Internal Clock and Speed Boosts.


Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
I was looking at VPW2 in memory viewer just above the memory where options are stored and found counters that were constantly increasing.

At first I thought it was to do with the background music (loading each individual sound) due to it being the only thing changing in where I was in the menu screens.

But no, it was a constantly increasing internal timer (Hours, minutes, seconds), which appears to reset it self when you reset the game.

I'm thinking of using it to age people, granted it sounds childish but I think lowering everyone's speed, lowering defense slightly and making their hair gray/white if the internal clock has been increased to a high level would be an interesting mechanic.

Hell it would be great decreasing players speed the later it gets into a PPV, so you have to book it the of quicker paced matches first, then slower paced matches at the end, otherwise every high flying move will botch.

And yeah working on a "stamina system" of sorts,
If p1's momentum is in green/yellow speed is normal.
If p1's momentum is in blue/yellow/orange speed is slow.
If p1's momentum is Flashing/Danger speed is fast.

In the opinion of more experienced members, would it work?
In the opinion of less experianced members, would you want it?