Sec. of State Hillary Clinton says pro wrestling hurting U.S. perception in volatile Middle East


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By James Caldwell, Torch assistant editor

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a Senate committee on Wednesday that she believes the U.S.'s poor perception internationally is in-part due to the influence of pro wrestling and "Baywatch."

Clinton appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to address growing unrest in the Middle East and why the U.S. is "losing the crucial war for world opinion" as a potential ally, according to the Washington Post.

Clinton cited a conversation with a general in Afghanistan whose impressions of Americans was formed by watching the 1990s show "Baywatch" and pro wrestling (WWE) on TV.

"The only thing he thought about Americans was that all the men wrestled and the women walked around in bikinis," Clinton said.

According to the Wash. Post report, Clinton made the comments on the U.S. facing a "public-relations deficit" when questioned about a $47 billion request for diplomacy and development added to President Obama's 2012 budget.

Specific to the top two wrestling promotions, WWE has had a television presence in the Middle East for three decades and TNA recently toured Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

Hillary Clinton appeared on WWE TV during the 2008 U.S. presidential election along with current president Obama and Republican candidate John McCain. All three candidates of the most-recent U.S. presidential election were attempting to reach voters through various TV and entertainment outlets.

Cowboy's complaint: The whole thing. Pro-Wrestling and Baywatch are not responsible in ANY fashion for the poor perception internationally my country recieves, IT IS OUR FOREIGN POLICY.


Oct 30, 2010
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What a excuse and poor one as that. How in the hell is wrestling and baywatch to blame for the poor preception? Im not from the states but as in England we suffer in these hards times due to the governement throwing money away on stupid scemes and giving to people who are here illegally, while people who are born and bread here suffer. Its not a racial thing at all but the way money is being thrown away, no wonder the world is in the shits!!


Jan 1, 2011
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It isn't Baywatch & Wrestling that makes people around the world think we are stupid, It is completely retarded statements such as this that does. ^_^

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Hillary Clinton is beyond stupid if she thinks that this is going to hold any weight. Our foreign polcy has run the rest of the world into the ground, and seriously, she needs to die in a fire. Fuck this stupid cunt.

Pro Wrestling is an international phenomena, and I highly doubt that any leader on the planet is honestly going to believe that garbage. I miss the days when my politicians were GOOD liars.