And all faces and body textures The Shield it's my textures, not textures Zeta 01 its thief my textures.
And proof its my channel number date my release movies and his.
And sorry my bad speak English :Ñ
Jeff you need to credit Vijay for the Roman Reigns arm tat.
And for AJ I adwise to colour the blue part between the belt, it's still coloured like jeans
Jeff you need to credit Vijay for the Roman Reigns arm tat.
And for AJ I adwise to colour the blue part between the belt, it's still coloured like jeans
<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>mike mizanine</dt><dd>Jul 7 2013, 07:30:22 AM</dd></dl><div>hey jeff what's up fine please can you upload to me yoshi tatsu caw (face +face paint) please[/quote]Ask Kevin, he has a wonderful Yoshi Tatsu body and facepaint