Recent content by TrockHound34

  1. TrockHound34

    Toguro work shop

    Can you do Heidenreich please?
  2. TrockHound34

    Sugoi Dekai Shirt Texture

    Thank you.
  3. TrockHound34

    Sugoi Dekai Shirt Texture

    Hey Guys, Just wanna show one of my creations to this site. This Right here is the Sugoi Dekai shirt. I just wanna give credit to Wolfpac or Iccotracs for the shirt template. You can use this shirt for any creation you want to make. Just give me some credit.
  4. TrockHound34

    How do I make an IccoTracs/Wolfpac style texture

    I got the IccoTracs style texture pack, now how do I properly do it. (i.e. add shine to a body and face.) Any user who was experienced with that type of texture is always welcome