Shortened-to-full and attire-specific-to-full moveset converters


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
I created two tools for getting full movesets. If you like to use some of the individual wrestlers from mods rather than playing the actual mods themselves, then these two tools will be very useful.

The first tool gets the full version of a moveset replacement code from the shortened version. Here's how to use it:
1. Create a file called “default.txt”. In this file, place the code for the default moveset. (If you have the Moveset Editor, then you have this already.)
2. Create a file called “shortened.txt”. In this file, paste the shortened moveset code.
3. Place both of these files in the same directory as this one and double-click it.
4. The resulting file, “full.txt” will appear.

The second tool, which basically does the reverse of what the 4-in-1 moveset converter does, gets the full version of a moveset replacement code from the attire-specific code. Here's how to use it:
1. Create a file called “attire1.txt”. In this file, place the code for the full version of the moveset for attire 1. (If you only have the shortened version, then run the shortened-to-full conversion program first.)
2. Create a file called “player1.txt”. In this file place the attire-specific moveset code for player 1. In Showdown 64, this will be the first ¼ of that wrestler's moveset cheat. So if the moveset cheat for that wrestler's moveset is 8 parts, then paste the first 2 parts here. You can paste it exactly as it is; you don't need to remove the activator lines.
3. Place both of these files in the same directory as this one and double-click it.
4. The resulting file, “result.txt” will appear.

Say I am playing Showdown 64 and want to get the movesets for Bret and Owen Hart. I take a look at Bret in the Smackdown Mall and see that he replaces Ken Shamrock.
To get Bret, here's what I do:
1. Copy and paste the Ken Shamrock.txt file from the Moveset Editor's Default Movesets folder, changing the name of the copy to default.txt.
2. Create a file called shortened.txt.
3. Go into the cheats window and copy and paste Bret Hart's move replacements code into shortened.txt.
4. Make sure default.txt and shortened.txt are in the same directory as ShortenedToFullConverter.jar.
5. Double-click on ShortenedToFullConverter.jar.

Then, to get Owen, here's what I do:
1. Copy and paste the full moveset for Bret (this is the file you just generated using ShortenedToFullConverter.jar), changing the name of the ccopy to attire1.txt.
2. Create a file called player1.txt.
3. Go into the cheats window and look for Owen Hart's move replacement code. It has 12 parts, so parts 1-3 will be for player 1. Copy and paste parts 1-3 into player1.txt.
4. Make sure attire1.txt and player1.txt are in the same directory as 4in1MovesetReverseConverter.jar.
5. Double-click on 4in1MovesetReverseConverter.jar.


Deleted User

Crowd Member
This is AWESOME! Much appreciated. This will help immensely.

Tyler Black

Upper Midcard
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
Wow, this is perfect for me, i HATE writing full movesets for my save, especially for guys that already have movesets done in another save. thanks a ton man, this is really going to speed up the process for my save


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
awesome work man, was looking for something like this!!!


Lower Midcard
Jan 12, 2013
Reaction score
Oops! I originally uploaded empty zip files by mistake. I just edited my original post, so now the files are correct.


Main Eventer
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
thanks for the re-upload bro, you guys are geniuses!!


Strange bro, the files are still empty!!