[Closed] Flying Attack Turnbuckle Replaces 3rd Rope Body Press

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Johnny Bob

Young Lion
Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
Lol, back on NMZ is there was a lot of bitching for attention and "praise" the higher ups on there.

So even if you had great ideas for hacks guys might troll you just for having nothing to contribute but ass kissing..... not even good ideas for hacks of there own.

Here's a hack request Barskio himself made for me that other guys actually got mad I asked for. Forgot I had this hack. You see for me it's always been about us having great moves and mods to enjoy and share not getting a bunch of attention for it.

Funny cause don't yo hate when somebody accuses you of clearly what they are doing.

Like a pathological liar who acts like he has trust issues. Anyway please enjoy.


Running Turnbuckle Flying Attack

8134E0B8 0114
8134E0BA 0B2A
81329EB8 2402
81329EBA 000B
81329EB6 000E
D106B454 4197
D106B456 0000
8106B49C C1A0
D106B454 4197
D106B456 0001
8106B49C C200
D106B454 4197
D106B456 0009
8106B49C 3F80
D106B454 4197
D106B456 0008
8115AEC6 000A

Replaces: 3rd Rope Body Press

Credit: Barskio (Thanks again Buddy)
Note: I think you can hold down the run button till you're ready to hit the move too.
Shit, I forget.

Johnny Bob

Young Lion
Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
Wow aint been around here in a awhile.

Ok well anyway this makes your player use their turnbuckle flying attack instead of the 3rd Rope Press.


Deleted User

Crowd Member
Interesting. I'll try it.

edit: This actually transistions really smoothly, though there is a small bit of a delay before you perform your attack, which is easy to scout out while playing, anyway.
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