Recent content by John360

  1. John360

    [Closed] (PS2) John360's SvR Mods

    Thank you Hasa for your kind response :) John Cena Red attire from Wrestlemania 27 released at first post. I may also make his red T-shirt.
  2. John360

    [Closed] (PS2) John360's SvR Mods

    I made a retexture of Chris Jericho from SvR 2009 and it is released in first post.
  3. John360

    Needed some PAC files from SvR 2011

    Hi guys, I needed some PAC files from SvR 2011 that i needed for modding purposes.I want the BG.pac, EVTOBJ.pac and the MATCH.pac from Svr 2011 (PS2) If anyone is able to send these files to me,i would be really grateful :)
  4. John360

    [Closed] (PS2) John360's SvR Mods

    I had been pretty busy for the last few months.Mostly with school work and also i was learning 3D Designing with 3DS Max.I took a break from modding,but to be honest i missed the warm responses i got from this awesome community for my mods.So,for the last couple of days i have been surfing...
  5. John360

    [Closed] The Best's mods and previews-Seth Rollins Summerslam 2015

    Most of your mods look great :) Keep up the good work!
  6. John360

    Póg mo thóin.

    Happy St.Patrick's day to you :) I have a friend from Ireland at school,he was wearing a green shirt for this great occassion.
  7. John360

    [Closed] TSK's Mods & Previews. [PS2]

    Seth Rollins looks awesome man :)
  8. John360

    [Closed] (PS2) John360's SvR Mods

    Thank you 80las, S.S.V, TSK and sosnus222 for your comments :) I would also like to thank the admins for pinning my topic,its a great honor :) Skip Sheffield I'am planning to make a Ryback pack which would contain this Skip Sheffield mod and i'am also working on a current Ryback mod,which...
  9. John360

    [Closed] (PS2) John360's SvR Mods

    Thank you TSK and 80las for your kind response :) I'am so sorry TSK,i forgot to inject the glove texture in my Triple H mod and the hair texture in Flair mod.I have updated the link for Triple H mod with the glove texture :) I would upload Ric flair's updated link as early as i can.Hulk...
  10. John360

    [Closed] (PS2) John360's SvR Mods

    Thanks guys for all of your comments :) I used Vladamir Kozlov as the base model for Triple H. Triple H released in first post Hulk Hogan (W.I.P)
  11. John360

    [Closed] (PS2) John360's SvR Mods

    Thank you The Best, 80las, Undertaker Fan and Choji Warrior :) I really appreciate all of your comments :) Triple H Triple H mod is almost done,I would release it as early as possible.
  12. John360

    [Closed] (PS2) John360's SvR Mods

    Thanks 80las :) I would surely try to change Del Rio's hair.Thank you for your suggestion :) Kalisto released in first post
  13. John360

    [Closed] (PS2) John360's SvR Mods

    Sting Pack Released Alberto Del Rio (W.I.P) Note:I would be releasing my Daniel Bryan mod in a few days.
  14. John360

    [Closed] Hulk Hogan

    Hi everyone,For the past few days i was searching for tutorials on how to mod No mercy.So i found a very useful tutorial made by CM that showed how to make your own textures for no mercy which i have found very useful.I have to admit that No mercy modding is alot different than Svr or HCTP...
  15. John360

    [Closed] (PS2) John360's SvR Mods

    I started working on Daniel Bryan yesterday,he is almost complete.I have to work more on his trunks design.