New Grappling/Special System


Young Lion
Jun 28, 2019
Reaction score
This is an updated grappling system to give your matches a more realistic feel. It will give you consistently longer matches without having to use health mods. You will have organically progressive matches using the vanilla health/spirit.

How it works:

At the start of the match, no one will be able to perform a strong grapple. A player must max their spirit one time to unlock strong grapples for all players.

Specials will not be unlocked unless you max your spirit three times. This makes earning a special something worth working for.

I've simmed multiple matches using this new system and the matches have a much better progression, and are almost always they last at least ten minutes.

If you use this in conjunction with this tool, you'll be able to have unlockable moves depending on your spirit level.

Spirit levels:

0000 - Default at start of match

0001 - Player has maxxed spirit once

0002 - Player has maxxed spirit two times

I usually will assign my unlockable moves at 0003. Thus, giving you the really strong/signature moves in the later stages of the match, every time.

Let me know if you run into any problems:

Null Animation

D0430000 0000

D008e7b3 0000

8129B682 0011

D0430000 0000

D115AF56 2E75

8115AF56 2E74

D0430000 0000

D115AF56 2E74

D115AF58 001E

8115AF52 0000

D0430001 0000

D008e7b3 0000

8129B682 0011

D0430001 0000

D115B2AE 2E75

8115B2AE 2E74

D0430001 0000

D115B2AE 2E74

D115B2B0 001E

8115B2AA 0000

D0430002 0000

D008e7b3 0000

8129B682 0011

D0430002 0000

D115B606 2E75

8115B606 2E74

D0430002 0000

D115B606 2E75

D115B608 001E

8115B602 0000

D0430003 0000

D008e7b3 0000

8129B682 0011

D0430003 0000

D115B95E 2E75

8115B95E 2E74

D0430003 0000

D115B95E 2E75

D115B960 001E

8115B95A 0000


Reset Unused Addies at Start of match.

D115A71E 0001

803275F8 0000

D115A71E 0001

80430000 0000

D115A71E 0001

803275F9 0000

D115A71E 0001

80430001 0000

D115A71E 0001

803275FA 0000

D115A71E 0001

80430002 0000

D115A71E 0001

803275FC 0000

D115A71E 0001

80430003 0000

D115A71E 0001

80430002 0000

D115A71E 0001

80430001 0000

D115A71E 0001

80430000 0000


Reset spirit, activate strong grapple access

D115AF5E 0064

D03275F8 0000

D0430000 0000

803275F8 0001

D115AF5E 0064

D03275F8 0001

D0430000 0000

8115AF5E 0035

D03275F8 0001

D115AF5E 0035

80430000 0001

D115B2B6 0064

D03275F9 0000

D0430001 0000

803275F9 0001

D115B2B6 0064

D03275F9 0001

D0430001 0000

8115B2B6 0035

D03275F9 0001

D115B2B6 0035

80430001 0001

D115B60E 0064

D03275FA 0000

D0430002 0000

803275FA 0001

D115B60E 0064

D03275FA 0001

D0430002 0000

8115B60E 0035

D03275FA 0001

D115B60E 0035

80430002 0001

D115B966 0064

D03275FC 0000

D0430003 0000

803275FC 0001

D115B966 0064

D03275FC 0001

D0430003 0000

8115B966 0035

D03275FC 0001

D115B966 0035

80430003 0001

Part 2:

D0430000 0001

D0430001 0000

80430001 0001

D0430000 0001

D0430002 0000

80430002 0001

D0430000 0001

D0430003 0000

80430003 0001

D0430001 0001

D0430000 0000

80430000 0001

D0430001 0001

D0430002 0000

80430002 0001

D0430001 0001

D0430003 0000

80430003 0001

D0430002 0001

D0430000 0000

80430000 0001

D0430002 0001

D0430001 0000

80430001 0001

D0430002 0001

D0430003 0000

80430003 0001

D0430003 0001

D0430000 0000

80430000 0001

D0430003 0001

D0430001 0000

80430001 0001

D0430003 0001

D0430002 0000

80430002 0001


Null Strong Grapple Slot Access

D0430000 0000

D115af2a 0804

8115af2a 0800

D0430000 0000

D115af2a 0884

8115af2a 0880

D0430000 0000

D115af2a 0104

8115af2a 0100

D0430001 0000

D115B282 0804

8115B282 0800

D0430001 0000

D115B282 0884

8115B282 0880

D0430001 0000

D115B282 0104

8115B282 0100

D0430002 0000

D115B5DA 0804

8115B5DA 0800

D0430002 0000

D115B5DA 0884

8115B5DA 0880

D0430002 0000

D115B5DA 0104

8115B5DA 0100

D0430003 0000

D115B932 0804

8115B932 0800

D0430003 0000

D115B932 0884

8115B932 0880

D0430003 0000

D115B932 0104

8115B932 0100


Activate Level Two

D115AF5E 0064

D03275F8 0001

D0430000 0001

803275F8 0002

D115AF5E 0064

D03275F8 0002

D0430000 0001

8115AF5E 004A

D03275F8 0002

d115AF5E 004A

80430000 0002

D115B2B6 0064

D03275F9 0001

D0430001 0001

803275F9 0002

D115B2B6 0064

D03275F9 0002

D0430001 0001

8115B2B6 004A

D03275F9 0002

D115B2B6 004A

80430001 0002

D115B60E 0064

D03275FA 0001

D0430002 0001

803275FA 0002

D115B60E 0064

D03275FA 0002

D0430002 0001

8115B60E 004a

D03275FA 0002

D115B60E 004a

80430002 0002

D115B966 0064

D03275FC 0001

D0430003 0001

803275FC 0002

D115B966 0064

D03275FC 0002

D0430003 0001

8115B966 004A

D03275FC 0002

D115B966 004A

80430003 0001

B-) ​