Search results

  1. TSK

    [Closed] WWE SmackDown: This Is My Yard [PSP]

    Sure, but please don't post here. PM me! :)
  2. TSK

    [Closed] WWE SmackDown: This Is My Yard [PSP]

    Just reminding everyone, tomorrow, our team members will decide and finalize who has won the Cover Contest, and also be rewarded with a sweet gift which I'll be PM'ing to the winner. ;)
  3. TSK

    [Closed] WWE 2k14 PSP Released!

    There's something called, 'PM'.
  4. TSK

    viscera passed away

    Did it just happen?! .... *Hurts*. R.I.P, god bless.
  5. TSK

    [Closed] 2K14 Arena Textures - Download

    Thanks, so much coroner! :D
  6. TSK

    need some help with my forum

    PM sent + registered. :)
  7. TSK

    [Closed] Tajiri

    Here's another one for a face ref.
  8. TSK

    Showdown 64

    Such awesomeness can only be seen, here. Love it!
  9. TSK

    need some help with my forum

    It's better if you post the link to your forum. :)
  10. TSK

    need some help with my forum

    If you're making one using Zetaboards, I'm here for helping you. :)
  11. TSK

    X-Packer tm_samples

  12. TSK

    X-Packer tm_samples

    Credit: 80las. :)
  13. TSK

    SvR2006 Arena PAC Needed

    I'll Send you in exact 4 hours, brotha. :)Here have it you little kid! j/k :P
  14. TSK

    SvR2006 Arena PAC Needed

    PSP or PS2?
  15. TSK

    [Closed] WWE 2k14 PSP Released!

    Sorry, didn't see your post. Please don't ask here, there is a thing called 'help section', but it seems you've already created one thread asking 'bout this, so forget it.
  16. TSK

    [Closed] Time to change PSP modding level.

    Well, atleast we can change the original body textures like this one: Original one, not too great: A little Wrap work, and it's better to use(imo):
  17. TSK

    [Closed] WWE 2k14 Renders including DLC. [Download]

    All credits and thank-yous to coroner Click here to download.
  18. TSK

    [Closed] WWE 2k14 DLC Renders, request.

    Yepee! Thanks a ton, coroner. You saved maeh! Alright, posting up a topic of this in the tutorial section, it'll be more helpful for new-comers and guest to find if they're new! :)
  19. TSK

    [Closed] Time to change PSP modding level.

    Nah, you didn't get it. I do care about using realistic textures in-game, but what I meant, is that there are many points/times while modding, that you leave and don't change the original body texture. So, atleast to improve the original body texture, we could use 'Plastic Wraper'. Only for PSP...
  20. TSK

    [Closed] SvR 11 Importer v2

    Oh my! Selection pics= Only SSFD. Not SSFA/B/C! :P