E3 2013:Microsoft


Main Eventer
Apr 23, 2013
Reaction score
If you missed the event today,here's some info and new stuff that were announced by Microsoft:

*Halo 5 60 frames per second
Releases 2014
Will have dedicated servers and use cloud computing (means thr game is always online)

*Xbox one 499$

*Battlefield 4 second assault launching first on xbox 1

*Microsoft points are dead. They are switching to real world currency

*dead rising 3 is xbox exclusive.

*No limit on xbl friends
Xbox live gold will now work on anyone in your household

*Xbox announces parnership with twitch tv for livestreaming while playing any xbox 1 game

*Microsoft announces Project Spark. A creation game which works with kinect and smartglass.
Its like a 3D little big planet. Nice

*Minecraft for xbox 1 announced

*Your character in forza 5 will race even when you aren't there. It learns how you drive and will then use thay to race against other players

*Killer instinct for xbox 1

Ryse also confirmed for xb1 launch.

*MAX the curse of brotherhood - indie arcade platformer announced for Xbox LIVE this summer.

*Max the curse of brotherhood announced. Platformer where you must rescue your brother from evil.

*World of tanks announced for xbox 360

*Xbox 360 super-slim model announced. Available today.

Xbox 360 gold membership upgraded. You now get 2 free games a month. On launch you get halo 3 and assassins creed 2

*Metal gear solid 5 confirmed Xbox 1 launch title

*Xbox one released outed in rare interview. System releases mid november 2013.