Counter Punch into Front Weak/Strong Grapple Moves?


Aug 30, 2018
Reaction score
Is there a code that allows you to counter a strike into a front grapple move (special or normal)? I know it's within No Mercy's ROM, but I don't know how to access it..

I always loved countering a punch into Dr. Frank's Chop Down move in WCW/nWo Revenge, especially against my brothers whenever we played lol.


Lower Midcard
Apr 4, 2014
Reaction score
Just made this code. I haven't tested it but it should work fine.

D115AF50 xxxx
81091108 1504
D115B2A8 xxxx
81091550 1504
D115B600 xxxx
81091998 1504
D115B958 xxxx
81091DE0 1504
D115AF50 xxxx
810ACF14 00yy
D115B600 xxxx
810B6934 00yy
D115B2A8 xxxx
810B1C24 00yy
D115B958 xxxx
810BB644 00yy

Replace xxxx with Wrestler ID:

0001 - Rock
0002 - SCSA
0003 - Undertaker
0004 - Kane
0005 - Richards
0006 - Mankind
0007 - Cactus
0008 - Mick
0009 - HBK
0101 - HHH
0102 - X-Pac
0103 - Mr. Ass
0104 - Road Dogg
0201 - Benoit
0202 - Malenko
0203 - Saturn
0204 - Guerrero
0301 - Jericho
0302 - Angle
0303 - Tazz
0304 - Test
0305 - GodFather
0306 - D`Lo
0307 - Venis
0308 - Shamrock
0401 - Rikishi
0402 - Sexay
0403 - Scotty
0404 - Edge
0405 - Christian
0406 - Matt
0407 - Jeff
0501 - Faarooq
0502 - Bradshaw
0503 - D-Von
0504 - Buh Buh
0505 - Hardcore
0506 - Crash
0507 - Bossman
0508 - Albert
0601 - Al
0602 - Blackman
0603 - Bulldog
0604 - Henry
0605 - Viscera
0606 - Andre
0607 - Buchanan
0608 - Rios
0609 - Taka
0701 - Chyna
0702 - Stephanie
0703 - Tori
0704 - Debra
0705 - Trish
0706 - Lita
0801 - Jacqueline
0802 - Linda
0803 - Kat
0804 - Moola
0805 - Ho
0901 - Vince
0902 - Shane
0903 - Hebner
0904 - Jim Ross
0A01 - Caw 1
0A02 – Caw 2
0A03 – Caw 3
0A04 – Caw 4
0A05 – Caw 5
0A06 – Caw 6
0A07 – Caw 7
0A08 – Caw 8
0A09 – Caw 9
0A0a – Caw 10
0A0b – Caw 11
0A0c – Caw 12
0A0d – Caw 13
0A0e – Caw 14
0A0f – Caw 15
0A10 – Caw 16
0A11 – Caw 17
0A12 – Caw 18

Repalce yy with grapple slot:

01 Weak Front Grapple A
02 Weak Front Grapple A-side
03 Weak Front Grapple A-up
04 Weak Front Grapple A-down
05 Weak Front Grapple B
0A Weak Front Grapple B-side
0F Weak Front Grapple B-up
14 Weak Front Grapple B-down
19 Strong Front Grapple A
1E Strong Front Grapple A-side
23 Strong Front Grapple A-up
28 Strong Front Grapple A-down
2D Strong Front Grapple B
32 Strong Front Grapple B-side
37 Strong Front Grapple B-up
3C Strong Front Grapple B-Down
46 Front Special
47 2nd Special
48 Stolen Special


Aug 30, 2018
Reaction score
Okay, I just tested it out, and it works VERY WELL. I tested with my CAW Evelyn Haymaker, and her front weak B grapple move (which is the Chop Down move, XP).

Awesome code, my friend.  :) :) :)