Portable N64


Staff member
Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>This Portable N64 Is A Work Of Art, And There Are More Coming


We've seen portable retro consoles before, but this N64 mod is beautiful. Not only that, but it looks like there will be more of them on the way, so you just might be able to get one.

The portable console uses a 3.5" screen, internal memory and Rumble Pak, an Expansion Pak, a GameCube analog stick and 4 hour battery life. If you're interested in the process of making it, there's a progress thread here. Just want to see the final product in action? Check out the video below.

Bungle posted this on the Bacman forum for retro console mods, and mentioned that he wants to make more so he can sell them. So start saving up now, because who knows how many he'll be able to make. If you're interested in getting one, you can follow the forum, or subscribe to the YouTube channel.


I asked Bungle for some more information on his plans to sell them, and I'll update when he lets me know



soooo this is bloody awesome, it would be cool if he released the blueprints as i doubt he will be able to sell them