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  1. IGA

    Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition

    Hi! I forgot how to change wrestlers moves. When i go to edit mode and chose any wrestler, then go to moves i see message "unable to change". But it seems to me, i change it maybe year-two ago... ( or I've mistake??) or maybe in previously version...
  2. IGA

    MAX caw points ( how to get?)

    - all wrestlers are the same  got 255 for all parameters and it not able to edit. How to fix it? Or just get unlimited remaining points?
  3. IGA

    sting face to no mercy?

    It's sad. I wanted to try tool exactly  like VPW Studio for this... Ok, understood. Thanks ;-)
  4. IGA

    sting face to no mercy?

    Hello! Could somebody tell me how add normal Sting's face/Mask in normal non-modding wwf no mercy? ( texture replacement\ or maybe some cheatcodes) just integrate texture in rom like virtua pro FREEM
  5. IGA

    sting face to no mercy?

    Hello! Could somebody tell me how add normal Sting's face/Mask in normal non-modding wwf no mercy rom? ( texture replacement\ or maybe some cheatcodes)   like virta pro FREEM  - just inegrate texture in rom
  6. IGA

    How correct transfer cheat-files to other systems?

    Hello :) There is still no some converter or method  to transfer mod's cheats from Pj64 to android's Muppen  or also from mupen64plus-fz for androids to Retroarch's Muppen64? There are many wonderful mod-hacks and we  can playing still  only  on window-pc them :s ( i have 3 version cheats...
  7. IGA

    AKI Evolution

    Hello. Geat work with this mod! I would like to thank you for your work and find out if there are plans to add Bret HART, Nash, Hall ( or other nwo stuff) in this mod?
  8. IGA

    Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition

    And what difference from previous version?
  9. IGA

    Showdown 64

    Hello! -Will be  this mod updated?
  10. IGA

    Showdown 64

    Entrances can be activated in the cheats.
  11. IGA

    Showdown 64

    Well, Ок.... I found only 17 result of "formula" in SD64 folder. Where others, for other wrestlers? And could some show me or explain how and where i need to change on  Hogan's example?? - As default - he in yellow trunks, what and where i need to change to make him Hollywood?? ( and i even...
  12. IGA

    Showdown 64

    Omg.... :X_x: well, and who know it at all now??  There are more differents attires\costumes in Showdown 64\textures\WWF No Mercy (U) (1.0)\Roster\ each wrestler folders.  Why are they here??? What kind of formula we need? - some cheat in chet file or nuber texture in texture replacement by...
  13. IGA

    WWF Backlash: The UNOFFICIAL Sequel to No Mercy

    - Ok. Тhank you for information....
  14. IGA

    Showdown 64

    Hellooooooo :omg:
  15. IGA

    WWF Backlash: The UNOFFICIAL Sequel to No Mercy

    So. as indicated here  - it need cheat file, lets why it cannot be played at orignal hardware.... And i  want to know  for what emulator this cheat file will be? ( maybe could do 2 different cheat files - one for pj64, another  - for Muppen - to get a chance run it on Android  ???? :skeptical: )
  16. IGA

    WCW FTB [Version 1.1]

    Some more thoughts about roster tool...As i understood, this progam need only for play special music during the match. So, cause we play on PC, that can just manualy run music from  WCW Feel The BANG v1.1\WCW 'Feel The BANG!'\Roster Tool\Music0x5 and 0x6, or  any your own mp3 just for one click...
  17. IGA

    WCW FTB [Version 1.1]

    -  i mean other attire.  C Button  - switch between 4 standart attire. But in texture folders of some wrestlers there are 6 attires  or more( Bret Hart for example has 6 attire folder or Sting has - 9 attires). And I wan to knew how activate them\ switch. And thanks at all for answer for my...
  18. IGA

    WCW FTB [Version 1.1]

    And some more questions... 1. Where i could find cheat code\passwords or save file to open all stuff? 2. I see more than 4 variants of attire in textures folders of some wreslers. How can i change it\activate if it possible at all?? ( maybe could replace files in tex folders  just as change...
  19. IGA

    Showdown 64

    Guys, say me please how to change wrestlers attires if it avaible at all ( maybe could replace files in tex folders  just as change skin or something...). Or it simple impossible?
  20. IGA

    WCW FTB [Version 1.1]

    Ок ;)