Tutorials for Dummies: WldFb's Moveset Editor


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There are far too many of you who claim to not understand this tool. It's literally one of the easiest tools to use in No Mercy. I've taken the time to make this guide with pictures in hopes that some of you lazy people will stop requesting others to write your movesets for you.

Making movesets with this tool is fun and easy, and incredibly in-depth.

What you will need: Excel or Openoffice (either will do), and a program to unzip the tool.

Step 1: Download WldFb's Moveset Editor

Step 2: Unzip the Moveset Editor.

Step 3: Examine the contents:

There is a readme (which a great deal of you never seem to read), a folder labeled 'Default Movesets', and the tool itself.


Step 4: Decide which wrestler you want to make a new moveset over. If you open the folder labeled 'Default Moveset' you'll see notepad files for each wrestler. Whichever wrestler you are making a new moveset over, copy the code that can be found on their notepad.


Step 5: Open the tool, you will receive this notification:


Click 'enable macros'.

Step 6: Paste the Default Moveset you copied into the column that is highlighted blue in the following picture, after you do this, press the 'Read' button and wait for the moveset to load (you will see the move names change in the center of the tool).


Step 7: Make the changes you desire to the moveset by pointing and clicking. That's it. If there is a section you do not understand, check the included readme file for an explanation.


Step 8: When you are finished editing the moveset, press the 'Write' button and wait for the codes to generate in the column highlighted blue in the following picture. If you are using Project 64 1.7 or higher, always use the long version of the code. When the column is finished generating the new code, copy that code into your cheats in Project 64.


That's it. Any questions, refer to the included readme. Now stop being lazy and go make some movesets.

