[Closed] Tips from ryback

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Jul 19, 2012
Reaction score
In this topic, I would like to show you how I work with SVR. I wrote here a few simple tricks and tips that will help you speed up the work of hacking ...

1. In some tutorials you faced with the phrase "... If size larger than the original, then fill the empty bytes of zeros ..." But too long so filling, not knowing when the same size finally equal ... I'd recommend to do so : open the original file in HxD and select it. At the bottom is the inscription "Size: ... (If you use the one I poured on site, instead of the" size: ..... "will" Length: ..... ")." Next, do the same operation with the edited file. Now just using the HEX calculator length of the original file, subtract from the Edit ... You only need to create a new file is write a bunch of zeros, and then copy them to the desired number.

2. When entering Haqq codes you need to know in what format the game: PAL or NTSC. Open the ".iso" in the archive "WinRar", select the file "SYSTEM.CNF" and press "Alt + V". The first line will be information about the patch in the second version, well, in the third region (VMODE = ...).

3. If you edit the texture is very expensive to maintain constantly re format: first from ".tm2" in ".png", and then vice versa, and besides, the need to constantly generate color. If you have edited 2 or 3 textures, then of course the same you'd better save it using a standard feature, but if you have edited the 5 - 10 textures, it is best to use the "Macro" (in "Optix Image Studio"). Open the program, all the textures that you want to convert into another format, then "Macro" - "Macro Processing ...", in the "Function" set "Color reduction". The "Input folden" select the folder that contains the files you want to convert in "Input file type" select the file format that are located in this folder. Further, the "Output folden" select the folder you want to store the converted texture, and "Output file type" select the file format in which you want to convert.

4. As is well known in the foreign import / export models need to wait until the line will run, etc. Some of them do not run, so I suggest an alternative:
Open a command prompt (CMD). Next, list the "CD", then editor of the root folder (where all patches), then on the next line list the path for the patch (the ending ".bat" erase), well, now simply list the path for the pack from which you want to extract the files. For Example:

"CD C: \ svr_edit
C: \ svr_edit> export C: \ svr_edit \ svredit_files \ ch.pac ".

5. If you have unpacked the pack in which many ".bpe" file, and you just too lazy to unpack them one by one, I propose the following:

Open a command prompt (CMD). Next, list the "CD" and enter the path to "quickbms" (just to list the destination folder). Next on the list the next line of the same path, only this time with the file "quickbms.exe", the ending ".exe" clean! Then list the path for the plug-in "yuke.bms", end ".bms" erase. Now open quotation mark ("), and list the path to the folder that contains the unpacked" .bpe "files at the end of recording yet another way to put quotation marks! Repeat this step (with the input path for the folder with" .bpe "files) !! , why twice? The first time you enter a pacu, which are not unpacked ".bpe" files, and once you enter the folder in which you want to unpack (you can enter any path, as long as there are no gaps, and the path must contain only of English letters!).


"CD C: \ SVREdit_v_20 \ svredit_lib \ lib \ svr_hacker \ quickbms
C: \ SVREdit_v_20 \ svredit_lib \ lib \ svr_hacker \ quickbms> quickbms C: \ SVREdit_v_20 \ svredit_lib \ lib \ svr_hacker \ quickbms \ yuke "C: \ fortutor \ @ CHETC.PAC \ CHAR \ @ DAT_.PAC" "C: \ fortutor \ @ CHETC.PAC \ CHAR \ @ DAT_.PAC ""

6. In order to find out what the picture of a wrestler replies, simply drag the ".tm2" file in the "HxD". By default, the ID and the name of a wrestler will be 5 line.

For Example:

"MTP2D.... ......


Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
Not quite pin worthy.... But shall be archived.
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