Guerrero on Cena Breaking Flair's Title Record


Mar 23, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>John Cena closed in on Ric Flair's record 16 World Title reigns with his victory over Alberto Del Rio Sunday night at Night of Champions. The master of the Five Knuckle Shuffle has now won 12 World titles; the WWE Championship a record 10 times and the World Heavyweight Championship twice.

Cena's latest World Title victory has former WWE Superstar Chavo Guerrero steamed as the third-generation grappler has vowed to stop watching professional wrestling if he breaks Naitch's legendary record.

He stated Monday night on Twitter, "If Cena brakes the great Ric Flair's 16 time champ record, I will never watch wrestling again. I call a boycott of Cena matches if he does!"

Guerrero also asked his Twitter followers, "How many of u are tired of John Cena being champion? Don't get all excited, it's just a question." He wrote moments later, "'s an overwhelming "tired of Cena" response! It's not me, it's all the fans. I could literally retweet hundreds of tired responses!"

Guerrero continued, "Now, my opinion...Cena is better than me on the mike,but I could out wrestle Cena with my eyes closed and 1 hand tied behind my back! Truth!

"Some are saying that Cena is a great athlete. Really? C'mon. Are u blind? I know Cena & I could beat him in any sport except weight lifting!

"Golf, basketball, bowling, a race, tennis, horseshoes, hitting a baseball pitch, catching a football...anything!!!!

"Lol...some1 just said Cena is a better athlete than Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior! Lol are u retarded? No offense to a challenge person." [/quote]


Feb 7, 2011
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Chavo is just saying what 99.5% of wrestling fans have been thinking... and saying for the last 6 or 7 years.

I totally agree with Chavo. It is a joke that Cena will go down as one of the greatest champions of all time, IN SPITE of anything he has going for him. And Chavo, who IS one of the greatest wrestlers in the world has spent 10 years of his life as enhancement talent to the guys who make Cena try to make Cena look good.

KG 24

Main Eventer
Jun 18, 2011
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Warrior is a fucking mess in the ring. Hogan is a little better but doesn't change the way he wrestled.

At least Cena brings his all. Chavo should have left years ago after the way WWE has treated him, now he's getting butt-hurt and wants to get on the "Anti-Cena" crowd by saying what those dumbasses want to hear.


Feb 7, 2011
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Cena only gives his all on occassion. It is no secret that I cannot stand Cena. But there was once I time when I was desparate to see the guy get a push. His first match with the Undertaker is a forgotten classic. And if they changed the WM match to Cena vs Undertaker, I would actually buy the pay-per-veiw to see it.

But when they gave him a modified U.S. title, the quality significantly dropped. This is a talented wrestler who only uses suplexes to MOCK people who say he can't. People wouldn't say that he can't wrestle if he actually wrestled more often. Cena used to be a brilliant technical wrestler, but that some time ago.

Cena has become all gimmick. Something that Chavo can never be accused of, even now. Guys like Cena, Randy Orton and (I hate to say this) Triple H have made the WWE titles worthless.

Guys like the Guerreros, Savage, Jericho, Christian, Mysterio, Goldust, and many more used to win lesser titles and made them mean more than the major titles. And now the major titles are genuinely not worth as much as the lesser titles.

The WWE genuinely needs to give the World and WWE championships to someone who hasn't held them several times, and have them restore honour to these titles. And NOT via a stupid MITB thing. If they really believe in the younger talent, then why do they persist on reaching out to the retired, injured and inactive to put over people who have been at the top for 5 years.

Yes, Chavo should have quit WWE years ago. But he is not a whiner, or someone who is kissing up to the fans. He has worked at least as hard as people like Cena and Orton pretend to have.



Oct 31, 2010
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nachozman7 said:
Chavo is bitter as fuck.
why?Because he is a guy that can have 5 stars matches almost with everyone but WWE treated him like garbage and gave 12 world titles to a guy who wrestles in three-quarter jeans and have no in ring skills?
There are wrestlers like Dean Malenko,Arn Anderson,William Regal ,Roddy Piper,Owen Hartwho never won a world championship and that joke has 12 at the age of 34?How many titles will he have when he retires?100?That's why wrestling isn't what used to be years ago.


Oct 30, 2010
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For all of Cena's faults (Which are many) and being a true product of the WWE system, he is still a true workhorse for the company.. In this day and age where mechandising, sponsorship deals, global promoting, TV rights etc etc, Cena is someone who can be looked at like a "Superhero".. I hate the guy and for what he stands for in wrestling, but he is a darn workshorse for the WWE..

Regarding if Cena will break Flair's 16 title belts, I hope not!! He does not deserve that recognition.

I agree with Aditza. Look at true greats in the ring like Malenko, Owen Hart, etc. They should have had the world belt atleast once! But! They didnt need it to be a "Legend" imo.. There work in the ring did all the talking..

The time of deserving world champions and legends is OVER!!! We will never get a new Flair, Rock, HHH, HBK, Bret, Owen, Warrior, Stone Cold... NEVER!


Main Eventer
Feb 8, 2011
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As I have said before, the title means absolutly nothing ever since WWE bought WCW.

Good job I have Japanese wrestling where the title still means soemthing.


Oct 30, 2010
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Agreed jc bro..

I know im a Puro mark!!

Look at the prestigious tournements that are held yearly with NJPW.. The fucking juniors (Cruiserweights) are held as equal as the heavyweights..

Honour is what wrestling is all about!! WWE does not have that anymore!!

I watched a "Beautiful" match between Prince Devitt and Kota Ibushi! Went 30 fucking minutes!! Non-stop action pardon the pun! WWE wrestlers apart from guys like Punk, DB, Tatsu, Regal, dont hold a candle to these guys in the ring!!

However WWE is not about quality of wrestling. Its about whats entertainment!
