Weapons: Hand Grenade


Deleted User

Crowd Member
Hand Grenade

+Looks like a real grenade

+Can be used by anyone


To Use:

When you start the match, the grenade will be in the middle of the ring. Pick it up like it was a normal weapon. When you throw it, and if it hits someone, it explodes. Anyone to anyone. After it has exploded it is gone for the rest of the match.


81052C24 2CBD
81052C26 2CBF
81052C2C 2D13
81052C2E 24FF
8116C330 0000
8116C334 0000
D115A71E 0001
8116C332 0000
D115A71E 0001
8116C336 0000
D115A71E 0001
8116C378 42B5
D116C378 42B5
8116C350 0004
81052CB0 2CC8
81052CB2 2CCC
81052CB4 1D00
81052CB6 1D00
D116C350 0088
8116C332 000C
D116C332 000C
8116C336 000C
D116C336 000C
D116C350 0004
8116C378 44F0
D116C378 44F0
8116C350 0000

Credit: JamStubbs