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  1. MingFs

    Showdown 64

    Good man!
  2. MingFs

    WWF No Mercy - Modding Software

    Very Good Man ;)
  3. MingFs

    WWF No Mercy BYW Conversion (remodel etc)

    <blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>CM 2K</dt><dd>Nov 12 2013, 06:52:00 AM</dd></dl><div>You guys know that this isn't the REAL ImBored, right? i.e. Alex Underhill. It's just someone using Alex's old Emutalk post/content to platform their shitty Backyard/CZW/indy project...
  4. MingFs

    WWF No Mercy BYW Conversion (remodel etc)

    More Pre-Release Photos. I Hope You Enjoy ;) Attachments: pondo.jpg (31.93 KB) sonjay_dutt.jpg (56.02 KB) wifebeater.jpg (61.07 KB) zandig_czw.jpg (70.03 KB) vic_grimes.jpg (52.2 KB)
  5. MingFs

    WWF No Mercy BYW Conversion (remodel etc)

    I, The Juice and Damplo. Pre-Release Photos. I Hope You Enjoy ;) Attachments: nick_mondo.jpg (89.85 KB) drunko.jpg (56.34 KB) mdogg_20.jpg (135.89 KB) messiah.jpg (136.44 KB) necro_butcher.jpg (145.1 KB) ruckus.jpg (127.91 KB) barbed_wire_attire_1.jpg (151.51 KB) sabu.jpg (151.12 KB)...
  6. MingFs

    WWF No Mercy BYW Conversion (remodel etc)

    My computer containing all the textures and hacks spoiled, I bought a new one and I'm texturing it again. Already have new pictures of wrestlers that will post! pass me the link of post in NMZ. New updates: Vic Grimes & Violent J. i hope you enjoy Attachments: vic_grimes_front_1.jpg (28.41...
  7. MingFs

    WWE: Ruthless Aggression

    3 Minutes Warning, i like it lol
  8. MingFs

    WWF No Mercy BYW Conversion (remodel etc)

    Thanks For View. Will soon be available for download Thanks For View. Will soon be available for download and also new updates. ;) Thanks, also have new updates. ;) New Updates: Zandig Two CZW Attires And Bald Attire, Mdogg 20 BYW Attire And CZW Attire, Messiah Two Attires Original And Jersey...
  9. MingFs

    Ultra Mega Deathmatch Weapons Pack

    Already try this pack of weapons in time, I can still find it to download? I saw in the forum, but the download is via is impossible to download ... Attachments: f3ryw4_1.jpg (160.58 KB)
  10. MingFs

    WWF No Mercy BYW Conversion (remodel etc)

    Ryuji Ito is ready , have two Attires: Normal Attire And Barbed Wire Attire. I hope you enjoy. I had stopped doing textures, and i resumed again! ;) (Update Barbed Wire Attire) Attachments: barbed_wire_attire_1.jpg (151.51 KB)
  11. MingFs

    [Closed] Breakable Ligh Tubes Texture and Cheat

    <blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>A.K.I</dt><dd>Nov 5 2013, 08:40:30 AM</dd></dl><div>Thank you. I will be using this for sure. thanks friend, I'm here to help... :B-)
  12. MingFs

    [Closed] Breakable Ligh Tubes Texture and Cheat

    Good Light Tube texture and Cheat for break texture: By me cheat for break: NM4EVER in file have the cheat and textures! Attachments: Best_Ligh_Tubes_Textures.rar (48.65 KB)
  13. MingFs

    WWF No Mercy BYW Conversion (remodel etc)

    Await for new updates, tanks fow view! :yes: Thanks man and thanks for view ;) Yes yes yes, thanks for view ;) <blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>A.K.I</dt><dd>Nov 4 2013, 08:30:42 AM</dd></dl><div>Looks awesome man. So pumped for this. Oh yes man , thanks for view and thanks...
  14. MingFs

    WWF No Mercy BYW Conversion (remodel etc)

    Thought the prospect of remodelling would interest people, more so than the fact it is another No Mercy project. I have put off posting this here, until I could be sure it would be carried through and finished. Consequently, project is nearing completion. For the arena, I use a mix of Old school...