Splicing Moves FAQ [Credit:ErikTempest]
Many of you are intrigued with the subject of splicing moves concerning the N64 game of VPW2. Well here's what I hope to be an informative and useful tutorial on this dreaded yet embraced hacking function.
OK first we need to know the addresses:
P1 810704C4 ????
P2 81070584 ?
P3 81070644 ?
P4 81070704 ?
What for:
These addresses represent the actual animation that the specified player is performing, such as the animation for doing a powerbomb, or for taking a vertical suplex.
How find:
To find the specified address of an actual move, go into edit wrestler, view a move and then hit the GS button. GO into the memory editor and press A. Afterwards, go to either the player one address to find the animation for the performing of the move, or go to the player 2 address to find the taking the move. The addresses will be the four numbers from the highlighted one. So an address of a move could be 810704c4 0074 (dunno if it real off top of head)
P1 810704C6 ?
P2 81070586 ?
P3 81070646 ?
P4 81070706 ?
What for:
These addresses are the actual pieces of moves. With this, you could actuall cut into different frames, in other words splice.
How Find:
TO find the frame of a move that you want, go into edit wrestler, view a move, and just when you want to cut into a move or cut from a move, press the gs button, then go to memory editor then to the address of the first or second player as specified in the animation address description. Now this is very useful for splicing, as you can cut into, for example, a powerbomb just as the victim is lifted up, and then say "if statement" (D instead of eight in front), then cut with another move, such as diamond cutter or whatnot.
Personally I don't' use frames too much as they serve as complications to me, I use the more complex way of splicing, which concerns what I think are called 8-bit codes.
Complicated Frames:
Frame PT. 1
P1 810704D0 ?
P2 81070590 ?
P3 81070650 ?
P4 81070710 ?
Frame PT. 2
P1 810704D2 ?
P2 81070592 ?
P3 81070652 ?
P4 81070712 ?
What for:
These addresses serve the same purpose as the normal frame addresses except that these are 8-bit codes.
How find:
Now, basically you press the bgs button at the same time as for a frame search but, the numbers are set differently. From frame pt 1, the first four numbers are for pt 1, and the next four are for pt. 2.
Pt. 1 is usually the same for certain moves, as it,I would think, says which moves animation its going into, while pt.2 is the actual pieces.
Now into splicing my way that is. What I do first is find the animation and make an if statement for that animation
D10704c4 ? If player 1 is doing a certain move�
Then I look for the point in THAT move that I want to cut into using complicated frames, BUT I only use an "if statement"for PT 2
D10704d2 ? �and If player 1's animation reaches this point�
After that, I look for a move that I want to change the animation to and find it'sPT1 and PT2 values where I want it to start the move (like in the middle of a diamond cutter.) First I do PT1:
D10704d0 ? �then PT1 frame changes to this
Note: PT1 does not have to be done If and only if the move is the same that is changing, like if the move is cutting to a later part of the same move.
Then I will repeat the same "If statements" for pt2:
D10704c4 ?
D10704d2 ?
D10704d2 ? �then PT2 frame changes to this
Many of you are intrigued with the subject of splicing moves concerning the N64 game of VPW2. Well here's what I hope to be an informative and useful tutorial on this dreaded yet embraced hacking function.
OK first we need to know the addresses:
P1 810704C4 ????
P2 81070584 ?
P3 81070644 ?
P4 81070704 ?
What for:
These addresses represent the actual animation that the specified player is performing, such as the animation for doing a powerbomb, or for taking a vertical suplex.
How find:
To find the specified address of an actual move, go into edit wrestler, view a move and then hit the GS button. GO into the memory editor and press A. Afterwards, go to either the player one address to find the animation for the performing of the move, or go to the player 2 address to find the taking the move. The addresses will be the four numbers from the highlighted one. So an address of a move could be 810704c4 0074 (dunno if it real off top of head)
P1 810704C6 ?
P2 81070586 ?
P3 81070646 ?
P4 81070706 ?
What for:
These addresses are the actual pieces of moves. With this, you could actuall cut into different frames, in other words splice.
How Find:
TO find the frame of a move that you want, go into edit wrestler, view a move, and just when you want to cut into a move or cut from a move, press the gs button, then go to memory editor then to the address of the first or second player as specified in the animation address description. Now this is very useful for splicing, as you can cut into, for example, a powerbomb just as the victim is lifted up, and then say "if statement" (D instead of eight in front), then cut with another move, such as diamond cutter or whatnot.
Personally I don't' use frames too much as they serve as complications to me, I use the more complex way of splicing, which concerns what I think are called 8-bit codes.
Complicated Frames:
Frame PT. 1
P1 810704D0 ?
P2 81070590 ?
P3 81070650 ?
P4 81070710 ?
Frame PT. 2
P1 810704D2 ?
P2 81070592 ?
P3 81070652 ?
P4 81070712 ?
What for:
These addresses serve the same purpose as the normal frame addresses except that these are 8-bit codes.
How find:
Now, basically you press the bgs button at the same time as for a frame search but, the numbers are set differently. From frame pt 1, the first four numbers are for pt 1, and the next four are for pt. 2.
Pt. 1 is usually the same for certain moves, as it,I would think, says which moves animation its going into, while pt.2 is the actual pieces.
Now into splicing my way that is. What I do first is find the animation and make an if statement for that animation
D10704c4 ? If player 1 is doing a certain move�
Then I look for the point in THAT move that I want to cut into using complicated frames, BUT I only use an "if statement"for PT 2
D10704d2 ? �and If player 1's animation reaches this point�
After that, I look for a move that I want to change the animation to and find it'sPT1 and PT2 values where I want it to start the move (like in the middle of a diamond cutter.) First I do PT1:
D10704d0 ? �then PT1 frame changes to this
Note: PT1 does not have to be done If and only if the move is the same that is changing, like if the move is cutting to a later part of the same move.
Then I will repeat the same "If statements" for pt2:
D10704c4 ?
D10704d2 ?
D10704d2 ? �then PT2 frame changes to this