Thank you :hinadimmania said:Jericho looks Very Good, bro
Speaking of Jericho SVR Attire, Can you make Jericho SVR 2010 Attire (Save Me Attire)? Here is his SVR 2010 Render (For Ref Pic):
You can use SVR 2010 Textures, Which is Available on No Mercy Resources Archive
No problem knadimmania said:I LIKE IT
His "Save Me" Attire looks Absolutely Great
Thanks a lot, bro
Thank youMiz said:nice cm punk mod
Thanks you :hitnafan said:Very cool bro.
S3XP78_6264324b_9.pngKanon10983 said:P.S.: About separate hair texture - i didn't find it, so peoples who will download it, should delete it themselves
Woah, man! Thank you so much! You will be in creditsKillerGV1 said:S3XP78_6264324b_9.pngKanon10983 said:P.S.: About separate hair texture - i didn't find it, so peoples who will download it, should delete it themselves
Thank you, man :hiMiz said:Great cm punk and his hair are awsome