Search results

  1. Wolfpac_69

    Original 01 Trunks Including Lower Back & Stomach

    Made this for a Harley Race mod.. Like alot of the legends he wore trunks that came up on to the stomach and lower back Obviously if your texturing this can be mimicked BUT with this code you won't have to dump textures that aren't necessary. 8104C024 1826 8104C026 1826 [Adds Rikishi's...
  2. Wolfpac_69

    Wolfpac_69's Attire Hacking Tutorial

    -------------------------- ~ Contents ~ -------------------------- - Part 1: Basic Texture Swapping  - Part 2: Basic Poly Swapping -------------------------- ~ Brief Overview ~ -------------------------- In this guide i will attempt to cover all aspects to how to create a brand new...
  3. Wolfpac_69

    WCW FTB [Version 1.1]

    [align=center] ------------------------------------ - WCW 'Feel The BANG!' v1.1 - FTB v1.1 is available now FOR FREE!! ------------------------------------ * Initial Release Date: March 26th 2019 *Release Date: May 13th 2019  * Official Release Site: * Original...
  4. Wolfpac_69

    Hillbilly Jim Content's: 1 Attire Dumped Blood Files [No Blood Texture PG] MPK Credit: Iccotrac's Orson Yan Wolfpac_69 Compatible With WWF New Generation Enjoy!
  5. Wolfpac_69

    Mr. Ass Based Around 1999 - 2000 Pack Contents: 1 Attire + Entrance Shirt Dumped Censored Ass Texture's [Un textured] Blood Pack Portrait MPK Credit: IccoTrac's Orson Dbs64 SnyperStyle Rain Wolfpac_69 2K17 Texture Pack
  6. Wolfpac_69

    Test Based Around 2001-2002 Pack Contents: 4 Attire's + Variant's Blood Pack Portrait MPK Credit: IccoTrac's CMX Dbs64 Rain Wolfpac_69 RAW Texture Pack RIP - Andrew Martin
  7. Wolfpac_69

    WrestleMania: Rewind

    :intro: Ladies & Gentlemen, Welcome to WrestleMania: Rewind. This is a look back at some Historic matches from the Grandest Stage Of Them All. First up is a look back at.... WrestleMania 17 Venue: Reliant Astrodome, Houston TX Date: April 1, 2001 Streak Match: Undertaker Vs. Triple H...
  8. Wolfpac_69

    Ric Flair 30 for 30

    I don't usually post stuff like this but its really fucking good lol :withflair:
  9. Wolfpac_69

    Owen Hart [Remake]

    Started Using the base myself and rain made about 3 years. Rain has altered it so the color matches better now He also make this wicked Owen Hart Face so i figured its time for a remake :) WIP [Attitude Era] ------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits...
  10. Wolfpac_69

    The Dynamite Kid

    I don't Texture much these days but after after chatting with Dbs64 he said maybe i should try again.... So here we go.... - WIP - Attire 1 Credit: Dbs64 Iccotrac's Orson
  11. Wolfpac_69

    NXT Arrivial

    Taken from Psychogirl's Resource pack so full Credit to her. Added flat stage area, It's been a while since i hacked a arena lol
  12. Wolfpac_69


    As you know i rarely have a chance these days to create any texture mods but today i had the opportunity to put this together Based from.. SmackDown 2001 - Test Vs Christian European Championship Match Credit: cMx Dbs64 Iccotrac's Wolfpac_69
  13. Wolfpac_69

    *Pop Up* Save

    This topic will consist just some random shit we are working on.. <table><thead><tr><th colspan="1">WWE 2017</th></tr></thead><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr></table> [/SPOILER]
  14. Wolfpac_69

    [Closed] 'Rowdy' Ronda Rousey

    Love Me Some Ronda Rousey atm so i figured I'd mod her May do some more attires but here is what i got so far Credit: IccoTrac's Rain Wolfpac_69
  15. Wolfpac_69

    PWG Arena

    Shoutbox Request from: Tyler Black Beginning Middle End Clean up and Release is coming soon
  16. Wolfpac_69

    [Closed] Braun Strowman WIP

    I need to find a good reference for his tattoo but quite happy with this so far i have re worked one of WldFB's Beard Hacks to fit head shape 04\05 and have add fat arms\hands\fingers to the thick body type, i need to make it player specific\screens\in match then actually do some move hacking i...
  17. Wolfpac_69

    NXT Arrival

    Bored, So i figured I'd try this Light will be added to this soon
  18. Wolfpac_69

    WWE 2K15 Arenas

    Royal Rumble '15 This is My WIP NXT Stage Still have to add the Crowd and Stands also make a NXT style Barricade and a few other bits but happy so far :) Credit: CM WldFB Orson SLX Y2eD2cW Rain Wolfpac_69 More to come with these.
  19. Wolfpac_69

    [Closed] WWE 2K15 Royal Rumble

    So, From what i see you new school modder's like the current WWE roster so i have an idea ;) I have made the latest Royal Rumble Stage so my idea is if was to release this and a wrestler base [so there would be consistency between mods] would use guys use it to create a 'Current' Save?? I...
  20. Wolfpac_69

    [Closed] Wolfpac_69's Random Mod's

    First Up 'Classic' Stinger