Impact Wrestling spoilers for Thursday 9/15


Mar 23, 2011
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<blockquote class='quote\\_blockquote'><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div>Thanks to for the following spoilers...

* Mixed Tag Team Match: D'Angelo Dinero, Ms. Tessmacher & Tara defeated Mexican America

* Fortune come out and celebrates Bobby Roode's bound for glory series win and his title shot at Bound For Glory next month. Kurt Angle comes out and informs Roode he will be facing Kazarian tonight.

* Velvet Sky defeated Angelina Love

* Both sting and Ric Flair cut promos in the ring hyping their match for later on tonight

* Samoa Joe defeated Matt Morgan in a No Surrender rematch.

* Bobby Roode defeated Kazarian. Kazarian submitted to Roode's cross-face

* Bully Ray & Jerry Lynn defeated mr Anderson

* Sting defeated Ric Flair. Immortal attempted to attack sting but the attack backfires. Hogan and Sting have a stare-down after the match.[/quote]


Oct 30, 2010
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Pretty obvious that Stinger was going to win!! Argghhhh! Fucking Hogan vs Sting at BFG. GREAT!! <sarcasm>...

I hope TNA dont waste a great opportunity for Roode. He is TNA threw and threw and would be a legit champion for the promotion.


Oct 31, 2010
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Impact Spoilers – September 15, 2011


Opens with Flair/Sting in-ring promo but it ends up being retaped later in a condensed form. Flair dropped Vince McMahon’s name during this promo but not the retape.

Backstage, Karen Jarrett talks condescending to Traci and tells her she has five minutes to gather up all the knockouts and bring them to her office.

8-Person Mixed Tag Match
Mexican America .vs. Pope, Devon, Tara, and Tessmacher
Turned into a big clusterfuck at the end. Tara and Tessmacher picked up stereo pinfalls (referee counted both falls because he probably couldn’t tell who was legal) after Tara delivered a Baldo Bomb to either Sarita or Rosita and Tessmacher transitioned into a pin immediately following a hurricanrana on the other.

Fortune In-Ring Promo
Styles, Daniels, Kazarian, and Storm all tell Roode how happy they are for him and how they know he’ll be the next world champ. Also of note, while Daniels was praising Roode, he kept on making snide comments about his victory over Styles (i.e. how he pinned a former world champ himself). Angle comes out and tells Roode that due to being aligned with Hogan he has stroke around here and over the next few weeks Roode will have to face each member of Fortune. Angle tells Fortune that he knows they want the title for themselves and they could choose to lie down for Roode but then they will end up all the way on the bottom of the title ranks or they could beat Roode and perhaps they’ll be next in line for a championship opportunity. Kazarian is Roode’s opponent tonight.

Qualifying Match for Knockouts Title Match
Angelina Love w/ Winter .vs. Velvet Sky
Sky pins Love after a blantant misfired title belt shot from Winter who accidentally hit Love right in front of the ref. I think it’s the first match of some type of tournament.

Flair/Sting in-ring promo retape
They hype up their match before security comes out to stop them from starting the match early.

Samoe Joe .vs. Matt Morgan
Joe wins via submission with a modified figure four leglock

Bobby Roode .vs. Kazarian
Roode wins via tapout.

Handicap Match
Bully Ray & Jerry Lynn .vs. Mr. Anderson
Bully Ray still needed to use his steel chain behind the ref’s back to put away Anderson even though it was a handicap match.

Main Event
Ric Flair .vs. Sting
Best part of the match = superplex from Sting to Flair. Ending was a clusterfuck. Interference from Immortal with Anderson clearing them away with a steel chair. Hogan stayed and handed Flair brass knucks. They don’t end up working for Flair in the end. Sting beats Flair via Scorpion Death Lock. Flair was so exhausted afterwards he had to be dragged out of the ring to his feet by security/agents/medics but he did walk to the back on his own.


Mickie James defeated Madison Rayne via pinfall (Jumping Implant DDT)

Magnus w/ Douglas Williams defeated Jesse Sorensen via pinfall (Michinoku Driver with interference from Kid Kash behind the ref’s back)


Dec 7, 2010
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WWE makes same thing for WM.
Putting there a lot of old wrestlers.
It not kinda big deal to me since i hope it will end a storyline.