Steve Austin Talks About Roman Reigns


Nov 10, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>

This week on the “Steve Austin Show”, host Steve Austin welcomed editor Wade Keller, and the two talked the controversy surrounding the end of the Royal Rumble PPV, which saw Roman Reigns win the Royal Rumble match.

Austin had the following to say regarding why fans seemed to be so upset with the decision to have Reigns win the 30 man over the top rope match:

“If you’re trying to earn the fans respect, you’re really starting in the hole because people feel like he’s being forced down their throats. He’s not ready. They’re looking at the body of work. With the two other guys — three total in the Shield — he’s doing one-third of the work, come in and shine and get out. Now all the sudden you’ve got all these gaps to fill in the blanks, and he hasn’t been able to fill in those blanks.”

Austin went on to say he feels Roman Reigns “took a nap” during the Royal Rumble match by spending too much time in the corner. “I hate to keep going down that road, but that’s what happened. He goes into a corner and takes a nap,” Austin said.

Wade Keller then asserted sources close to Reigns in WWE have told him Reigns is overly confident about his position in WWE, and Austin reacted by saying the following:

“You can’t take [your spot in WWE] as a given. As soon as you think you’re entitled, you’re thinking it’s a given — no, bad things are gonna happen because it’s conveyed in your presentation. It’s like when Alabama took on Ohio State. Ohio State was number four, Alabama number one, and I think Alabama assumed they were supposed to win that game and they got the h*** beat out of them because Ohio State went and punched them in the mouth. You can’t ever assume that everything’s just gonna happen because then you get a h*** of a wakeup call.”


Upper Midcard
Dec 6, 2010
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I agree with Austin. He's not on the same level as Dean or Seth yet. I think him being out for a while had a lot to do with it as well. I like Reigns and I hope he proves everyone wrong but it didn't look like he deserved the win.


Nov 11, 2013
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thats the bottom line cuz stone cold said so.

The NekoMancer

Jun 17, 2011
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I agree with Stone Cold... BUT. there's one detail in this story.

All of us made the WWE heads think we loved Reigns and wanted him to have that opportunity.

Last year we all wanted him to win the rumble instead of Batista, so I guess they assumed we'd want him to win this year.

Yes, people made it clear that Roman wasn't ready BEFORE the rumble, so I guess they had time to change their decision. But they didn't.