Ok I was about to go to bed, but saw this topic update... Now!!
@ Bman817 - Are you referring to JB deleting his tool from OSR or somewhere else??
@ psp4u - Look, you actually are a clued up person from the way you type and conduct yourself.. I respect that alot.. I can understand your frustration as you seem to have had a hard time on previous forums with support on SvR hacking, but at OSR you wont have that problem as the great SvR guys here will help you...As long as you try to learn for yourself and progress, of which I think you will from the way you seem keen..
@ JB - I can understand your frustration my man, I do!! I myself have had to learn the hardway with modding, but at the same time was fortunate to get alot of help from people I know and some tricks of the trade.. I dont think helping someone who is new to SvR hacking is a bad thing, but if they want to be spoon fed then yeah sure, I see where you are coming from, but in fairness to psp4u it seems that she is not like that and wants to learn be a productive member of OSR...Which surely is a good thing for the community and SvR modding/hacking??
You have contributed a hell of alot to OSR with your patch and tuts and its sincerley appreciated my man by all of us im sure, and these tuts will help our members..
I dont think everyone who signs up here straight away is a "Leech" they may just be over keen and not look around properly, though some should try harder!!! Lets give newbies sometime as we could really benefit if they develop..
Sure some of the members have been shown the door as they were complete noobs or assholes and broke they rules, but I dont think we should all presume they are all like that...Surely?