Sound problems with commentary


Young Lion
Oct 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hi guys,
So here is my problem.
The voice or commentary in the game are still playing, even when i've take them to mute in the options.
If i dont wanna hear jerry lawler and michael cole when im playing, once i've launch the game, i have to :
- Go to the options menu and push the commentary cursor a little bit to the right (because even tho it shows that the commentary options are off, jerry and michael will be talking their glitches about red head, vince archer going for the cover, ect...
- Exit the sound options
- Go back to the options and take back the cursor on the left (off) once again. So that there will be no commentary at all...
and i have to do this EVERY TIME I START THE GAME...

So here my ideas:
Can i found a way to "modify" the sound files of the game in the Iso for example?
or maybe "recreate" the sound file of the commentaries with an other version of svr 2011?

I've navigate to the help section pages and i've not seen somebody with my problem. but im sorry if im double posting. im here to learn...

thanks for the answers !