Recent content by freem

  1. freem

    VPW Studio

    Finally available to the public in some shape or form (v0.0.0.30/pre-Alpha Preview 30); download it from the official site: 1695662430 v0.0.0.31/pre-Alpha Preview 31 has been released; changelog and download available from GitHub...
  2. freem

    Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition

    The 2021/01/28 version is now available for download from the official site. The changelog is also available, and won't be repeated here because changelogs for this hack tend to be big.
  3. freem

    Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition

    The 2020/08/06 preview version is now available for download from the official site.
  4. freem

    [WIP] Virtual Pro-Wrestling 64 English Translation

    No. Someone else complained that I was spreading myself too thin with regards to projects, so I decided to shelve it. You might want to check out the Star Trinket VPW64 translation if you haven't already.
  5. freem

    Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition

    Please post the following information: what platform and/or operating system you're on the original file extension of your ROM
  6. freem

    Community Glossary

    It would also be a good idea to explain some of the homegrown terms, such as what each of the "toki"s are, "irn mods", and the like.
  7. freem

    Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition

    Yup, this is a known bug. I ran into it when updating Goldberg and AKI man's movesets, but forgot Rikidozan. It'll be fixed in the next version.
  8. freem

    In-game attributes modifier code for WCW/nWo Revenge

    No, the values are different, as far as I can tell. This is from a document I've yet to publish because it's not complete: Params Offsets -------------- 00: 01: 02: 03: (this byte is nonzero for Dake Ken... anyone else?) 04: Walk Speed (1=slow, 2=medium, 3=fast) 05: Head Attack 06: Body Attack...
  9. freem

    In-game attributes modifier code for WCW/nWo Revenge

    WCW/nWo Revenge (NTSC-U) in-match attributes should be at these locations: P1 - 800705A0 P2 - 800705E0 P3 - 80070620 P4 - 80070660
  10. freem

    Translations for the altered names in VPW 64 (plus some from VPW 2)

    I'll get to it (and World Tour and Revenge) eventually. Dunno when, but eventually.
  11. freem

    Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition

    To celebrate the 20th anniversary of AKI Corporation's Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2, a new version of the VPW2 freem Edition hack has been released. Major highlights of this release: Moveset edits for 30+ wrestlers. Randymanfoo converted three WCW/nWo Revenge songs to use the VPW2 instruments...
  12. freem

    Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition

    Right now, the hack is on hiatus as I focus on the Virtual Pro-Wrestling 64 English translation. Future updates are still planned, though.
  13. freem

    [WIP] Virtual Pro-Wrestling 64 English Translation

    With Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 being translated and hacked, now's probably as good of a time as any to get Virtual Pro-Wrestling 64 translated into English as well. WIP shots from 2019/04/03: There will be two patches: one with the fake names, and one with the real names. Licensed...
  14. freem

    Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition

    Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition 2019/02/22 preview released! Grab it from the usual place, or check the changelog for more information
  15. freem

    Nextwave 64's BotY Awards | Tie-Breaker | 2nd Place: Favorite Hacker

    well this is awkward... the tie-breaker also ended up in a tie