Elimination Chamber (Spoilers)


Deleted User

Crowd Member
I am really hoping Hulk Hogan does something to put Bryan in the world title picture.

Obviously kayfabe.

Great PPV, the main event was good, even if my guy didn't win.

KG 24

Main Eventer
Jun 18, 2011
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Shield/Wyatts was MOTY contender, probably MOTY. Chamber was good, ending was lame. Big E is awesome. I was praying on my knees that Cameron wouldn't win. Everything else was forgettable.

Now if you excuse me, I have to rock myself to sleep while thinking about ways to not want to punch someone in the face.


Lower Midcard
Feb 13, 2014
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The main event was ruined by The Wyatts making it into the elimination chamber. It's locked. Those guys better be ghosts or something, because how the hell does that make sense?

I skipped Batista vs. Del Rio.

Cameron was really sloppy in the divas title match. She's usually pretty sloppy and I don't know how she made it through the developmental stage. It was actually hard to watch.

The rest of the card was great. I'm done with the New Age Outlaws, though. :\


Nov 23, 2013
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TKS said:
The main event was ruined by The Wyatts making it into the elimination chamber. It's locked. Those guys better be ghosts or something, because how the hell does that make sense?

I skipped Batista vs. Del Rio.

Cameron was really sloppy in the divas title match. She's usually pretty sloppy and I don't know how she made it through the developmental stage. It was actually hard to watch.

The rest of the card was great. I'm done with the New Age Outlaws, though. :\
The door was hanging open when the lights came on, maybe they're expert locksmiths? ;p Its WWE, Undertaker has been popping in and out of Caskets n rings for decades now, nothing ever makes sense. Lets just pray the Cena/Bray match they'll eventually get to is one of the five star matches we've been seeing both Cena and Bray have.(It hurt a little bit saying Cena has had 5 star matches lately..but dudes busting his ass for sure)

Deleted User

Crowd Member
The Wyatts got in there the same way Diesel saw himself in that casket.


Main Eventer
May 29, 2011
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Just finished EC, overall PPV was good except for PTP fued and ADR vs Batista, both matches were...normal. Skipped the divas match though.

Best matches are Shield VS Wyatts and the Chamber match itself. To be honest, the chamber match was really really good. Though I hate the fact Christian is a lousy heel again.

Then came the ending. Man, the whole crowd just deflated after the 3 count. Their expressions are like: Really? Randy won again? I don't even bother to boo him anymore.

Then again, WWE is smart. Keeping DBryan as a runner-up will continue to boost his status and sell more merch. But the thing is you have to wonder from a marketing perspective is this, would WM30 have a even better buy-rate if D Bryan went in going as champion or if he was inserted in the Main Event?


Feb 7, 2011
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I will always fondly remember the year that Hornswoggle fit in through a tiny gap to throw a shillelagh to Finlay, and got his head stuck!


Lower Midcard
Feb 13, 2014
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Robb420 said:
TKS said:
The main event was ruined by The Wyatts making it into the elimination chamber. It's locked. Those guys better be ghosts or something, because how the hell does that make sense?

I skipped Batista vs. Del Rio.

Cameron was really sloppy in the divas title match. She's usually pretty sloppy and I don't know how she made it through the developmental stage. It was actually hard to watch.

The rest of the card was great. I'm done with the New Age Outlaws, though. :\
The door was hanging open when the lights came on, maybe they're expert locksmiths? ;p Its WWE, Undertaker has been popping in and out of Caskets n rings for decades now, nothing ever makes sense. Lets just pray the Cena/Bray match they'll eventually get to is one of the five star matches we've been seeing both Cena and Bray have.(It hurt a little bit saying Cena has had 5 star matches lately..but dudes busting his ass for sure)
But Undertaker is a ghost. :B-) Anyone remember the promo in which Bray Wyatt said he was already dead? Was that just angsty teenager stuff like he usually says?

KG 24

Main Eventer
Jun 18, 2011
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From what I saw the door was still open from the last elimination so in reality terms, the Wyatts just ran in when the door was still open but in kayfabe, THEY'RE THE FUCKING WYATTS AND COME OUT OF NOWHERE AND THEY ATTACKED CENA... DEA-


Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
TKS said:
Robb420 said:
Quoting limited to 2 levels deep
But Undertaker is a ghost. :B-) Anyone remember the promo in which Bray Wyatt said he was already dead? Was that just angsty teenager stuff like he usually says?
Probably, his promos are solid, but just like another genius at promos Raven, some shit he says is a little ridiculous.