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  1. Hipnosis

    Change Running Selling Animations

    Player One Address: 800AD0D7 XXXX (Attack)   800AD11F XXXX (Attack & Grapple) 800AD167 XXXX (Strong Attack) 800AD1AF XXXX (Strong Attack & Grapple) Player Two Address: 800B1DE7 XXXX (Attack) 800B1E2F XXXX (Attack & Grapple) 800B1E77 XXXX (Strong Attack) 800B1EBF XXXX (Strong Attack &...
  2. Hipnosis

    Dolph Ziggler

    Links Dead. Can anyone get a Reupload?
  3. Hipnosis

    Tessa Blanchard

    Has no Moveset but I'll be adding one soon.Feel free to use it anywhere with anything! If you want to make modifications then it's totally fine by me! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
  4. Hipnosis

    RandyManFoo's WWF No Mercy Overhaul Hype Video

  5. Hipnosis

    Help with Sounds (Mute Ring Bell Sound)

    I've been looking around and searching and cannot find anything on the sounds. I tried looking for Addys & Values too but that section seems to be missing and I just got a message saying it didn't exist or whatever. Anyways, what I'm trying to do basically is Mute the Ring Bells (To add my own...
  6. Hipnosis

    Alternate Censor Bar Textures

    Can't think of anytime anyone changed the Censorship but here's some Alternates to spice up Mr. Ass's Taunt (Also makes it better for Bobby Lashley to hit em' with his favorite pose) - Includes DX Logo, Right to Censor Logo, DX Flashing...
  7. Hipnosis

    WWF no Mercy's Background Tool Help

    Damn. Well Thanks Anyways. I'll try just using Project64 2.3 then lol. It's time to move on anyways!
  8. Hipnosis

    WWF no Mercy's Background Tool Help

    So I found RandyManFoo's BG Tool but the main background I need isn't included for Rice Plugins at least. Didn't want to bump a 3 year old thread so I was wondering if the rest of the backgrounds were ever added elsewhere or if there was another background tool? I know the Jabo 1.7 version has...
  9. Hipnosis

    Tag Team Entrance Code Creator

    This is AMAZING! Thanks for this. Great job on this. Something I've been wanting to see for like 20 years! lol
  10. Hipnosis

    Making your own WWF No Mercy Cutscenes/Championship Mode for video editing

    (UPDATE: Nov. 14th 2019. Scroll Down for the new Information) Hey Guys. So I've been confused for years about the cutscene modifier. Finally, I made a breakthrough since I'm going to try making some youtube videos with WWF No Mercy again. So if you're looking for an easy way to modify...
  11. Hipnosis

    Texture Workshop

    Beautiful Mods man! Love all of em!
  12. Hipnosis

    VPW2 Rice Plugin Transparency Issue

    **sigh** .... ok. Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 works again. I copied all the plugins from ANOTHER folder I had to the one I'm working with. No idea what the issue was but that's how I fixed it. As far as Transparency all I had to do is check the Blender thing. So it's all fixed now. Thanks guys!
  13. Hipnosis

    VPW2 Rice Plugin Transparency Issue

    Oh man. The Rainbow Textures actually look pretty sweet lol. Well now the Transparency problem is solved when unchecking combiner... But my Virtual Pro Wrestling won't start after pressing Start still. -_- No idea why. Even changing back to Jabo Plugins it just freezes or crashes. It was...
  14. Hipnosis

    VPW2 Rice Plugin Transparency Issue

  15. Hipnosis

    VPW2 Rice Plugin Transparency Issue

  16. Hipnosis

    VPW2 Rice Plugin Transparency Issue

  17. Hipnosis

    VPW2 Rice Plugin Transparency Issue

    <blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>S.K. Stylez</dt><dd>May 11 2018, 02:12:01 PM</dd></dl><div>Try Normal Blender and Normal Combiner combinations. Did some googling but can't find out what that is lol. :unsure:
  18. Hipnosis

    VPW2 Rice Plugin Transparency Issue

    Seems my luck is getting worse. Messing with settings has made the game unloadable once I press start and it's the only game not working lol. Man wtf
  19. Hipnosis

    VPW2 Rice Plugin Transparency Issue

    So I'm having this weird issue with Virtual Pro Wrestling 2. For some reason, some PNG's that are transparent are not transparent in game. Don't know if it's a setting or plugin issue since WWF No Mercy works just fine. But when the match starts the textures seem fine. I remember...
  20. Hipnosis

    Remove shadow

    I been playing No Mercy for 18 years and modding it for maybe 8.... BRO... I FOUND OUT that THAT.... is the Shadow Texture THIS YEAR lol. So you're not the only one surprised lol. I spent about a whole month looking for it and thought it was like the corner mats outside the ring or something...