Making your own WWF No Mercy Cutscenes/Championship Mode for video editing


Apr 18, 2012
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(UPDATE: Nov. 14th 2019. Scroll Down for the new Information)

Hey Guys. So I've been confused for years about the cutscene modifier. Finally, I made a breakthrough since I'm going to try making some youtube videos with WWF No Mercy again.

So if you're looking for an easy way to modify cutscenes in WWF No Mercy, I'm here to help in the simplest way possible. Basically I'm gonna DUMB IT DOWN for ya. It could have helped me years ago! lol

So FIRST, we'll look at the Cutscene Modifier post. But no worries. No need to memorize anything just yet. We'll use it as an example to go back to.

CutScene Type Modifier
81135140 ???? (1A20 default)
Credit: TheChocolateStarFish

Cutscene Wrestlers modifier
8113518E ???? - character 1 (Note 1)
81135190 ???? - character 2 (Note 1)
81135196 00?? - what outfit player 1 is in (Note 2)
81135198 00?? - what outfit player 2 is in (Note 2)
Credit: TheChocolateStarFish

Cutscene Music Modiefier
81135188 00??
Credit: TheChocolateStarFish

Who The Camera Is On Modifier
8113516A ???? (Note 3)
Credit: TheChocolateStarFish

cutscene Area:
8115DDE ????
credit: JamStubbs (Note 4)

Note 1:
0001 - Rock
0002 - SCSA
0003 - Undertaker
0004 - Kane
0005 - Richards
0006 - Mankind
0007 - Cactus
0008 - Mick
0009 - HBK
0101 - HHH
0102 - X-Pac
0103 - Mr. Ass
0104 - Road Dogg
0201 - Benoit
0202 - Malenko
0203 - Saturn
0204 - Guerrero
0301 - Jericho
0302 - Angle
0303 - Tazz
0304 - Test
0305 - GodFather
0306 - D`Lo
0307 - Venis
0308 - Shamrock
0401 - Rikishi
0402 - Sexay
0403 - Scotty
0404 - Edge
0405 - Christian
0406 - Matt
0407 - Jeff
0501 - Faarooq
0502 - Bradshaw
0503 - D-Von
0504 - Buh Buh
0505 - Hardcore
0506 - Crash
0507 - Bossman
0508 - Albert
0601 - Al
0602 - Blackman
0603 - Bulldog
0604 - Henry
0605 - Viscera
0606 - Andre
0607 - Buchanan
0608 - Rios
0609 - Taka
0701 - Chyna
0702 - Stephanie
0703 - Tori
0704 - Debra
0705 - Trish
0706 - Lita
0801 - Jacqueline
0802 - Linda
0803 - Kat
0804 - Moola
0805 - Ho
0901 - Vince
0902 - Shane
0903 - Hebner
0904 - Jim Ross
0A01 - 0A12 = CAW 1 - 18
0C00 - GBC CAW

Note 2:
00 - Outfit 1
01 - Outfit 2
02 - Outfit 3
03 - Outfit 4

Note 3:
00 - Character 1
01 - Character 2

Note 4:
0000 - RAW is WAR Arena
0001 - No Mercy Arena
0002 - Smackdown Arena
0003 - King of the Ring Arena
0004 - Summerslam Arena
0005 - Survivor Series Arena
0006 - Royal Rumble Arena
0007 - Wrestlemania Arena
0008 - Backlash Arena
0009 - Armageddon Arena
000a - Raw is WAR Ramp Area
000b - No Mercy Ramp Area
000c - Smackdown Ramp Area
000d - King of the Ring Ramp Area
000e - Summerslam Ramp Area
000f - Survivor Series Ramp Area
0010 - Royal Rumble Ramp Area
0011 - Wrestlemania Ramp Area
0012 - Backlash Ramp Area
0013 - Armageddon Ramp Area
0014 - Hallway
0015 - Bar Room
0016 - Parking Lot
0017 - Boiler Room
0018 - Locker Room


Okay. So first we'll start up WWF No Mercy and then start with the "TYPE"

CutScene Type Modifier
81135140 ???? (1A20 default)
Credit: TheChocolateStarFish

Add 81135140 1A23 to your Cheat List and Enable it.

Then go to Championship Mode. Choose any title & Superstar. Doesen't matter who or what right now.

Now you should see a In Ring Promo Cutscene begin. Next we'll change the Character (Assuming you're The Rock) to Chyna.

So look at the "Cutscene Wrestlers Modifier"

Cutscene Wrestlers modifier
8113518E ???? - character 1 (Note 1)
81135190 ???? - character 2 (Note 1)
81135196 00?? - what outfit player 1 is in (Note 2)
81135198 00?? - what outfit player 2 is in (Note 2)
Credit: TheChocolateStarFish

Next code we'll enter is 8113518E 0701
When enabled your character should change immediately to Chyna

Next we'll test out the Area. (This may need a game restart)

cutscene Area:
8115DDE ????
credit: JamStubbs (Note 4)

Now this code confused me because there was a digit missing and I never knew what that digit was. Plus I didn't know you needed to use these codes in CHAMPIONSHIP MODE to activate them.

So First we'll reset the game and then fix the code and put in 8115DDE0 0014 for the Hallway Area.

Now Chyna will be cutting a promo in the Hallway.

Mess around with the code and find out some cool stuff for yourself. When I do the same I'll add them here myself! But I hope that helps you out with making your own Cutscenes for video editing and all that cool stuff!


[font=Times New Roman,Times,serif]Cutscenes Found AS OF Nov. 14th 2019:[/font]

1A20 - Listed as the start of Championship Mode Cutscenes. Soft Crash Menu (Need to Reset Game to leave)
1A22 - Chosen Character Entrance (Character Modifier doesen't change the Character Chosen
1A23 - Angry In Ring Promo
1A2C - Normal In Ring Promo
1A39 - 2 Characters Locker Room Scene
1A48 - Angry Promo
1A5F - Hallway Start Scene? (May need Tag Team Championship Mode (4 Players/Characters Preloaded))
1A6D - 2 Characters Talking in the Parking Lot
1AA0 - In Ring Promo Start
1AA5 - Character 2 Promo on Stage
1AAF - Chracter 2 Drinking in the Bar
1AD5 - Character 1 & Character 2 In Ring Promo Staredown
1AE6 - Character 2 In Ring Promo on Character 1 (Not in the Ring)
1B0A - Character 2 walking in the Hallway away from the Arena
1B41 - Character 2 cuts Promo on Character 1
1B89 - Backstage Interview
1BB0 - Character 1 & Character 2 in the ring promo start
1BFB - "IDK" Taunt Promo
1D06 - Pan Across 4 Characters (Women's Championship Bikini Scene)
1D88 - Angry Locker Room Scene
1EFB - 1 Character Angry. The Other calms them down. a 3rd Character comes in and then runs
1F24 - Angry Character calmed down. Both are questioned. A conversation happens. 3rd
character promos on character 4. Ends with Character 3 being booed.
1F9E - Character finds someone backstage and has a conversation.
2044 - Kane Win Celebration
204A - Rikishi & Too Cool Dance

NOTE: To Activate Cutscenes, start Championship Mode or win a match with the Superstar that has a win celebration (Not Tested fully but I have made The Rock end with Kanes Pyro instead of his normal win & found the celebrations in Championship Mode.)

Remember to DISABLE the code once the scene starts to play out the scene. The code is only for the animation that starts.