How OSR Met Your Mother


Feb 7, 2011
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It has been a great 3 years, but it is time to go.

I had been debating this for a few months now. With the changes in my career and my personal life, I have had less time for this place. And even less time for modding. But with what happened this morning, I have seen this as the final sign that it is time to move on.

As a lot of you have guessed, the site was not turned off by Zetaboards after all. It was indeed an April Fool’s joke. But once again, it was me that had to assure everyone that things were okay. Whenever Keson does a prank like this, he knows it is not him that has to clean up the mess. I am tired of telling people that things will turn out okay, just to find out that it was just Keson messing around.
And what is the point in that whole Elite / Filthy Peasant thing? Do you know how many “Filthy Peasants” have come to me asking why they have been punished, and can they be put back in the Elite. Some of them were begging for forgiveness, while others are angry with me because they think I did it.

I didn’t open this thread to insult Keson or anyone else. I loved it here at OSR, but that love isn’t as strong as it once was. I’m tired of being the bad guy, and trying to help everyone with their problems. I need to rest. It is time to go.

I still like most of you guys, and I will still be in touch with some of you on Facebook. I am not saying that I will never come back. But I am saying that I need a break.

Thanks for everything guys.
Tired or “Rag”.


Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
It has been a great 3 years, but it is time to go.

I had been debating this for a few months now. With the changes in my career and my personal life, I have had less time for this place. And even less time for modding. But with what happened this morning, I have seen this as the final sign that it is time to move on.

As a lot of you have guessed, the site was not turned off by Zetaboards after all. It was indeed an April Fool’s joke. But once again, it was me that had to assure everyone that things were okay. Whenever Keson does a prank like this, he knows it is not him that has to clean up the mess. I am tired of telling people that things will turn out okay, just to find out that it was just Keson messing around.
And what is the point in that whole Elite / Filthy Peasant thing? Do you know how many “Filthy Peasants” have come to me asking why they have been punished, and can they be put back in the Elite. Some of them were begging for forgiveness, while others are angry with me because they think I did it.

I didn’t open this thread to insult Keson or anyone else. I loved it here at OSR, but that love isn’t as strong as it once was. I’m tired of being the bad guy, and trying to help everyone with their problems. I need to rest. It is time to go.

I still like most of you guys, and I will still be in touch with some of you on Facebook. I am not saying that I will never come back. But I am saying that I need a break.

Thanks for everything guys.
Tired or “Rag”.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
:joker Add another name to the big list of assholes I won't miss.
Also, I am fueled by the tears of peasants who think it actually means something, when in fact, they get their own secret forum. Fuck those guys. Except Goatcheese.

That guy rules.


Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
Keson said:
:joker Add another name to the big list of assholes I won't miss.
You just broke one of your own rules: “Don’t be a twat.”

The reason why so many noobs break the rules around here is because no-one knows what the rules. Every time I clean them up, you replace them with “Don’t be a twat”. Or as I call it, the anti-CBV rule. The reason why this website can’t grow is because we’re banning everyone before they have a chance to even look at half of the mods in any section.

Good luck keeping members after I’m gone.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
In case you forgot, we had some very nicely written out rules which every noob is redirected to when their accounts are approved.

No one reads them. And then they use them to yell at other members like little kids.

So yeah. OSR staff get to make it up as they go, since we all seem to agree with the exception of one overly sensitive Irishman.

I'll ban your mom on a Sunday morning and call it Catholic Heaven. Do something.
Also, thanks for fucking up April Fool's before the rest of America could see it. God, you suck.


Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
You just have no idea how to interact properly with others, do you? Where is ColeMinorPunk now? He was Irish, but a promising modder too. He is the only guy to have made patches for No Mercy, SvR 10 AND SvR 13. But why do we not have the patches now? Because he deleted them. He was sick of you always threatening to ban him.

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Crowd Member
Who in the blue hell is that? I'll ban him twice and light a cigar in honor of a shit I took one time, as it means more to me than some random shitbrain.


Feb 7, 2011
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This is exactly why we banned you from the OSR Facebook page. We managed to get THE Gene Okerlund to like us. That was, until you started flaming him for no reason. Why does it even matter to you if he liked the book version of 'The Virgin Suicides'?
The poor guy deleted his account after you called him a nudge-monger. What even is that?
And STOP hiding things in my signature

Deleted User

Crowd Member
Cry me a river.

Lighten the fuck up.

Fuck anyone that ever liked the OSR facebook page.


Feb 7, 2011
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I don't need to bring up the incident with Uknowwho. Thanks to you, he still sends me emails asking if I will play words with friends with him.

Now you're editing my group name too? Real mature.


Oct 22, 2013
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Main Eventer
Feb 21, 2012
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When words just can't explain, tap the like/dislike button, cause that bitch sure can.


Oct 30, 2010
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Hey. CBV man. Dont make me the badguy here. I got your PM and as you know I do not take sides. Why the hate on Rag? Man, not this shit again.

Deleted User

Crowd Member
It's me or him, Armando!

I'm also banning EVERYONE that agrees with Rag.


Main Eventer
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not a staff, or anything, and my opinions probably don't mean shit. But in all fairness, it is April Fools, and why be serious all the time? CBV's joke was entertaining. We all love to crack a joke from time to time. So personally, I don't see anything wrong with what happened here today.


Oct 30, 2010
Reaction score
This is absurd.

I will not take sides as you know. I think it's best I leave then. Here CBV, OSR is yours. I know its all you ever wanted. You use me to get to the top and now you screwed me and rag. I bet any money you and Guapo are behind the dodgy accounts we have been getting recently. Ok people, its your choice. Join the Xmen or The Brotherhood. Btw I am the Xmen. I thought we were friends CBV.


Feb 7, 2011
Reaction score
Goatcheese said:
I'm not a staff, or anything, and my opinions probably don't mean shit. But in all fairness, it is April Fools, and why be serious all the time? CBV's joke was entertaining. We all love to crack a joke from time to time. So personally, I don't see anything wrong with what happened here today.
You don't get it, do you? It's not just an April Fool's day thing. We have to put up with this crap all of the time. Remember when Keson tried to stop you guys typing "k", or "u"? I admit, I thought it was a great idea at the time. But for the next 24 hours, all posts and messages on OSR got fyoucokayed up.

The point is, we are supposed to be a team. What kind of team are we when one member does whatever he likes to the board, and doesn't tell the rest of us about it? I am tired of having to explain Keson's actions to everybody. I am fed up with having my PM and facebook PMs going off every 5 minutes with people asking me "Is the board down?", "Did you ban me?" each time Keson does anything.

That is just like you, James Logan. Everytime Keson screws around like this, you try and turn it into an nWo turn. What's next? Fake Wolverine and Cyclops accounts with admin privilages?

Or better yet, is Keson going to start posting as Kanefan666 again?


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Crowd Member
Just because I'm an addicting sort of personality doesn't mean I was the drugs running through kanefan666's brain.

<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>The point is, we are supposed to be a team. What kind of team are we when one member does whatever he likes to the board, and doesn't tell the rest of us about it?[/quote]

Shut up, Rag. This is how Virgil lost his job. Be happy with what you have, you cry-baby.
