9E A00E
81320CBC 8B04
81320CBE 5825
Edge special taunt:
D115AF50 0404
8109116C 3D0E
D10AAADC 0404
810915b4 3D0E
8132215E 181C
8132216C 820A
D115AF50 0404
8109116C 3D0E
D10AAADC 0404
810915B4 3D0E
813218FE 1200
81321928 1020
I am pretty sure in here is a code to give him his other ducking taunt. I liked Eddie as a heel.
81321736 5704
8132173C 0A03
8132173E 6002
813217B8 0040
803217F7 0000
803217F8 0000
This gives Foley the Mankind entry taunt instead of Cactus, making him possibly the best Foley in the game. Then again, when I made this, I didn't know Mankind got his own face during his entrance. (Lots of dudes have that, it's so weird.)
Foley entrance:
81321016 0220
Seems like more lines than just for the Sharpshooter--anyone got a clue?
HBK Sharpshooter:
813210B6 0040
81045386 35F2
D115AF50 0009
81091174 36BA
D10AAADC 0009
810915BC 36BA
This would have been 2004-2005 Orton, so coming right out of Evolution and having a face run.
Orton r/Saturn:
81321650 0481
81321652 602C
8132165A 7048
8132165C 0468
8132165E 2C04
81321664 1703
81321666 185C
813216D6 07A0
81321682 1042
8132168A A83C
8104536E 3516
813216DA 01B8
813216B6 02A0
813216BC 8881
813216BE 963D
I don't know why I had Batista over Andre the fucking Giant. I seem to remember a lot of people arguing that he should go over someone else--maybe Viscera. I'm not sure.
Batista r/Andre:
81322FD2 1408
81322FDA B02C
81323026 0500
8132302A 1580
8132302C 8280
8132302E 2823
81323030 8104
81323034 0284
81323036 6403
81322FAE 2505
81322FB4 3382
8132300E 501C
81323012 306C
These codes are remnants from Project: Custom.
Austin Cobra Clutch:
8132AA6 0600
Austin Ace:
D115AF50 0002
81090FE6 4006
D10AAADC 0002
8109142E 4006
81045054 413C
81320AA6 0600
D115AF50 0002
800ABAB1 00EC
D10AAADC 0002
800B07C1 00EC
81320AA0 03A1
81320AA4 0140
81320B06 02C0
81320B0A 11A0
81320B0C 9C84
81320B0E E400
81320ABA C09C
This gives Ken Shamrock some different moves, for some reason.
81321E76 102B
81321E78 2108
81321E7C 0285
81321E7E 6404
81321DF6 5405
81321E0C 01E0
81321E50 730D
81321E56 F07A
Jericho Duck Taunt:
81320890 6050
Gives The Rock his WM2K entry taunt back. I think it might even alter his face like Jericho and Mankind.
Rock Entry Taunt:
81320A2E 02C0
Cena replaces Godfather:
D115AF50 0305
800ABF9E 0028
D10AAADC 0305
800B0CAE 0028
D115AF50 0305
8109100E 0474
D115AF50 0305
8109102C 021C
D10AAADC 0305
81091456 0474
D10AAADC 0305
81091474 021C
80321C2F 0000
80321C30 0000
I have some more, but this should be enough to tide you all over. If anyone has any idea of what some of these codes do, or if anything breaks, be sure to let me know.