How did I become a modder


Main Eventer
Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
Yes, I got inspired by Razor and I thought of sharing my story on how I got my interests in modding.

I loved watching wrestling. Most of my friends did. We even saw advertisements on WWE Video games and wished if we had one. Our hometown was not that High Tech to be honest. So we didn't have the chance to gain any sort of awesome modernized video games. Yes, I was a gamer since 2003. I slowly went on getting modern games as I bought a new PC in 2009 (Sold the old one). When I first received RAW from a friend of mine,I played it for 3 straight months. I loved the features of the game. Because before that, Iddint touch No Mercy or SVR games at all. So time went on, I thought of searching infos on the game.

Okay it all started when I downloaded a patch called WCW Conversion for WWE RAW. I was pretty dang confused on what to do with the files. Back then , I didnt know what was TWR/RMU or OSR or any of you guys. I just kept on looking for ways on how to install the mods. Later I visited TGK's RAW modding site and he gave a step by step tutorial on importing the textures and everything in the game. It was like..the first time I ever used a mod on RAW. Because I very much liked playing RAW and I searched for files on the internet websites like strategy informer and filefront. So yeah, WCW Conversion pack was like my first mod I ever used on RAW. I kept looking on for some more mods to download. I came across amazing (Legendary) modders like UltimateWarrior, PaulLondon619, Tombstone and perhaps, as far as I remember, Madhav. Their websites were fully active back then. After that, I thought of doing these stuffs myself. So I started looking for softwares. I had to pay for Photoshop to get the full vesion (or something like that which kept me away from it). Then I came across Paint.NET. A Software which I still use for modding nowadays. I discovered the features it had. And for the first time, I even discovered how a video game is textured. I started playing around with the textures. Later, I came across Wiggo's Mods and a lot of patches including : RAW 2006 Patch (made by UW, the most iconic patch till date), and Total Edition. These two were the trending patches back then. I visited Raw Modders Union , following the link from the Total Edition game.

I was like..a spammer in the group at first. I kept on spamming on topics. I didn't think I'd safe enough. Well I got banned :v XD But after months, I decided to give RMU a visit. Discovered that it had moved to a new location. Titled- The Wreck Room. So I went there, created an account and posted my very first Jericho Mod( You can still find the pic of the mod on TWR Forums). And people started suspecting me for being another guy named Za...something. I forgot his name. Well..I didn't turn out to be that guy whose name started with Z, but I surely gained people's trust that I am not that spammer anymore. Henceforth I started posting my mods. Majority of them were customized. From a custom Linkin Park set to a hannah montana (....nvm..she was good back then) and some custom made WWE PPV sets. Most people loved them, most people wanted me to improve. And so I did. Time passed on, I met amazing people like Aditza, Wiggo (I was a die hard fan of his mods) , Trey, Monja, Wiserommer. Oh my god Such awesome memories. Oh well. They were good times ^__^
After the first edition of Old School Raw, I met one awesome guy, amazing No Mercy modder : tnafan (OSR's Slith Lord xP ) . He opened up another board called Old Skool Reunion. I joined. I posted my mods. People started loving them already. I think I was one of the top 20 members. Anyway, I continued my modding. I really started getting myself INTO OSR. Interacting with members, making tons of friends,....spamming and making the staff angry :p yes I did that and got warned. So once again Phil, AKI, I m sooorryyyy.
Oh well. I went on a long hitaus and came back later with some good mods. That time, I had thought of making WWE RAW's first Fantasy patch. I started by posting a preview of Scorpion. Then various other MK Fighters. I remember Big bro Phil , tnafan and Blue Warrior being totally into the concept. I received a lot of support from some of my closest OSR friends. Hence, when i made the patch, a ot of people downloaded it. But sadly, my mediafire account was terminated. I still have no clue why, but all I know is I lost all of my creations. Saddened, I restarted my adventure. Starting with Wrestlemania 28 arena. Then I went for another Hitaus

I returned with ...a short living but tremendous activity.I made various arenas starting from WM 29 to RAW 2003 to the first ever Fist Set for RAW [Thanks to Nadim for the idea of the fist set]. I actually even made one arena dedicated to OSR. and It was the first arena made by me to have the Fist Set (Thanks to Smarty, Nadim, Phil, tnafan and others for the idea and support). Times were really good. I loved people seeing my work and giving me peeps. I gave them peeps as a return too. I even went further into creating 3 modpacks. A lot of aforementioned people including Victor helped me and all 3 of them were successfully made.

Then I started missing OSR a lot. OSR had become one important part of my life. The unity, the friendship and the team work between members makes OSR wonderful. I just had to come back and see what is going on. Its always good to be here in Old Skool Reunion. I still want to learn No Mercy and SvR Modding. The modders in these sections work their butt out and create one amazing product. So yes, Soon!

Thank you OSR and TWR for everything. None of you have any idea what OSR has become for me. This may sound absurd,but OSR at times feels like my Virtual home.
