We open the show with a look back at Lockdown and the physical nature of the Jarrett-Angle match and Lethal Lockdown matches and the outcome of the World Title match.
We head to the Impact Zone where AJ Styles kicks off the show in a cage, surrounded by tables and chairs and kendo sticks, and tells Bully Ray that he thought he got rid of him, but he was dead wrong. He came back for one reason: to take Bully Ray out, and he was lucky he didn't get wheeled out to the hospital like Ray did to AJ. AJ says that he wants Bully Ray to come out and, for once, face him like a man. Bully Ray comes out to the ring and asks AJ if he's serious, and asks if he knows who he's talking to. Ray says he's the man who put him in the hospital for a month and powerbombed him off the stage. He could come in the ring right now and make sure AJ never wrestles again because he's a man and AJ's a boy. He's telling AJ right now that if he comes down to the ring, he won't go easy on him like last time, and this time he'll powerbomb him from the stage to the concrete and split his head open, then go to his house and take care of his wife and kids. Ray comes down the ramp, but stops outside the cage and says that AJ wants him in the cage real bad, and says he has nothing left to prove to him (crowd tells Ray he sucks), and he could take him out again. He tells AJ to stand in the ring like a loser and he'll take care of AJ on his own time and to go to hell.
Ray turns to leave, but Christopher Daniels comes down the ramp and beats Ray into the ring where AJ beats him down and repeatedly rams him into the cage before knocking him silly with the Pelle kick. AJ takes a garbage can and bashes it right over Ray's head, knocking him out. Gunner comes running out to ringside and brawls with Daniels, and they fight to the back as AJ lays Ray on a table and then climbs up to the top of the cage. AJ is WAY up in the air, but Ray suddenly comes to and quickly slides out of the cage and tells AJ he'll never get to do that to him.
We look back to the bloodbath Ric Flair experienced at Lockdown, then Immortal's music hits and Rob Terry and Murphy come out and Terry says that if AJ Styles wants to play games, Immortal can play games as well, and Beer Money may have won their match at Lockdown, but they want payback for what they did to Ric Flair and they challenge Beer Money for the TNA World Tag Team Title and they want to take the title off of them right now. Beer Money comes out and Roode says that if they want a match for the title in a cage right now, let's ask the fans what they want. The crowd cheers of course, so Storm tells them he's sorry about their damn luck, and we'll kick tonight's show off...after this commercial break!
We're back and the match is already under way...
TNA World Tag Team Title Match/Cage Match: Beer Money vs Rob Terry & Murphy
Immortal beat Roode down in the corner and then Terry hits a backbreaker for 2, then Murphy comes in and they hit a double team for another 2. Murphy with repeated forearms to the back of Storm, then Terry tags in, rams Roode to the cage, and turns him inside out with a clothesline for 2. Finally, Roode hits a clothesline and tags in Storm, who goes right after Rob Terry and hits a running clothesline in the corner and a Codebreaker on Murphy, followed by a DDT on Terry for 2. Roode with a Spinebuster on Terry, Storm with a superkick to Murphy, and a double vertical suplex on Murphy. They do the Beer...Money! Thing and hit the DWI on Terry for the win.
Winners: Beer Money
Solid opener and I'm glad to see some action to start the show instead of 45 minutes of promos.
Jeff and Karen Jarrett are on a carriage ride (filmed earlier today), and they're really happy about how they won that match together. Tonight, Jeff's going to officially coronate Karen the Queen of the Mountain, and they're going to make Prince William and Katte Middleton's wedding look like a cheap Las Vegas affair.
Meanwhile, Hulk Hogan is backstage, and he's...BRANDISHING A PIPE!
Hogan is out to the ring and tells us that the man who made professional wrestling is right in front of us, and he wants RVD to get out here, brother. Van Dam joins him and Hogan says everyone knows he's a few fries short of a happy meal because he had the chance to join Immortal at Lockdown, and just like Ken Anderson, he's going to pay for it, brother. RVD asks if he remembers before he was such a heel, everyone gave him mad love for being the guy who carried the ball, but now he changed because he cares about ratings and they just want him to get out of the business. Everything RVD does, he did for respect. Wrestlers today can't make a living doing a legdrop and things have changed, but RVD sure as hell won't. He throws his mic at Hogan and gives him a challenging stare, but Hogan asks if he's ever set attendance records or slammed giants. He says RVD has always been a big fish in a small pond and his career has always been mediorce, and without Hogan's help, all he's ever going to be is a midcard player.
Sting comes out to join the party, and asks if Hogan said RVD is a mediocre midcard wrestler. He says he heard that RVD is not a main eventer, but that's got to be difficult for everyone in this building to digest because RVD's challenging him for the title in the main event of Sacrifice. Hogan asks if Sting's smoking the same stuff RVD is and says he wants some, but Sting says he came back because the Network put a clause in his contract that if he won the title, he could choose his opponents and he's now choosing Rob Van Dam for Sacrifice. Hogan says the Network doesn't have the guts to get in his face because he runs the show around here. Sting says the execs will be here and he'll be able to say it to their face then, so Hogan says since Sting is here right now, he'll say that this dream match at Sacrifice won't happen because since the Network isn't here tonight and he runs the show, Sting will be facing Matt Hardy, while RVD will take on Abyss.
We go backstage to Kurt Angle, who's looking for Jeff and Karen. Some backstage fellow says he saw them in the parking lot in a horse drawn carriage, and Angle goes to find them.
We go backstage and Tara and Madison Rayne are sniping at each other again, and Madison says Tara cost her the title at Lockdown and accuses her of being in cahoots with Mickie James. Madison says the only way she may be able to get back in her good graces is to win the Knockouts Tag Team Title tonight, and anything less will be unacceptable.
Kurt Angle finds Eric Young backstage feeding horses and Angle asks if he's seen Jeff and Karen, but Eric talks about his buddies Mongo and Sid, the two best Horsemen of all time. Eric feeds the horses some beans, and Angle says if he keeps feeding them beans, they're going to **** all over the place. Eric goes to get some buckets, and suddenly Angle has an idea.
But first, another title is on the line...
Knockouts Tag Team Title: Sarita & Rosita vs Madison Rayne & Tara
We go to commercial, and when we come back we see Rosita hit a flying headscissors on Tara. Madison starts screaming at Tara, who tags her in forcefully and Madison falls victim to a back suplex from Sarita. Sarita with a series of kicks in the corner, but Madison hangs her up in the ropes and dumps her, then hits a running boot and shrieks at Sarita as well before getting in Rosita's face. She then goes back over to Tara and screams at her some more, so Hernandez and Anarchia distract the ref while Rosita and Sarita hit a double clothesline on Madison and Sarita pins her for 3.
Winners: Sarita & Rosita
Madison is stunned that Tara let her lose like that, but Tara casually starts to walk off. Madison grabs her and starts yelling at her again, but Tara starts walking off on her again as Madison follows her, shrikeing like a banshee all the way.
Jeff and Karen Jarrett are backstage, and they're...WALKING!
Wow, that was a short segment.
It's now time for the moment we've all been waiting for...
The Coronation Of Queen Of The Mountain, Karen Jarrett
Jeff says that Karen's actions at Lockdown brought a tear to his eye, for a woman sacrificing herself for her prince was an act of true love. Tonight, he wants to share that true love with the whole world as he, the King of the Mountain, crowns his bride and princess, his entire universe, the Queen of the Mountain. Jeff would like everyone in the Impact Zone and at home to stand up, salute, and stand at attention as he announces, for the first time, the Queen of the Mountain...Karen...Jarrett. Jeff picks up the fancy crown he had sitting on a pedestal and places it on Karen's head. Karen is super excited and starts waving at the fans until horse dung starts falling on her from above. She's totally covered with it and says some naughty things that need to get bleeped out, and then Kurt Angle comes into the ring and stalks Jeff, who tries to back off but Angle grabs him and hits an Angle Slam into Queen Karen's throne. He tells Karen that if she thinks she's in a world of s*** right now, wait until he sees what he has planned for her next. He would never lay a hand on the mother of his children, but he knows someone who will. She's all about pain and no pleasure, and she can't wait to meet Karen. One last thing: Karen might want to get that s*** off her face before she leaves here tonight.
Hogan is backstage with Abyss, and Hogan says that tonight, they're going to finish this business. He walks about five feet to Ken Anderson and tells him he blew his chance to be in Immortal and wants to know who the power behind Immortal is. Anderson says he's been getting screwed by the Network and Hogan for months now, and Hogan has to be ribbing him. Hogan says Anderson is the only person around here that he hates, and eight back surgeries ago, this would have ended right now. Anderson challenges him to fight now, but Hogan says he'll do it on his time. Anderson says he's bored with Hogan's tired threats, so if Hogan will excuse him, he has to go be an asshole. Anderson walks off as Hogan walks back to Anderson all pissed off, and says now it's time to take care of RVD.
Abyss vs Rob Van Dam
RVD goes right after Abyss, peppering him with punches and smashing up Abyss' teeth with a springboard jumpkick. RVD stops for a couple of seconds as he realizes Abyss is hurt, and hits Rolling Thunder for 2. Hogan grabs RVD's boot from the floor and Abyss boots him in the face, then unloads on RVD with hard rights in the corner. Abyss with a big charge in the corner and, with blood running out of his mouth, locks RVD in a neck vice. RVD escapes and knocks Abyss on his ass with a kick to the head, then hits Rolling Thunder again and follows up with a top rope thrust kick. Hogan swings the pipe at RVD from the floor and RVD goes after him, but referee Jackson James leaves the ring and gets between then as Hogan tosses the pipe to Abyss behind Jackson's back. RVD comes back in and picks Abyss up, but Abyss nails him in the gut with the pipe and hits the Black Hole Slam for the win.
Winner: Abyss
Abyss is clearly in a lot of pain from that kick to the mouth at the beginning, but he picks RVD back up and starts beating him down again. Hogan goes to nail RVD with the pipe, but Crimson runs out and spears Abyss, and Abyss and Hogan bail out of the ring.
Sting is backstage saying he's first in line to say he's fighting to get Jeff Hardy back into TNA, but Hogan is all flustered over the stuff with the Network, and he makes fun of Hogan for making him do what he does for a living: wrestling. He's not afraid of Matt Hardy, because IT'S SHOWTIME!
Matt Hardy is backstage with Jeff's crappy belt and he says that this belt meant the world to Jeff, but Sting ended all that for him, and tonight he will destroy Sting for everything he is.
Matt Morgan comes to the ring and says that at Lockdown, he finally put the exclamation point on the end of the Hernandez sentence, and with that behind him, it's time to get back on track with his quest for the TNA World Title. Since everyone's handing out title matches lately, he has some advice for the decision makers: Matt Morgan needs to be at the top of the list because the waiting game is over. He's sick of waiting for his time to come, because his time is now, and if he doesn't get it, he's going to take it. Scott Steiner's music hits and he comes out to the ring and says that whenever he wakes up, it's in a good mood but it never fails and it pisses him off because Morgan claims to be the DNA of TNA, but if he had Morgan's DNA and genetics, he'd shoot himself. No wait, he'd kill himself, then he'd hang himself because Morgan will never have arms as big as him and he'll never be as ripped as Steiner, and the first thing that pissed Steiner off was that he came out here demanding a title shot. Steiner calls him a piece of s*** and says the line for World Title shots starts behind him because he's been World Champion and he's beaten guys bigger, badder, and stronger than him. He's the genetic freak and Morgan is beneath him just like his girlfriend was last night. Morgan says Steiner's got it wrong because he does respect him: Steiner was the pioneer All-American collegiate who went on to pro wrestling. He's also the first guy to bring words like athlete, sports, and competition between those ropes. But he tells Steiner never to confuse Morgan's respect as a sign of weakness because there isn't a damn thing on his seven foot, 330 pound frame that's weak. If Steiner and the fans want to see this, then Steiner can write the next chapter in his autobiography. Morgan extends his hand to Steiner, so Steiner takes it and kicks Morgan in the nuts, then hits his version of the Flatliner and locks Morgan in the Steiner Recliner while yelling at Morgan to tell him who the man is and who has the largest arms in the world. Excellent segment!
Miss Tessmacher is backstage saying it's been a while since she's been around TNA, but the thing that hasn't changed is her desire for the title. She's been training this whole time, and she wants the bitches to know that Miss Tessmacher is back!
Sting is backstage, and he's...WALKING!
Velvet Sky is backstage saying she's not sure what to do because she's been best friends with Angelina for so long and she knows Angelina's not under her own control...but Angelina went too far by coming after her last week. Winter comes in and says Velvet can start by quitting the whining and complaining, and she doesn't like that Velvet's accusing her of stuff. Velvet tells Winter she knows that she's drugged Angelina, and the only reason she hasn't gone to the authorities is because she wants to enjoy taking care of Winter herself. Angelina comes from behind and nails Velvet, beats her down, and rams her into the wall. Winter says they'll finish cleaning this mess up next week and tells Angelina to follow her.
It's main event time! But wait...Bully Ray and other members of Immortal try to go after Sting on his way to the ring, and Fortune comes out and starts brawling with them as Sting casually steps around and goes after Matt Hardy. Suddenly, Gunner comes from behind Sting with a pipe, nails him in the knee, and rolls him into the ring to officially start the match.
TNA World Title Match: Sting vs Matt Hardy
Hardy wore his brother's stupid belt to the ring, and he goes after Sting's leg, but Sting kicked him off and unloaded with chops. Hardy ducks a wild swing and hits a neckbreaker followed by the yodeling legdrop for 2. Matt goes for a moonsault but Sting moves out of the way and then hobbles over to Hardy and puts him in the Scorpion Deathlock, but his knee gives out and Hardy powers out of the hold and clips Sting's knee again and covers for 2. Hardy gets a half crab on Sting in the middle of the ring, but Sting kicks his way out of the hold as we go to commercial.
We're back and Sting is firing back on Hardy, but Hardy rams Sting into the corner and stretches the bad leg around the ropes, then kicks his leg out of his leg. Hardy with a seated crab, then turns around and decks Sting right in the face. Hardy sets up for the Twist Of Hate, but Sting shoves him off. Hardy goes to the second rope, but Sting grabs the ankle and yanks Hardy off onto the mat, then starts running him over with clotheslines. Hardy dodges the Stinger Splash, but Sting elevates Hardy face first onto the top turnbuckle and hits the Scorpion Deathdrop for the win.
Winner: Sting
Ken Anderson slides into the ring as Sting celebrates and hits the Mic Check, then pulls Hardy to his feet and gives him the Mic Check as well. He goes for his microphone and tells Sting that in case he didn't know, he's not going anywhere anytime soon. He just hit the Mic Check on Sting and soon it's going to be 1-2-3.
We wrap up with TNA Reactions: Karen and Jeff Jarrett are backstage and Jeff is hurt as Karen screams about Kurt ruining her coronation and Jeff yells that Kurt doesn't know when to quit. Hogan's on the phone with Anderson saying he got his message loud and clear, and now he'll get his. Anderson had a chance to become Immortal, but Lockdown was his final chance and he's brought his demise on himself. Also, he is tired of the Network because he runs the company and Dixie is hiding out in Tennessee, and they have to show their face because if you're in control, you have to show your face and they'll soon realize how much they screwed up. Anderson says he just dropped the Mic Check on Sting and Matt Hardy because he doesn't like too many people and if their heads were on fire, he wouldn't piss on them to put them out. Sting asks who cares who the execs are and asks if we just saw what Anderson did because that's what on his mind right now...that, and revenge.
We head to the Impact Zone where AJ Styles kicks off the show in a cage, surrounded by tables and chairs and kendo sticks, and tells Bully Ray that he thought he got rid of him, but he was dead wrong. He came back for one reason: to take Bully Ray out, and he was lucky he didn't get wheeled out to the hospital like Ray did to AJ. AJ says that he wants Bully Ray to come out and, for once, face him like a man. Bully Ray comes out to the ring and asks AJ if he's serious, and asks if he knows who he's talking to. Ray says he's the man who put him in the hospital for a month and powerbombed him off the stage. He could come in the ring right now and make sure AJ never wrestles again because he's a man and AJ's a boy. He's telling AJ right now that if he comes down to the ring, he won't go easy on him like last time, and this time he'll powerbomb him from the stage to the concrete and split his head open, then go to his house and take care of his wife and kids. Ray comes down the ramp, but stops outside the cage and says that AJ wants him in the cage real bad, and says he has nothing left to prove to him (crowd tells Ray he sucks), and he could take him out again. He tells AJ to stand in the ring like a loser and he'll take care of AJ on his own time and to go to hell.
Ray turns to leave, but Christopher Daniels comes down the ramp and beats Ray into the ring where AJ beats him down and repeatedly rams him into the cage before knocking him silly with the Pelle kick. AJ takes a garbage can and bashes it right over Ray's head, knocking him out. Gunner comes running out to ringside and brawls with Daniels, and they fight to the back as AJ lays Ray on a table and then climbs up to the top of the cage. AJ is WAY up in the air, but Ray suddenly comes to and quickly slides out of the cage and tells AJ he'll never get to do that to him.
We look back to the bloodbath Ric Flair experienced at Lockdown, then Immortal's music hits and Rob Terry and Murphy come out and Terry says that if AJ Styles wants to play games, Immortal can play games as well, and Beer Money may have won their match at Lockdown, but they want payback for what they did to Ric Flair and they challenge Beer Money for the TNA World Tag Team Title and they want to take the title off of them right now. Beer Money comes out and Roode says that if they want a match for the title in a cage right now, let's ask the fans what they want. The crowd cheers of course, so Storm tells them he's sorry about their damn luck, and we'll kick tonight's show off...after this commercial break!
We're back and the match is already under way...
TNA World Tag Team Title Match/Cage Match: Beer Money vs Rob Terry & Murphy
Immortal beat Roode down in the corner and then Terry hits a backbreaker for 2, then Murphy comes in and they hit a double team for another 2. Murphy with repeated forearms to the back of Storm, then Terry tags in, rams Roode to the cage, and turns him inside out with a clothesline for 2. Finally, Roode hits a clothesline and tags in Storm, who goes right after Rob Terry and hits a running clothesline in the corner and a Codebreaker on Murphy, followed by a DDT on Terry for 2. Roode with a Spinebuster on Terry, Storm with a superkick to Murphy, and a double vertical suplex on Murphy. They do the Beer...Money! Thing and hit the DWI on Terry for the win.
Winners: Beer Money
Solid opener and I'm glad to see some action to start the show instead of 45 minutes of promos.
Jeff and Karen Jarrett are on a carriage ride (filmed earlier today), and they're really happy about how they won that match together. Tonight, Jeff's going to officially coronate Karen the Queen of the Mountain, and they're going to make Prince William and Katte Middleton's wedding look like a cheap Las Vegas affair.
Meanwhile, Hulk Hogan is backstage, and he's...BRANDISHING A PIPE!
Hogan is out to the ring and tells us that the man who made professional wrestling is right in front of us, and he wants RVD to get out here, brother. Van Dam joins him and Hogan says everyone knows he's a few fries short of a happy meal because he had the chance to join Immortal at Lockdown, and just like Ken Anderson, he's going to pay for it, brother. RVD asks if he remembers before he was such a heel, everyone gave him mad love for being the guy who carried the ball, but now he changed because he cares about ratings and they just want him to get out of the business. Everything RVD does, he did for respect. Wrestlers today can't make a living doing a legdrop and things have changed, but RVD sure as hell won't. He throws his mic at Hogan and gives him a challenging stare, but Hogan asks if he's ever set attendance records or slammed giants. He says RVD has always been a big fish in a small pond and his career has always been mediorce, and without Hogan's help, all he's ever going to be is a midcard player.
Sting comes out to join the party, and asks if Hogan said RVD is a mediocre midcard wrestler. He says he heard that RVD is not a main eventer, but that's got to be difficult for everyone in this building to digest because RVD's challenging him for the title in the main event of Sacrifice. Hogan asks if Sting's smoking the same stuff RVD is and says he wants some, but Sting says he came back because the Network put a clause in his contract that if he won the title, he could choose his opponents and he's now choosing Rob Van Dam for Sacrifice. Hogan says the Network doesn't have the guts to get in his face because he runs the show around here. Sting says the execs will be here and he'll be able to say it to their face then, so Hogan says since Sting is here right now, he'll say that this dream match at Sacrifice won't happen because since the Network isn't here tonight and he runs the show, Sting will be facing Matt Hardy, while RVD will take on Abyss.
We go backstage to Kurt Angle, who's looking for Jeff and Karen. Some backstage fellow says he saw them in the parking lot in a horse drawn carriage, and Angle goes to find them.
We go backstage and Tara and Madison Rayne are sniping at each other again, and Madison says Tara cost her the title at Lockdown and accuses her of being in cahoots with Mickie James. Madison says the only way she may be able to get back in her good graces is to win the Knockouts Tag Team Title tonight, and anything less will be unacceptable.
Kurt Angle finds Eric Young backstage feeding horses and Angle asks if he's seen Jeff and Karen, but Eric talks about his buddies Mongo and Sid, the two best Horsemen of all time. Eric feeds the horses some beans, and Angle says if he keeps feeding them beans, they're going to **** all over the place. Eric goes to get some buckets, and suddenly Angle has an idea.
But first, another title is on the line...
Knockouts Tag Team Title: Sarita & Rosita vs Madison Rayne & Tara
We go to commercial, and when we come back we see Rosita hit a flying headscissors on Tara. Madison starts screaming at Tara, who tags her in forcefully and Madison falls victim to a back suplex from Sarita. Sarita with a series of kicks in the corner, but Madison hangs her up in the ropes and dumps her, then hits a running boot and shrieks at Sarita as well before getting in Rosita's face. She then goes back over to Tara and screams at her some more, so Hernandez and Anarchia distract the ref while Rosita and Sarita hit a double clothesline on Madison and Sarita pins her for 3.
Winners: Sarita & Rosita
Madison is stunned that Tara let her lose like that, but Tara casually starts to walk off. Madison grabs her and starts yelling at her again, but Tara starts walking off on her again as Madison follows her, shrikeing like a banshee all the way.
Jeff and Karen Jarrett are backstage, and they're...WALKING!
Wow, that was a short segment.
It's now time for the moment we've all been waiting for...
The Coronation Of Queen Of The Mountain, Karen Jarrett
Jeff says that Karen's actions at Lockdown brought a tear to his eye, for a woman sacrificing herself for her prince was an act of true love. Tonight, he wants to share that true love with the whole world as he, the King of the Mountain, crowns his bride and princess, his entire universe, the Queen of the Mountain. Jeff would like everyone in the Impact Zone and at home to stand up, salute, and stand at attention as he announces, for the first time, the Queen of the Mountain...Karen...Jarrett. Jeff picks up the fancy crown he had sitting on a pedestal and places it on Karen's head. Karen is super excited and starts waving at the fans until horse dung starts falling on her from above. She's totally covered with it and says some naughty things that need to get bleeped out, and then Kurt Angle comes into the ring and stalks Jeff, who tries to back off but Angle grabs him and hits an Angle Slam into Queen Karen's throne. He tells Karen that if she thinks she's in a world of s*** right now, wait until he sees what he has planned for her next. He would never lay a hand on the mother of his children, but he knows someone who will. She's all about pain and no pleasure, and she can't wait to meet Karen. One last thing: Karen might want to get that s*** off her face before she leaves here tonight.
Hogan is backstage with Abyss, and Hogan says that tonight, they're going to finish this business. He walks about five feet to Ken Anderson and tells him he blew his chance to be in Immortal and wants to know who the power behind Immortal is. Anderson says he's been getting screwed by the Network and Hogan for months now, and Hogan has to be ribbing him. Hogan says Anderson is the only person around here that he hates, and eight back surgeries ago, this would have ended right now. Anderson challenges him to fight now, but Hogan says he'll do it on his time. Anderson says he's bored with Hogan's tired threats, so if Hogan will excuse him, he has to go be an asshole. Anderson walks off as Hogan walks back to Anderson all pissed off, and says now it's time to take care of RVD.
Abyss vs Rob Van Dam
RVD goes right after Abyss, peppering him with punches and smashing up Abyss' teeth with a springboard jumpkick. RVD stops for a couple of seconds as he realizes Abyss is hurt, and hits Rolling Thunder for 2. Hogan grabs RVD's boot from the floor and Abyss boots him in the face, then unloads on RVD with hard rights in the corner. Abyss with a big charge in the corner and, with blood running out of his mouth, locks RVD in a neck vice. RVD escapes and knocks Abyss on his ass with a kick to the head, then hits Rolling Thunder again and follows up with a top rope thrust kick. Hogan swings the pipe at RVD from the floor and RVD goes after him, but referee Jackson James leaves the ring and gets between then as Hogan tosses the pipe to Abyss behind Jackson's back. RVD comes back in and picks Abyss up, but Abyss nails him in the gut with the pipe and hits the Black Hole Slam for the win.
Winner: Abyss
Abyss is clearly in a lot of pain from that kick to the mouth at the beginning, but he picks RVD back up and starts beating him down again. Hogan goes to nail RVD with the pipe, but Crimson runs out and spears Abyss, and Abyss and Hogan bail out of the ring.
Sting is backstage saying he's first in line to say he's fighting to get Jeff Hardy back into TNA, but Hogan is all flustered over the stuff with the Network, and he makes fun of Hogan for making him do what he does for a living: wrestling. He's not afraid of Matt Hardy, because IT'S SHOWTIME!
Matt Hardy is backstage with Jeff's crappy belt and he says that this belt meant the world to Jeff, but Sting ended all that for him, and tonight he will destroy Sting for everything he is.
Matt Morgan comes to the ring and says that at Lockdown, he finally put the exclamation point on the end of the Hernandez sentence, and with that behind him, it's time to get back on track with his quest for the TNA World Title. Since everyone's handing out title matches lately, he has some advice for the decision makers: Matt Morgan needs to be at the top of the list because the waiting game is over. He's sick of waiting for his time to come, because his time is now, and if he doesn't get it, he's going to take it. Scott Steiner's music hits and he comes out to the ring and says that whenever he wakes up, it's in a good mood but it never fails and it pisses him off because Morgan claims to be the DNA of TNA, but if he had Morgan's DNA and genetics, he'd shoot himself. No wait, he'd kill himself, then he'd hang himself because Morgan will never have arms as big as him and he'll never be as ripped as Steiner, and the first thing that pissed Steiner off was that he came out here demanding a title shot. Steiner calls him a piece of s*** and says the line for World Title shots starts behind him because he's been World Champion and he's beaten guys bigger, badder, and stronger than him. He's the genetic freak and Morgan is beneath him just like his girlfriend was last night. Morgan says Steiner's got it wrong because he does respect him: Steiner was the pioneer All-American collegiate who went on to pro wrestling. He's also the first guy to bring words like athlete, sports, and competition between those ropes. But he tells Steiner never to confuse Morgan's respect as a sign of weakness because there isn't a damn thing on his seven foot, 330 pound frame that's weak. If Steiner and the fans want to see this, then Steiner can write the next chapter in his autobiography. Morgan extends his hand to Steiner, so Steiner takes it and kicks Morgan in the nuts, then hits his version of the Flatliner and locks Morgan in the Steiner Recliner while yelling at Morgan to tell him who the man is and who has the largest arms in the world. Excellent segment!
Miss Tessmacher is backstage saying it's been a while since she's been around TNA, but the thing that hasn't changed is her desire for the title. She's been training this whole time, and she wants the bitches to know that Miss Tessmacher is back!
Sting is backstage, and he's...WALKING!
Velvet Sky is backstage saying she's not sure what to do because she's been best friends with Angelina for so long and she knows Angelina's not under her own control...but Angelina went too far by coming after her last week. Winter comes in and says Velvet can start by quitting the whining and complaining, and she doesn't like that Velvet's accusing her of stuff. Velvet tells Winter she knows that she's drugged Angelina, and the only reason she hasn't gone to the authorities is because she wants to enjoy taking care of Winter herself. Angelina comes from behind and nails Velvet, beats her down, and rams her into the wall. Winter says they'll finish cleaning this mess up next week and tells Angelina to follow her.
It's main event time! But wait...Bully Ray and other members of Immortal try to go after Sting on his way to the ring, and Fortune comes out and starts brawling with them as Sting casually steps around and goes after Matt Hardy. Suddenly, Gunner comes from behind Sting with a pipe, nails him in the knee, and rolls him into the ring to officially start the match.
TNA World Title Match: Sting vs Matt Hardy
Hardy wore his brother's stupid belt to the ring, and he goes after Sting's leg, but Sting kicked him off and unloaded with chops. Hardy ducks a wild swing and hits a neckbreaker followed by the yodeling legdrop for 2. Matt goes for a moonsault but Sting moves out of the way and then hobbles over to Hardy and puts him in the Scorpion Deathlock, but his knee gives out and Hardy powers out of the hold and clips Sting's knee again and covers for 2. Hardy gets a half crab on Sting in the middle of the ring, but Sting kicks his way out of the hold as we go to commercial.
We're back and Sting is firing back on Hardy, but Hardy rams Sting into the corner and stretches the bad leg around the ropes, then kicks his leg out of his leg. Hardy with a seated crab, then turns around and decks Sting right in the face. Hardy sets up for the Twist Of Hate, but Sting shoves him off. Hardy goes to the second rope, but Sting grabs the ankle and yanks Hardy off onto the mat, then starts running him over with clotheslines. Hardy dodges the Stinger Splash, but Sting elevates Hardy face first onto the top turnbuckle and hits the Scorpion Deathdrop for the win.
Winner: Sting
Ken Anderson slides into the ring as Sting celebrates and hits the Mic Check, then pulls Hardy to his feet and gives him the Mic Check as well. He goes for his microphone and tells Sting that in case he didn't know, he's not going anywhere anytime soon. He just hit the Mic Check on Sting and soon it's going to be 1-2-3.
We wrap up with TNA Reactions: Karen and Jeff Jarrett are backstage and Jeff is hurt as Karen screams about Kurt ruining her coronation and Jeff yells that Kurt doesn't know when to quit. Hogan's on the phone with Anderson saying he got his message loud and clear, and now he'll get his. Anderson had a chance to become Immortal, but Lockdown was his final chance and he's brought his demise on himself. Also, he is tired of the Network because he runs the company and Dixie is hiding out in Tennessee, and they have to show their face because if you're in control, you have to show your face and they'll soon realize how much they screwed up. Anderson says he just dropped the Mic Check on Sting and Matt Hardy because he doesn't like too many people and if their heads were on fire, he wouldn't piss on them to put them out. Sting asks who cares who the execs are and asks if we just saw what Anderson did because that's what on his mind right now...that, and revenge.