Using the N64SoundListTool for the NJ Mod or your own mods


Young Lion
Jun 15, 2016
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Using the N64Soundlisttool:

Step 1: download and install

Step 2: Double Click on the ListTool icon in the release folder

Step 3: Click Run if prompted

This is what the tool will look like once it loads.

Step 4: Click on File and then click on load games. A drop down list will appear. 2000 is on the next list, so you will need to click the down arrow at the very bottom.

Step 5: click on the version you have and then you will be prompted to locate the game on your PC.

Step 6: Now that your game is loaded, click on the Soundbank drop down list to find the tracks in bank 02. This will load the theme music for changing. Banks 00 and 01 are various other sound effects from the game, such as impacts, crowd cheers and referee voices. Also in there is the basic sounds that make up the main menu themes. These cannot be changed like the theme songs :/ They are all individual beats that the game arranges into the songs we know and are annoyed by.

Anyways... bring up soundbank 02

Step 7: Click on the Instruments drop down list to located individual entrance themes. Here is the order of how they are arranged (In parenthesis I will have listed the songs that I used to replace them in the game):
0000 - Undertaker (Omega)
0001 - Kane (KES)
0002 - HHH (Nakamura)
0003 - Austin (GBH)
0004 - Rock (Yoshitatsu)
0005 - Big Show (Capt New Japan)
0006 - NAO
0007 - Shamrock
0008 - Venis
0009 - X-Pac
000a - Ministry (Tama Tonga)
000b - Ivory
000c - Al Snow (Suzuki)
000d - Bossman (Desperado)
000e - Blackman (Briscoes)
000f - Gangrel (Muta)
0010 - Corporation (Goto)
0011 - D'Lo (Tenzan)
0012 - Droz (RPG)
0013 - DX
0014 - Edge (Liger)
0015 - Godfather
0016 - Jarrett (Shibata)
0017 - Mankind
0018 - Henry (Tanahashi)
0019 - Test (Elgin)
001a - Dude Love (Sanada)
001b - Too Cool (Yano)
001c - Headbangers (LOD)
001d - King (Gedo)
001e - Corporate Ministry (Bullet Club)
001f - Union (TAKA)
0020 - Raw
0021 - Billy Gunn (Tiger Mask IV)
0022 - Hardys (Timesplitters)
0023 - Blue Meanie (Fale)
0024 - Tori (Ishii)
0025 - Cactus Jack (reDDragon)
0026 - Holly (Ricochet)
0027 - HBK
0028 - PMS (Taguchi)
0029 - HeAt
002a - Patterson (Nagata)
002b - Chaz (Okada)
002c - Y2J (Natio)

Step 8: Pick a song you want to replace. If you change the sample rate to 7000 you can hear how it sounds in the game. After selecting a song, in the import section, click the 16-bit VADPCM Wav button. It will ask you to locate the track you wish to import. After doing this, I click the play button. You normally have to wait a good minute or two before the song loads up. Be patient. The program isn't freezing, I promise.

Once the song has loaded, click stop. Then click the button that says INJECT in PLACE. If nothing happens, it worked. Click File/Save and begin replacing your next track. If you get an Error Too Big, or something like that, that normally means the file you are trying to insert is too big to fit. Since I already edited the tracks for you, this should not happen. If it does, close out and try again, its not a perfect program. I know that I hit a snag myself after I inserted close to thirty tracks it would not let me do anymore so I think the games do have a limit on what they can hold so be choosy :)

REMEMBER to click File/Save after injecting each song!!!

Step 9: All finished? Click File/Quit. :)

FEEL FREE to ask any questions :) I'll try my best to be helpful.



Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
Alright, I only got a few of them to work!! Everytime I try to do more I always get an error message of:

Error tbl too big

Error not RIFF wav

I also keep restarting the program as you said but it still didn't work!! I still get the same issue.


Young Lion
Jun 15, 2016
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dafamily said:
Alright, I only got a few of them to work!! Everytime I try to do more I always get an error message of:

Error tbl too big

Error not RIFF wav

I also keep restarting the program as you said but it still didn't work!! I still get the same issue.
:/ I feel the frustration. Its not a perfect program. BUT you did get some of them to work which means you were doing right!

I would make a new copy of the game and try again. It may feel like fruitless labor but trust me it makes it all worth it. And until someone comes along and creates a music tool akin to the one JamStubbs made, this is the best thing.

Hang in there!

"Error not RIFF wav" I've never seen this error before... so I'm not sure what it means.

And just in case, make sure you are using V1.2. That is the newest release of the tool.


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
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Alright bro, I'm still getting the errors and I spent half the day on this man lol!! I'm pretty much giving up as I'm at a lost!!

I even tried your 70's/80's/90's mod with this but it just stopped working when I got to a certain point like this one. And I'm using version 1.2, hell I even checked on youtube and this guy said you have to remove certain sounds though I don't know how to do that!!

See video:

Maybe someone else knows what's wrong or something, I'm at a lost!! Sorry if it sounds like I'm complaining, though I really want to make videos of this, and this is the only reason why I haven't showcase your work as of yet!!


Young Lion
Jun 15, 2016
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No, you don't have to remove anything :/ I honestly don't know what to say to help you here. :( It sucks that its happening! If anyone else knows, feel free to jump in!


The link is to the guys who made the tool. If you scroll to the bottom they have a Q and A section. If no one has asked your question, ask it!

Again, I'm sorry you aren't having any luck. I feel like a dick for not being able to help you out here. Somebody needs to get on that Star Trek beaming technology!

And again, just as encouragement, I had a lot of trouble starting out but eventually things clicked. You were able to get some of the songs in which means you WERE doing things right!! You are using the newest version too :/

Just using my troubleshooting skills, my next guess would be to try a totally different copy of the game. Like a different one than you currently have on your pc.


Feb 14, 2015
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If you are still having trouble with getting the music to work, I might have thought of a way to get it working and make it easier for others in the future. For the VPW2 English mod, S.K. Stylez uses a program named Ninja Patcher found here This program looks like a legal way to distribute ROM hacks because instead of giving out the actual ROM file, the program can be used to just patch a default ROM so that it behaves like an edited ROM. So, all that Onthejon would need to do is use the program to generate a patch file and then people who use the mod can just use Ninja Patcher to use the patch on their own default ROM file. Hope this is able to help you out.


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
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yeah, that would be helpful if you can make your rom into a rom patch using the Ninja patcher!! That would probably make everyone whose new to the modding scene or just want to play the game easier to play with!!


Young Lion
Jun 15, 2016
Reaction score
Chuckiepk said:
If you are still having trouble with getting the music to work, I might have thought of a way to get it working and make it easier for others in the future. For the VPW2 English mod, S.K. Stylez uses a program named Ninja Patcher found here This program looks like a legal way to distribute ROM hacks because instead of giving out the actual ROM file, the program can be used to just patch a default ROM so that it behaves like an edited ROM. So, all that Onthejon would need to do is use the program to generate a patch file and then people who use the mod can just use Ninja Patcher to use the patch on their own default ROM file. Hope this is able to help you out.
Thanks!! I'll get on this! :)
I tried it out. Check NJ Thread in the Original Post. Fingers Crossed :)


Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
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Onthejon said:
Step 6: Now that your game is loaded, click on the Soundbank drop down list to find the tracks in bank 02. This will load the theme music for changing. Banks 00 and 01 are various other sound effects from the game, such as impacts, crowd cheers and referee voices. Also in there is the basic sounds that make up the main menu themes. These cannot be changed like the theme songs :/ They are all individual beats that the game arranges into the songs we know and are annoyed by.
Let me correct you in this one.

It's actually possible to change both the AKI "Original" midi music (midi is kinda like the "music sheet",it tells the game what note goes with what instrument and at a specific pitch and tempo) and the instruments (you can even change between games,you can put No Mercy's "uggh" sounds as a instrument in WM 2000 if you want to).

Thing is,it would be really complicated (even more because in these Wrestling games Modding communities it's rare to see a musician) to do a total OST overhaul in those AKI games for the regular man who is not a musician,but possible,it totally is with N64 Soundlist tool,the guys from Super Mario 64 communities do it all the time.because all of the game music is done in this midi/instrument style,unlike AKI games. Proof of concept:

<iframe type='text/html' width="480" height="270" src='
' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe>
<iframe type='text/html' width="480" height="270" src='
' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''></iframe>


Young Lion
Dec 8, 2018
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I've recently came across this and gave it a try with Wrestlemania 2000. I've been able to add 2-3 themes before it gives me the error that the file is too large. I've tried to cut down the themes to try and reflect the ones in game, but I feel that I'm missing a step.

Any help would be appreciated,



Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
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Would you believe me if I told you the solution is replacing more themes? For some reason, the tool doesn't react too well when you try to replace just a few themes, but if you try to replace many (or all) you shouldn't get the size error anymore. Don't expect a fix for this bug as SubDrag, the tool creator, has abandoned it along with all of his N64/Goldeneye tools, I think the tool is actually open source, buuut I wouldn't be expecting a kind soul fixing this any soon if I was you.


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
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How do you guys manage to cut the themes so short is the question I have lol??? Like let's say I want Dusty Rhodes theme over The Godfather!!

The Godfather's theme is only about 10 seconds or so?? While Dusty theme with intro is about 40 to 50 seconds cut??

I'm guessing you choose theme's that match the time of the default one, cut down???


Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
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"I'm guessing you choose theme's that match the time of the default one, cut down???"
Yep, mostly, but if you replace most/all themes you can get away with some themes being bigger.

Btw, a tip of mine: whenever you're replacing a moveset, theme or whatever, you should consider the original wrestler's position on the card, and if he has managers/tag team. You'll probably want to replace Rock with somebody like Cena, and not Primo, y'know?


Young Lion
Dec 8, 2018
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KWG said:
Would you believe me if I told you the solution is replacing more themes? For some reason, the tool doesn't react too well when you try to replace just a few themes, but if you try to replace many (or all) you shouldn't get the size error anymore. Don't expect a fix for this bug as SubDrag, the tool creator, has abandoned it along with all of his N64/Goldeneye tools, I think the tool is actually open source, buuut I wouldn't be expecting a kind soul fixing this any soon if I was you.

Ok, I'll try adding more than a few themes at once and see if that works.

Thanks for your help


Young Lion
May 6, 2016
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For the size problems, looping is your friend. Most of the time the whole theme won't play so the best way is to find an intro riff or a part of the song with no lyrics and use it. For themes like RTC and Viscera that are less than 5 seconds, a repeated riff is necessary (like Earthquake or The Nasty Boys)

Another tip is to rip all the tracks and view the time stamps in the directory so you know how many tracks of various sizes you can use and which ones are still left.