"Spoilers" WWE SmackDown Results For Friday

Black Lord

Apr 26, 2013
Reaction score

WWE SmackDown (Airing Friday):

The show opened with a Ryback promo in the ring. We gave him the What! treatment. For some reason, the crowd still chanted Feed Me More, yet still booed him.

Ryback defeated Daniel Bryan in 14:00. Ryback won with Shellshocked. One of Ryback’s better matches, probably cause of who he was in the ring with.

Renee Young interviewed Ricardo, who spoke really fast in Spanish. Alberto Del Rio calmed him down but I didn’t really pick up what they were talking about.

Fandango defeated Zack Ryder in 3:00. Fandango won with the top rope leg drop. The crowd tried to Fandango, but it didn’t get over that well. They are no Jersey. I was there and no crowd will ever beat that.

Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Zeb Colter ended in a no-contest when Jack Swagger interfered. Alberto Del Rio cleared Swagger of the ring and Teddy Long came out and….. You guessed it, he made a tag team match.

Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez vs. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter ended in a no-contest. Ziggler and Big E interfered. Teddy came out and made it a Triple Threat tag team match.

Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez defeated Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter, and Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston in a Triple Threat tag match. Del Rio made Ziggler tap to the Cross Armbreaker. Good match.

The Shield beat up Daniel Bryan backstage and then cut a promo. Kane said they would pay later.

Randy Orton defeated Damien Sandow in 8:00. Orton won with an RKO. After the match, Big Show came out and told Orton he’s not a team player and he’s the reason they lost their WrestleMania match. Sandow hit Orton from behind with his finisher and Big Show laughed.

There was an arm wrestling contest between Mark Henry and Sheamus. Mark Henry won the first match. Sheamus got on the mic and said Mark had the stronger right arm but he didn’t have the stronger left. They did it again, this time with their left arms and Sheamus punched Henry in the face and Brogue kicked him. Kind of a cheap way to get out of the match. Seemed like a heel thing to do.

Dean Ambrose beat Kane in 13:00. Kane came out and beat up all the shield members. He threw reigns into the announce table. Then the match started. It was back and forth. Kane hit the choke slam than attempted the tombstone. Then the shield interfered again. And Ambrose got the pin using a finisher that was similar to MVP’s Playmaker.

After the match The Shield attacked Kane. Kane put up a good fight but Roman Reigns speared him, then they Triple Power Bombed him. The Shield grabbed the Tag Titles (I think they took Bryan’s when they attacked him) and posed with them to conclude the taping.