Can't get any NO Mercy mod to work


Lower Midcard
Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
I cannot figure out how to install Icco's WWF legends mod or any mod and would like some help. I installed WWF Legends and these are the images I get. Undertaker is only one that looks correct, Warrior is ok but I know it's not right, Majority look way off like Hogan & Andre.

I've followed all the tutorials and I still cannot get it to work. Maybe there is an obvious step not listed that I'm not doing. Or, I'm not doing the tutorial steps right. I've both dumped textures and copy & pasted into folders. Below is my current status which doesn't work.

I had a problem with Vista's virtual memory not letting me edit my game. That was BEFORE I tried to install any mod. I took care of it by deleting the .fla file in the 2nd path I listed below. The .fla listed below is CURRENTLY in that spot. I wonder if the Virtual memory is causing problems with loading mods correctly. What I've listed at least seems redundant but IDK if it causes problems.

So tell me if setup is wrong or anything else you can think of.

C:\users\[myusername]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Project64 1.6
has these folders
A. Plugin
B. Save
this and other non folders ... Project64.cht

C:\users\[myusername]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Project64 1.6\save
has WWF No Mercy.fla

C:\users\[myusername]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Project64 1.6\Plugin
has 3 folders in it and a Rice file of some sort
A. hires_texture --- has WWF No Mercy folder inside but has no WWF Legends stuff in it
B. hires_texture ---- nothing in it, I deleted this folder, no longer exists
C. texture_dump ---- WWf No Mercy file which has these folders with images inside BUT NOT the attire images which would make the legends have the correct clothing & look.
- ci_bmp
- ci_bmp_with_pal_crc
- ci_by_png
- png_all
- png_by_rgb_a

D. RiceVideo6.1.0.ini.tmp ---- not a folder not sure what or why it's there.

A DIFFERENT PATH (other went C:\ USER)
C:\program files\project641.6\
It has MSVCP71.DLL .... msvcr71.dll..... BMGlib.dll..... BMGLibPNG.dll
also Project64.cht .... other stuff

C:\program files\project641.6\Plugin
has I think all the Rice video parts needed
A. RiceVideo .dll
B. RiceVideo6.1.3DX9.dll
C. RSP.dll
D. RiceVideo6.1.0
E RiceVideoDocs

C:\program files\project641.6\Plugin ......also has
A. hires_texture .... which has
-WWF No Mercy folder which has these folders and all the subfolders of Legends rar
- Arenas... Menus.... Misc.... WWF Superstars
B. texture_dump ..... has these folders which all have nothing in them
- ci_bmp
- ci_bmp_with_pal_crc
- ci_by_png
- png_all
- png_by_rgb_a
- WWF No Mercy ...I made this although it doesn't seem to be needed

C:\program files\project641.6\save
has this inside
-WWF No Mercy.mpk
- WWF No Mercy.fla

Setting on PJ64 1.6







Lower Midcard
Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
My computer is really old and so is my graphics card but I it plays any other pj64 game fine. I don't think I've broken any rules but I don't know what "don't ask for passwords" is even referring to.

I've tried adding single wrestlers and full game mods and neither work for me. I'm sure I'll get flamed and called an idiot but that doesn't bother me. For the Rice plug in the pic shows 16 bit but I've put it on 32 bit and it made no difference. Changed to 32 bit after I loaded the mod up


Lower Midcard
Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
treefrog said:
My computer is really old and so is my graphics card but I it plays any other pj64 game fine. I don't think I've broken any rules but I don't know what "don't ask for passwords" is even referring to.

I've tried adding single wrestlers and full game mods and neither work for me. I'm sure I'll get flamed and called an idiot but that doesn't bother me. For the Rice plug in the pic shows 16 bit but I've put it on 32 bit and it made no difference. Changed to 32 bit after I loaded the mod up
Not sure how to edit posts.

I meant Rice plugin Direct X pic that says Depth buffer type was 16 bit but it's currently on 32 bit

OH, I couldn't make out the "edit post option. I'd delete this post but I don't know how to do that either.


Jun 14, 2011
Reaction score
1-- don't triple post edit your old post.
2-- you posted in the wrong section


Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
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treefrog said:
treefrog said:
My computer is really old and so is my graphics card but I it plays any other pj64 game fine. I don't think I've broken any rules but I don't know what "don't ask for passwords" is even referring to.

I've tried adding single wrestlers and full game mods and neither work for me. I'm sure I'll get flamed and called an idiot but that doesn't bother me. For the Rice plug in the pic shows 16 bit but I've put it on 32 bit and it made no difference. Changed to 32 bit after I loaded the mod up
Not sure how to edit posts.

I meant Rice plugin Direct X pic that says Depth buffer type was 16 bit but it's currently on 32 bit

OH, I couldn't make out the "edit post option. I'd delete this post but I don't know how to do that either.
1.The only ones who can delete posts are the Staff

2.Undertaker isn't right,and I don't know why your PJ 1.6 isn't reading the textures,thats the problem

3.You can edit post when you reach OSR Lower Midcard Status.


Lower Midcard
Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
I like to find out things so I'm going to ask.

Are you serious? I saw no rule against it, I see no option to delete, being thorough is better than leaving out info. I give as much detail to help whomever might want to help me.

I am allowed to respond to you right?


Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
treefrog said:
I like to find out things so I'm going to ask.

Are you serious? I saw no rule against it, I see no option to delete, being thorough is better than leaving out info. I give as much detail to help whomever might want to help me.

I am allowed to respond to you right?
You are in the wrong section bro, :eek:k :

Take a look at the Tutorials/Resources/Support area,I can't help you only because I really don't know how,but from what I know,your PJ64 1.6 isn't reading the textures from the Hires_texture.

Do your Hires_Texture archive have an archive named "WWF No Mercy" inside it?

And the Double/Triple Post thing,I don't know why it isn't at OSR Rules,but I will leave that question to the staff itself.


Lower Midcard
Oct 1, 2012
Reaction score
The hires_texture folders do have WWf No Mercy folders in them. Not sure eaxctly what you mean by archive. One has nothing in it the other has arena, wrestlers, etc that I copied and pasted in there. I've also dumped the files before and game still didn't work.

These rules are confusing. If I go to tutorial section I don't think I'm allowed to make a new topic. In one of those tutorials a member posted link to Rules section. I'm guessing because the person "bumped and old topic". I'm not even sure. I don't see any possible palce to ask a question.



Staff member
Jun 18, 2011
Reaction score
treefrog said:
The hires_texture folders do have WWf No Mercy folders in them. Not sure eaxctly what you mean by archive. One has nothing in it the other has arena, wrestlers, etc that I copied and pasted in there. I've also dumped the files before and game still didn't work.

These rules are confusing. If I go to tutorial section I don't think I'm allowed to make a new topic. In one of those tutorials a member posted link to Rules section. I'm guessing because the person "bumped and old topic". I'm not even sure. I don't see any possible palce to ask a question.
Bump a old topic is when you post in a topic with the last reply being one month (or more) older.

Copy everything from the WWF No Mercy folder who has something and paste at the empty one.If you get a black screen with white things here,It Worked(these white things are the textures being loaded,so you may wait sometime).

Someone could move this to NM section?