Miscellaneous Unknown AKI Facts Thread


Young Lion
Jan 7, 2015
Reaction score
Based on the two I've already written before not getting any response, I figure I could just make another thread for more findings on random stuff, but before I post anything, does anyone have any random AKI stuff they found or know that they feel isn't commonly known or hasn't really been disseminated to the masses?

My first fact: Rick Rude's incomplete moveset in WCW/nWo Revenge is roughly based on Kevin Nash's in the same game. They share their running strikes, and two of their strong grapples; Rick Rude actually has 4 strong strikes, but they're only accessible in Tag Matches (the same applies to Dusty Rhodes, who appears to have a version of Misawa's moveset).


Young Lion
Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
That's pretty awesome! Didn't know that. How would the 4 strikes be performed? What Button combo?


Young Lion
Jan 7, 2015
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They basically do not have any grapples when it comes to Tag Team matches, so they have two sets of strikes. They have 8 weak strikes and 4 strong strikes; the 'normal' strikes are those you use with B, but the alternate strikes are accessed with A. Because they're managers, it's actually kind of fun transplanting the moves they actually have into Wrestlemania 2000 over a CAW with any one of the managerial movesets (Jerry Lawler, JR, The Stooges, etc.). It gives the movesets more character, and in the case of Dusty Rhodes' moveset, it actually gives you some KO power! It's a test of your skills if you try and wrestle as such a character on the hardest difficulty.

S.K. Stylez

Backstage Worker
Jun 2, 2011
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Some VPW2 bits. I don't know if I posted it here.

Whilst translating the game, I stumbled across some text that led me to believe that there were features that were supposed to be in the game, but were removed.

Here's some of what I've found.

1. Boxing

Apparently the Boxing style was also going to be included in the game, but it was never completed. You can select the style, and you'll see that every move option is available in the move list. However you'll notice that every move that the wrestler has during a match, will be the infamous "Invalid Chop". On the wrestler select screen, you'll also notice that for the Style, it will say "RESULT", which is from Royal Road Succession.

D016FE4D 0003
8016FE4D 0004





2. Computer Intelligence Type

It made an appearance in WM2000 via a code, but was removed in VPW2. You can access it in the menu with the code below, but it doesn't seem to link to the wrestler like the other options.

D12B7600 FFFF
812B7600 6235
D02B75EB 0001
802B75EB 0000
D02B75EB 0009
802B75EB 0008
D02B7603 0000
812B75E0 C284
D02B7603 0000
812B75E4 C268
D12B75FA FF00
812B75FA F4DC



3. Alternate Menu Textures

There are some hidden texture within the game that suggest that AKI was going to have different textures for the Main Menu options instead of the generic texture. This is what the Menus could have looked like.

D116A5D4 0026
8116A5D0 0021
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5D2 F000
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5D8 0022
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5DA F000
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5DC 001E
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5DE F000
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5E0 001F
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5E2 F000
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5E4 0020
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5E6 F000
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5F0 0024
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5F2 F000
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5F4 0025
D116A5D4 0026
8116A5F6 F000
D116A5D4 0026
8116A600 0028
D116A5D4 0026
8116A602 F000
D116A5D4 0026
8116A604 0029
D116A5D4 0026
8116A606 F000




4. Smoking Skull Belt

AKI decided to leave Stone Cold Steve Austin's Smoking Skull Belt in the game. It's the same texture that is found in Wrestlemania 2000. It's the only extra belt that is in the game.

Name your belt "WWF" and you'll be able to compete for the Smoking Skull Belt. There's 2 versions of the code, 1 for the Original Japanese version and 1 for the English version.

Original (Japanese Version)
D1108C58 006E
81108CC4 007A
D1108C58 006E
81108CC6 0CFF
D109FE48 8276
D109FE4A 8276
D109FE4C 8265
D109FE4E 0000
8009FE5E 001B
D109FEDC 8276
D109FEDE 8276
D109FEE0 8265
D109FEE2 0000
8009FEF2 001B
D109FF70 8276
D109FF72 8276
D109FF74 8265
D109FF76 0000
8009FF86 001B
D10A0004 8276
D10A0006 8276
D10A0008 8265
D10A000A 0000
800A001A 001B
D10A0098 8276
D10A009A 8276
D10A009C 8265
D10A009E 0000
800A00AE 001B
D10A012C 8276
D10A012E 8276
D10A0130 8265
D10A0132 0000
800A0142 001B
D10A01C0 8276
D10A01C2 8276
D10A01C4 8265
D10A01C6 0000
800A01D6 001B
D10A0254 8276
D10A0256 8276
D10A0258 8265
D10A025A 0000
800A026A 001B

English Patched Version
D1108C58 006E
81108CC4 007A
D1108C58 006E
81108CC6 0CFF
D109FE48 5757
D109FE4A 4600
8009FE5E 001B
D109FEDC 5757
D109FEDE 4600
8009FEF2 001B
D109FF70 5757
D109FF72 4600
8009FF86 001B
D10A0004 5757
D10A0006 4600
800A001A 001B
D10A0098 5757
D10A009A 4600
800A00AE 001B
D10A012C 5757
D10A012E 4600
800A0142 001B
D10A01C0 5757
D10A01C2 4600
800A01D6 001B
D10A0254 5757
D10A0256 4600
800A026A 001B


Note: The belt will not display like in the above image unless you replace an existing belt with the Smoking Skull.


Young Lion
Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
Love stuff like this. What a shame the boxing style never made it in. Are there any new strikes to be found with Dusty or Rick Rude? I'd love to hear some no mercy stuff that didnt quite make it!


Jan 9, 2011
Reaction score
These aren't hacking related, but I have a few for No Mercy.

- Weapons in No Mercy don't actually do damage when you slam people on them. They only make the noise.
- If you wanna make a bigger woman CAW, you can just make a male body with a female face. You get all the male options too, like beards and hats and shit.


Young Lion
Jan 7, 2015
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I had seen your stuff before, S.K., but I think it was on VPW2 Dojo, not here. Still really amazing to see how much digging you did — you're really a talented modder/hacker (I mostly just find stuff that's in the games without messing too much with codes). I want to repost images and captions from the other threads, but I figure I can just recap brief stuff here until I can bring some new images and facts over from my other computer.

1. Black Tiger II is not Eddie Guerrero in VPW64, he's actually Johnny Ace; Johnny Ace coincidentally has a body type that allows the original Black Tiger's costume to be equipped.

2. Sting's unmasked faces correspond to the wrong 'masks', e.g. his Crow facepaint, when removed, shows a face that looks like it had his blue Surfer facepaint on. Removing his red and white surfer facepaint reveals a face that looks like it had his Crow facepaint removed (the logic extends from there onwards).

3. This one's a new one, I think: even though Joe Bruiser in WCW/nWo World Tour has no grapples, the fact that you can steal your opponent's finisher reveals his front and back specials. His front special is the Capture Suplex (Maeda uses it in all the games he appears in, I think), and his back special is a standard German Suplex with no pin (the opponent doesn't flip, and there's no special snap to it, so it's your most basic German Suplex). One of the differences between VPW64 and World Tour is that you can't actually steal finishers in the former, meaning if someone were to hack that ability into VPW64, maybe it's possible to find the hidden finishers of all the Kickboxing characters!

There's A LOT more coming!


Young Lion
Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
I'll contribute what I've gathered from checking different boards, addy's and values.

It looks like no mercy's royal rumble was set to be a bit different from other games. Hidden animations were found for throwing people over the top rope, and a reversal after being thrown over the top where the player holds the bottom rope and rolls back in.

Also a hidden animation of a powerbomb doomsday device has been found. Both these moves have been coded up by Barskio and can be found on this board.

In no mercy's championship mode certain backstage matches feature closed doors so that you can not leave the area. In tag team championship there is a match where you face APA in the boiler room and the door is closed. And another championship (maybe European) you face Eddie in the parking lot and the doors are closed.

Coincidentally if anyone has the coding to close those doors I'd love to have it.

There are 2 moves that do more damage when another move precedes it. (There may be more). The people's elbow ground attack is much more powerful when the ground grapple special people's elbow is performed right before it. And scotty's worm chop is much more powerful if you make it through the whole worm taunt before the chop. I'm not sure but this may also apply to godfather's corner attack if there's a taunt before it (not sure). Anyone know any more of these? I've always wondered if you gave vince the people's elbow special whether the vince elbow drop becomes more powerful. I think this idea is leftover from vpw2 where stan hansen's running lariat is more powerful right after his special taunt.


Young Lion
Jan 7, 2015
Reaction score
Another small one for now. I mentioned this in another thread and on Reddit one time, but Han Zo Mon is not a Hayabusa clone, he's actually a hybrid between the original Tiger Mask and Hayabusa. The majority of his grapples and strikes are all Tiger Mask's, but his special grapples, his taunts, and his flying moves are all Hayabusa's.

Additionally, a loooong time ago, I was messing around with codes for stances in No Mercy, and came across this one: 8015025A 0007
This allows you to access one of the stances from VPW64 (the one where the wrestler's hands are closer to the chest instead of in the Greco position). I posted a video on Youtube showing a CAW using this stance with a glitched version of Akira Maeda's moveset that I made from scratch.
Speaking of which, anyone got the codes for Jinsei Shinzaki's or Misawa's full AI and movesets from the hidden GBC mode? I have an Excel file with the names of all the hidden GBC movesets, but never quite figured out how to use it.
More facts!

1) In the original Virtual Pro Wrestling, Jeff Jarrett not only has Ric Flair's moveset, but his face is actually just a retextured version of Flair's. See here:

Comparison between Jarrett and Flair

2) In VPW64, it's true that a lot of the faces under the masks are generic. However, there exist some interesting links between some of the wrestlers.

For example, Dos Caras and his brother, Mil Mascaras, share the exact same face underneath their respective masks, even down to the pattern of the tears and rips.

El Samurai, when unmasked, keeps the lower part of it his face identical to the one seen when the mask is on. However, removing his mask reveals that the top half of his face is actually that of a recolored Hiroshi Hase.

Tiger Mask shares half of his unmasked texture with a wrestler whose name escapes me at the moment (he's one of the luchadors in Local Pro Wrestling, I believe). For whatever reason, the top half of Tiger Mask's face seems a little blurred but with more depth than that of its twin.


Additionally, the aforementioned pictures of Muta without his paint, compared with Keiji Mutoh's texture without the beard (note that these were resized to original VPW dimensions of 128x256).


3) Continuing the theme of masks, the Great Sasuke has a different mask in both VPW64 and WCW/nWo World Tour. I have reason to believe that, while maybe it wasn't a late change, Sasuke's VPW64 textures were definitely made first. Why do I say this? If you take a look at their respective unmasked textures, you can tell that the one appear in World Tour is a rather shoddily edited version of the one appearing in VPW64 (smudged edges to hide the red and white from the original mask, along with black residue from the full ninja mask).


Because I spent so much damn time ripping textures, I found a few people might not have bothered wanting to see.

The Road Warriors:

Mr. Pogo:

Rickson Gracie has an extra head. They're not identical, skin color aside — the second head's nose is a little bit longer than Rickson's. Maybe it's Renzo?

In addition to these, I collected so many, I thought you guys might enjoy a fun retexture project I started. Rather than have just a rip on the masks, maybe it would be fun making a complete 'head' texture, that is, with no instances of the mask being visible! Here are a few:

Mil Mascaras (made using Dynamite Kid as a template, as the colors and shape are basically a perfect fit):

Rey Mysterio (same logic as with Mil Mascaras, but moreso leaning towards the fact that not other texture suited it; originally attempted it with Road Warrior Hawk, but I felt kinda weird about making him bald. I could try it on request though!):


The Destroyer (made using Dory Funk Jr., but would now consider maybe trying it with the guy sharing Naoya Ogawa's moves):

Tiger Mask (made using Kuniaki Kobayashi, Antonio Inoki, and Koji Kanemoto; the hardest one, and I'm still not satisfied with how the fringe looks. Feel free to edit my work though!)

EDIT: Please wait for me while I somehow figure out how to reupload allll the images that I had put into this thread

EDIT 2: Fixed

I hope that I won't get in trouble for constantly trying to keep this thread alive, but I like to think there are some people that might be interested in some more facts!

I have long held the belief that Shawn Michaels was the AKI WWF games' answer to Tiger Mask, because they share a couple of taunts, and Shawn has one of Tiger Mask's reversals. However, upon checking out the full moveset of Mil Mascaras, I'm more of the opinion that Shawn Michaels uses a heel version of Mascaras' moveset. They share a a running strike (spinning back elbow), most of their high flying attacks (save for the elbow and Shawn's outside diving attack), and the same back finisher. AKI did an amazing job of capturing the style of wrestling Mascaras used back in the 1970s and 1980s, as it's not full of super high flying moves, but more full of flashy (for the time) high flying moves used only towards the end of the match, built up to by a number of considerably "weak" grapples by the standards of AKI games. None of his grapples have any impact, in other words. More curiously, I wish to ask whomever designed the movesets to come up with a moveset for Karl Gotch in VPW2, simply because I believe he's the missing part of a "set" of sorts. Gotch, in the original VPW/WCW vs. the World uses both Tiger Grapples, with the Spinning Takedown being his finisher if I'm not mistaken. In my imagination, Shawn Michaels represents the US, Mil Mascaras represents Mexico, Tiger Mask represents Japan, and Karl Gotch would represent the largely unrepresented European continent.[/spoiler][/spoiler]