Recent content by PsychoGirl

  1. PsychoGirl

    It has been quite a while...

    Hi. I am Jane A.k.A PsychoGirl a.k.a. PG. I used to mod RAW for PC and eventually started making stuff (resources) for No Mercy. While that didn't last long, I am just here to explore thing and edit my old posts to make them look better, as I see the the tags and attributes from the old forums...
  2. PsychoGirl

    PsychoGirl's Resource packs - March 2018 pack

    NEW STUFF- MARCH 2018 PACK. Scroll at the very bottom Alright moving straight to the point: First of all - Happy New Year dear OSR-ians. My exams were on , so I wasn't able to contribute to OSR for the last couple of days. I am back and I have , well, gifts for you all (You can say that :P )...
  3. PsychoGirl

    SPAM OSR TO #1

  4. PsychoGirl

    SPAM OSR TO #1

    I'll post nudes here smh.
  5. PsychoGirl

    What are you watching?

    Criminal Minds, Dexter (rewatch), NCIS : LA, Once Upon A Time, Scandal, The Mentalist (rewatch), Teen Wolf, Vampire Diaries,Degrasi, Lost , Agents of Shield, Legends of Tomorrow, The GOod WIfe I got shit loads in my bucket list ..gotta finish them before I die xD[/SPOILER]
  6. PsychoGirl


    Test was such an underrated guy. Good job on the mod, looks so neat!
  7. PsychoGirl


    @chaotix I love how you added the effects for superstar select. As we move our mouse pointer, the border changes to green. I love it. Also, nice selection of fonts. Love the x-files font you gave for the headings. I'm trying to change the fonts for individual pages via the CSS. My other wikis...
  8. PsychoGirl


    @Chaotix - AngemonTK
  9. PsychoGirl

    SPAM OSR TO #1

  10. PsychoGirl

    Post your favorite texture mod.

    I honestly Love Victor's Joshi wrestlers. they are really well made and the hardwork is seen. I love everything that Wolfpac makes. They're just freaking great. Keson and Tyler Black are my next favorites. I honestly cannot choose any ONE of their works, coz everything they've done are so pure...
  11. PsychoGirl

    Negan's WWF No Mercy Texture Achive!

    You can use what I do, 4Shared!
  12. PsychoGirl

    Wrestlemania X7 Arena

    Its WrestleMania X-Seven* Arena, or rather 17 arena. Its pretty damn awesome! Good job on it
  13. PsychoGirl

    Request: Hak or Method to make Ropes Invisible.

    I remember the Mortal Kombat save actually did this one! There weren't ropes in one of the arenas,just the whole thing was transformed to stage straight out of MK II. See if that save can help you out. Otherwise I'll leave it to the experts to suggest you stuff.
  14. PsychoGirl

    PsychoGirl's Resource packs - March 2018 pack

    Releasing this . A roughly made Wrestlemania XIX stage. Edit it all you want ALSO INCLUDED IN THE PACKAGE : Brand new Light textures. Spotlights, lens flares and even light beams! Fonts are available to be downloaded on a separate folder, link in first post, or click here ...
  15. PsychoGirl

    SPAM OSR TO #1

    *Jumps on you*Also, Need spam on my Resource topic so I can post the new stuff. Thx I know I'll get a warning for begging for this, but I gotta come up top. Post merging is annoying when posting updates .