Goatcheese said:
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Kevin Crow</dt><dd>Dec 15 2012, 02:37:03 PM</dd></dl><div>I don't like, sorry.
Not cool bro.................. This guy is probably new to Wii modding, atleast tell him where he can improve etc.....[/quote]Very easy to answer: First of all the textures sizes is larger than the red painted stuff, second the two words "Ryback" are in different size.
Third: Not everyone releasing anything could be called "new in modding" - I'm looking at myself, I started to do something completely new without using stuff anyone worked before (SCSA Shirt, Jinder, Rey Mysterio) - THAT is modding, it is not modding in my eyes to thank someone for his work and completely do mistakes because he didn't took any time to try to improve (remember, it took me three times untill the SCSA was good to be finnished). A texture should be the same size than the background if it is not complete and should fit the attire and if you write something for your own it should be in the same fonts size. But maybe there are more than one deffinition for modding.
Edit: I've made some blue circles on the texture to show you what I mean