Toki1 Mods


Oct 30, 2010
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I've made a tool to find an address for a given animation value. Requires .NET framework (should only need 1.1, but may need 2.0; not 100% sure).

For those who want the details...
Tools needed:
* Nemu
* Toki Tool
* Translhextion
* Patience

How I found it in the first place
I picked a move that I knew was in both games, standing Taunt 001.
In No Mercy this is anim 4270, and in VPW2 it's anim 3164.
Abdullah the Butcher has it in VPW2, if you don't want to search through the taunts to find it to throw on a CAW.

1) Find the Toki1 mods for the move you want in No Mercy.
If the move you want to edit Toki1 Mods for in VPW2 isn't in No Mercy, then uh... good luck?
Also if your move was re-animated in No Mercy, this method may not work out so well since the frame values may be different.

2) When you find the Toki1 mods for the move, dump the entire Toki1 mod block for the move using Nemu's memory dump function. (It's 0x24 big so grab your hex calcuator [Windows Calculator in Scientific Mode] to find out how much you need to grab)

3) In this dump, try to find the frame effects, the frames themselves shouldn't change, but the effects will.

For that the move I picked, the effect sequence is as follows:

05 xx 11 xx 17 xx 37 xx 38 xx

The xx values (the effects themselves) change depending on the game.
For this taunt, the first two xx values were the same as No Mercy, but you can't always take that chance.

Once you have this pattern down, it's time to move on to the fun part :[

4) Open VPW2, go into a match, dump the entire memory.
"The entire memory" consists of 0 to 400000, so you'll end up with a 4MB file.

5) Open that sucker in Translhextion and do Search -> Value Scan Relative.
Enter the values you got in 3, using "skip value" for xx. You can't end the search on a skipped value, so don't put one at the end.

You may get a few addresses, depending on if any other move uses the same pattern or not.

6) Compare it to the Toki1 mod block you dumped before. It should be pretty close, though some of the effects will have different values.

The address I ended up with was 0x321090.

Okay to get a better idea of what the hell I'm talking about, I'm including the complete block for this taunt with annotations and offsets. Info taken from the Mods1 guide distributed with Toki tool.

00 [+00]: End of Animation Status
00 [+01]: most likely single/repeating but that doesn't work for taunts lols
00 [+02]: ??
00 [+03]: probably beginning frame for damage.
00 [+04]: probably ending frame for damage.
00 [+05]: probably mist/fire effect
00 [+06]: probable mist/fire effect frame
00 [+07]: probably reversal frame
00 [+08]: ?? (table status in no mercy; vpw2 doesn't have tables though, so dunno what'd go here)
00 [+09]: probably another reversal frame
FF [+0A]: Breakaway frame?
00 [+0B]: Frame at which Motion Effect occurs
00 [+0C]: Motion Effect
00 [+0D]: Frame at which Camera Effect occurs
00 [+0E]: Camera Effect
00 [+0F]: Frame at which replay occurs
00 [+10]: ??
FF [+11]: probably ground hold interrupt
00 [+12]: ??
00 [+13]: ??
05 [+14]: Frame that Effect 1 occurs
06 [+15]: Effect 1
11 [+16]: Frame that Effect 2 occurs
1F [+17]: Effect 2
17 [+18]: Frame that Effect 3 occurs
31 [+19]: Effect 3
37 [+1A]: Frame that Effect 4 occurs
1F [+1B]: Effect 4
38 [+1C]: Frame that Effect 5 occurs
2F [+1D]: Effect 5
00 [+1E]: Frame that Effect 6 occurs
00 [+1F]: Effect 6
00 [+20]: Frame that Effect 7 occurs
00 [+21]: Effect 7
00 [+22]: Frame that Effect 8 occurs
00 [+23]: Effect 8