The wwe needs divisions


Staff member
Feb 25, 2013
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so guys here is something i wrote a fair while ago and posted it on another site some time ago but thought i would post it here and let you guys sound off on this

Well guy I wrote this about four months ago and never published it, was thinking of writing a blog but I never bothered so I thought I would post it here it is unedited and a bit rough around the edges but tell me what you think and post your thoughts on the subject

Today as I was watching wwe’s greatest highflyers dvd I saw a six man match between Juventud Guerrera, Hector Garza, Lizmark Jr. vs. La Parka, Psychosis, Villano IV ,I realised something about the current state wwe’s in, it has no set divisions any more. I know some of you will think I’m crazy and that having divisions was restrictive and stupid but if you think about it, it was actually a good thing. Look at today’s current roster, you have some very talented wrestlers like Evan Bourne, kofi Kingston, Yoshi Tatsu, Justin Gabriel and many more but they are sitting in the midcard and not advancing. Just think what a set division would do for them! They could show off their skills with opponents with the same style and build and have their own championship for that division.Look at wcw and how their cruiserweight division was so strong, meaningful and prestige’s .The fans loved it and you had some of the most skilled wrestlers in the world in that division. The likes of Rey mysterio, Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko, ultimo dragon, the late great Eddie guerrero, billy Kidman ,Chris Benoit and many more. If you look at the model of the wcw cruiserweight division it was very diverse, it had a lot of different styles. You had the best technicians, the best high flyers ,the hard-hitting Japanese style and the luchadores as well as the hybrids. That is what made the cruiserweight’s stand out, it was pure and fast paced action at its best. When you look at the TNA x division it’s a shell of its former self but there is still hope that it will return to its former glory. In its day it had some of the best and diverse young talent you could ask for, it still has but just like wwe TNA underutilized their cruiserweights and young talent. Of course it had a lot of other problems but that’s an article for another day.I believe the wwe needs set divisions to elevate it’s talent to new heights and produce the superstars of the future. Up till now I have focussed my attention on the cruiserweights but now let’s look at the bigger picture.The heavy weight division gets the most air time whether it’s right or wrong. That’s what the business was built on. scrap the Intercontinental Championship and keep the united states title, give it to the guys who are not quite ready to make the leap from mid-card to main event and then refine them for main event status and for an eventual world title reign, like in the old days when you held the Intercontinental Championship it meant you where the next big thing and someday would be a world champion. what of the tag division you say well I think wwe should have one of the best tag divisions in the world, look at some of the quality teams wwe have produced over the years and decades. the big problem with the tag division at the moment is that they break them up to quickly. look at awesometrutth and how quickly they imploded, same with a quality team like the hart foundation. teams need to stay together for the long haul to be any benefit to the division and if a team finally implode after 2 or 3 years it will make it more impactful, look at the rockers or the harts when they turned on each other it was a shock to a lot of people and that rivalry really meant something to the fans .the division needs that kind of stability to survive the tag belts and tag division means nothing in today’s wwe but is a vital part of building great superstars and legendary teams that will go Down in the history books.



Feb 7, 2011
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I agree. Far too many smaller guys who can wrestle keep getting buried by fat guys who can't. There should be clear divisions so that more people can be showcased. And leave the tag titles to the tag teams. But then have people who really stand out in their divisions a chance to challenge other standouts.

However, the WWE Championship should remain an ultimate title that all strive for.


Upper Midcard
Feb 8, 2011
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something that Ive thought about for a while. although when i was younger i wanted to see khali vs mysterio. if for nothing else, to see how they would make that work with khali =about 3 reys


Jan 1, 2011
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If that had them or not it wouldn't matter, you would still see the same old shit every week. And anyone from a "division" would only be on tv once in a blue moon & it would most likely be the same couple of guys constantly.....


Feb 27, 2013
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they need better writers and better wrestlers...people like khali should be fired.