G1 climax 27 discussion


Staff member
Feb 25, 2013
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if your like me you have probably been watching the G1 the last couple of days, which has already played host to plenty of great matches like. HASHI Vs Nagata, Ishii Vs Goto, Ibushi Vs Naito, EVIL Vs SANADA, Omega Vs Suzuki, ZSJ Vs Ibushi. i think that so far my favorite match would have to be Ibushi, Naito, that second rope piledriver had me marking out hard same thing for the springboard German, also that last destino looked like it took Ibushis head right off. Ibushi, Sabre Jr was also a fantastic match, i got a strong feeling that it will either be Ibushi or Naito in the finales against either Omega or Robinson.


Main Eventer
Apr 27, 2012
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Glad to see I'm not the only one watching the G1.

Naito v. Ibushi was a masterpiece honestly I loved every second of it, I expected Ibushi to win that one honestly but I'm ain't even mad about Naito going over as they are 2 of the best in the world.

I definitely expected better from Omega V. Suzuki but it was still a very good match though.

Loved SANADA V. EVIL it was my MOTN for Day 2, SANADA might be one of my favs from the New Japan roster can't wait for his matches against Suzuki, Okada and Omega tbh.

I need to rewatch ZSJr V. Ibushi, I was tired while watching the live (had a sleepless night to not miss the show :p )

At the G1 final I expect Ibushi or Naito for the A Block and Omega for B Block. But I don't think Omega would win it 2 years staight.

Funny, you can picture Juice Robinson in the G1 Final? I believe it's waaaaaaaaaay to early for him to get a push, even though New Japan seems high on him. Plus I have trouble getting behind him ehhh, Idk, he hasn't convince me yet.