-- WWE Hall of Famer Jesse Ventura filed a lawsuit against the TSA yesterday. Ventura filed the lawsuit alleging that the security measures at the airport—specifically, "full-body scans and pat-downs"—violate his right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. Ventura has refused to fly due to the regulations since his hip sets off metal detectors and subjects him to more invasive searches. You can read more about it at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/
-- Brian Fritz recently interviewed Hacksaw Jim Duggan. In the interview, Duggan discusses his career going full circle, how he is back working independent shows now at 57 years old, and that he will be in Boston "just incase then need him" for the Royal Rumble. You can read that interview at http://www.fanhouse.com/
-- Brian Fritz recently interviewed Hacksaw Jim Duggan. In the interview, Duggan discusses his career going full circle, how he is back working independent shows now at 57 years old, and that he will be in Boston "just incase then need him" for the Royal Rumble. You can read that interview at http://www.fanhouse.com/