Recent content by Tyler Black

  1. Tyler Black

    Backstage addys & values?

    No disrespect intended Keson, but that’s confusing and I’ll explain why. It’s not clearly labeled what the value is and where it came from. It just says “silver door” and then it pops up again as “bar door” but me getting two different textures lead me to believe those values were...
  2. Tyler Black

    Backstage addys & values?

    <blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>Found it in less than five minutes in our addys and values section. yeah, thats not what im talking about. this is, found it on gen hex. ill know to double check there first next time. Anyway this just raises another...
  3. Tyler Black

    Backstage addys & values?

    Really? i checked there twice. found addys, but no values
  4. Tyler Black

    Backstage addys & values?

    does anyone know the backstage addys and values? specifically for the doors in the hallway? vertical-rectangular textures are scarce and the doors fulfill those requirements, but i cant find their addys/values to code them. thanks guys.
  5. Tyler Black

    Lucha Underground: Final Version [RELEASED]

    ive had this issue before. how i fixed it was by opening up my audio plugin and ticking the "sync game to audio" box
  6. Tyler Black

    Figure 8 (Bridging Figure Four Leglock)

    Goddamn that’s fucking sick dude
  7. Tyler Black

    Facing Direction notes break down

    Hey guys i want to give you my personal notes on how i took this to this using this guide. heres my notes [/SPOILER]
  8. Tyler Black

    Hip Throw to Armbar (Ronda Rousey Finisher!)

    love it, fantastic work
  9. Tyler Black

    ears on back of head?

    you dont have to patch anything and you also dont want my save file. theres literally a folder called hacked rom. just use that rom
  10. Tyler Black

    ears on back of head?

    NJPW 2017, has the rom your looking for
  11. Tyler Black

    AKI Evolution

    Go play showdown 64 and explore the board.
  12. Tyler Black

    Wrestling Discussion

    <blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>champion gamer</dt><dd>Jun 22 2018, 01:00:29 AM</dd></dl><div><blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>it’s that there’s no major promotion for them to buddy up with we have 4 major promotions that could do...
  13. Tyler Black

    Wrestling Discussion

    <blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>champion gamer</dt><dd>Jun 21 2018, 07:56:46 AM</dd></dl><div> whelp 1. fuck you WWE for thinking Australia's not a viable market. 2. fuck you again. and 3. fuck you and the horse you rode in on you utter cunts. interesting WWE is looking to...
  14. Tyler Black

    Big Cass released

    If the rumors are to be believed, don’t go against what your employer tells you. If they tell you “hey don’t beat down this midget on Live Tv for heat” and you say fuck it and go do it anyway, you’re probably gonna get fired
  15. Tyler Black

    AKI Evolution

    Because Ricky Steamboat is one of the GOATS and there were several tiger masks with the original wrestling vastly different from misawa. also its his save and he can add whoever he likes. for all you know he could be planning on adding those guys in at a later date.