Deleted User
Crowd Member
Hardcore In A Cell
Replaces CAGE match
+Start on the top of the cell
+Boundries on top fit perfectly(can`t walk of side or run forever)
+if you whip someone into the side of the top cell they hit the barrier(dont run forever)
+you can slam your opponents head into the side of the top cage
+Top has different sounds to the bottom
+When you do a strong move on the roof(like chokeslam) it makes a noise like the top will give way and the whole structure shakes
+The top breaks with FRONT SPECIAL only
+Higher cage (looks and props)
+No ropes(with actions)
+Smooth breaking
+Camera on top
+6 fully usable weapons in the cell(2 chairs,fire extinguisher,barbedwire 2x4,stopsign and a ladder
+Cant do turnbuckle moves on the top(but can still do flying attacks out of the corner of the mini cell
+When you are on the top, you can`t pick up the weapons that are in the lower cell
+Once you have broken into the bottom cell, cage match rules apply or you can win by ladder(but theres no briefcase/belt)
+Top looks broken after you have gone through it
+Can`t throw weapons(so that they dont fall out of the cell)
+All weapons fully usable and the ladder is fully usable
+New Hardcore look cage
+Loads of glitches fixed
+No-activators so you can play against the cpu players easily
+I did more but i cant remember it all
+If your front special isn`t a slamming move you will have to do the stolen special. If neither of the players have a slamming move for your front special you are screwed.
+Havent found anymore glitches yet
+No button activators
+Front special only will break through the top
+Replaces CAGE match
8116C498 0000
8116C49A 000B
8116C49C 0000
8116C49E 000B
8116C54C 0000
8116C54E 0011
8116C550 0000
8116C552 0011
8116C600 0000
8116C602 0018
8116C604 0000
8116C606 0018
8116C6B4 0000
8116C6B6 0003
8116C6B8 0000
8116C6BA 0003
D115A71E 0001
8116C4E0 42B4
D116C4E0 42B4
8116C4B8 0004
D115A71E 0001
8116C594 42B4
D116C594 42B4
8116C56C 0004
D115A71E 0001
8116C648 42B4
D115A71E 0001
8116C6FC 42B4
D116C6FC 42B4
8116C6D4 0004
8116C768 0000
8116C76A 0019
8116C76C 0000
8116C76E 0019
D115A71E 0001
8116C788 8104
D115AEC6 008F
8115AEC6 008B
D115B21E 008F
8115B21E 008B
81052C54 056C
81052C5C 0A6B
8116C330 0000
8116C332 0004
8116C334 0000
8116C336 0004
D115A71E 0001
8116C378 439C
D116C648 42B4
8116C620 0004
8116C3E8 0000
8116C3EA 000B
8116C3E4 0000
8116C3E6 000B
D115A71E 0001
8116C42C 42B4
D116C42C 42B4
8116C404 0004
810855A8 3F00
81085684 3F00
81085750 3F00
8108583C 3F00
D1085512 0002
8116C378 439F
D116C378 439C
8115A548 4437
81050152 2D1B
D115A71E 0001
8106B49C 43B0
D115A71E 0001
8106B55C 43B0
D106B49C 43B0
D115AEC6 006E
8115AEC6 0001
D106B55C 43B0
D115B21E 006E
8115B21E 0001
D115AF32 0400
D106B49C 43B0
8115AF32 0001
D115B28A 0400
D106B55C 43B0
8115B28A 0001
D115AF32 0120
8115B28A 0120
D115B28A 0120
8115AF32 0120
D106B49C 43B0
D115B1B8 0046
8115AF32 0120
D115AF32 0120
D115B1B8 0046
8106B49C 3F80
D115AF32 0120
D115B1B8 0046
8115AFB0 43CF
D115AFB0 43CF
D115B1B8 0046
8115B308 43CF
D115B1B8 0046
D115AFB0 43CF
8106B55C 3F80
D115AF32 0004
8115AF32 0001
D115AEC6 008C
D106B49C 43B0
8115AEC6 0001
D115B28A 0004
8115B28A 0001
D115AF32 0400
D115B28A 0001
8115B308 42B4
D115AEC6 0004
8115AEC6 0015
D115B21E 0004
8115B21E 0015
D106B55C 43B0
D115B510 0046
8115B28A 0120
D115B28A 0120
D115B510 0046
8106B55C 3F80
D115B28A 0120
D115B510 0046
8115B308 43CF
D115B308 43CF
D115B510 0046
8115AFB0 43CF
D115B510 0046
D115B308 43CF
8106B49C 3F80
D115B28A 0004
8115B28A 0001
D115B21E 008C
D106B55C 43B0
8115B21E 0001
D115B28A 0400
D115AF32 0001
8115AFB0 42B4
D115B28A 0001
D106B55C 3F80
8115B308 0000
50000902 0000
810503EC 2D9B
D115B308 0000
8115B308 42B4
D115B308 0000
8115B28A 0001
D116C378 439F
8116C38A 03D5
8107BC80 3F8A
8107BD5C 3F8A
8107BE38 3F8A
8107C088 3F8A
D115AF44 0004
D115AEC6 001B
8115AFB0 0000
D115B29C 0004
D115B21E 001B
8115B308 0000
D115AEC6 0018
D106B49C 43B0
8115AEC6 0015
D115B21E 0018
D106B55C 43B0
8115B21E 0015
D116C378 439F
8116C374 C38B
D106B55C 43B0
81048310 0026
D1048310 0026
81048312 0026
D106B55C 3F80
81048310 001B
D1048310 001B
81048312 001C
Replaces CAGE match
+Start on the top of the cell
+Boundries on top fit perfectly(can`t walk of side or run forever)
+if you whip someone into the side of the top cell they hit the barrier(dont run forever)
+you can slam your opponents head into the side of the top cage
+Top has different sounds to the bottom
+When you do a strong move on the roof(like chokeslam) it makes a noise like the top will give way and the whole structure shakes
+The top breaks with FRONT SPECIAL only
+Higher cage (looks and props)
+No ropes(with actions)
+Smooth breaking
+Camera on top
+6 fully usable weapons in the cell(2 chairs,fire extinguisher,barbedwire 2x4,stopsign and a ladder
+Cant do turnbuckle moves on the top(but can still do flying attacks out of the corner of the mini cell
+When you are on the top, you can`t pick up the weapons that are in the lower cell
+Once you have broken into the bottom cell, cage match rules apply or you can win by ladder(but theres no briefcase/belt)
+Top looks broken after you have gone through it
+Can`t throw weapons(so that they dont fall out of the cell)
+All weapons fully usable and the ladder is fully usable
+New Hardcore look cage
+Loads of glitches fixed
+No-activators so you can play against the cpu players easily
+I did more but i cant remember it all
+If your front special isn`t a slamming move you will have to do the stolen special. If neither of the players have a slamming move for your front special you are screwed.
+Havent found anymore glitches yet
+No button activators
+Front special only will break through the top
+Replaces CAGE match
8116C498 0000
8116C49A 000B
8116C49C 0000
8116C49E 000B
8116C54C 0000
8116C54E 0011
8116C550 0000
8116C552 0011
8116C600 0000
8116C602 0018
8116C604 0000
8116C606 0018
8116C6B4 0000
8116C6B6 0003
8116C6B8 0000
8116C6BA 0003
D115A71E 0001
8116C4E0 42B4
D116C4E0 42B4
8116C4B8 0004
D115A71E 0001
8116C594 42B4
D116C594 42B4
8116C56C 0004
D115A71E 0001
8116C648 42B4
D115A71E 0001
8116C6FC 42B4
D116C6FC 42B4
8116C6D4 0004
8116C768 0000
8116C76A 0019
8116C76C 0000
8116C76E 0019
D115A71E 0001
8116C788 8104
D115AEC6 008F
8115AEC6 008B
D115B21E 008F
8115B21E 008B
81052C54 056C
81052C5C 0A6B
8116C330 0000
8116C332 0004
8116C334 0000
8116C336 0004
D115A71E 0001
8116C378 439C
D116C648 42B4
8116C620 0004
8116C3E8 0000
8116C3EA 000B
8116C3E4 0000
8116C3E6 000B
D115A71E 0001
8116C42C 42B4
D116C42C 42B4
8116C404 0004
810855A8 3F00
81085684 3F00
81085750 3F00
8108583C 3F00
D1085512 0002
8116C378 439F
D116C378 439C
8115A548 4437
81050152 2D1B
D115A71E 0001
8106B49C 43B0
D115A71E 0001
8106B55C 43B0
D106B49C 43B0
D115AEC6 006E
8115AEC6 0001
D106B55C 43B0
D115B21E 006E
8115B21E 0001
D115AF32 0400
D106B49C 43B0
8115AF32 0001
D115B28A 0400
D106B55C 43B0
8115B28A 0001
D115AF32 0120
8115B28A 0120
D115B28A 0120
8115AF32 0120
D106B49C 43B0
D115B1B8 0046
8115AF32 0120
D115AF32 0120
D115B1B8 0046
8106B49C 3F80
D115AF32 0120
D115B1B8 0046
8115AFB0 43CF
D115AFB0 43CF
D115B1B8 0046
8115B308 43CF
D115B1B8 0046
D115AFB0 43CF
8106B55C 3F80
D115AF32 0004
8115AF32 0001
D115AEC6 008C
D106B49C 43B0
8115AEC6 0001
D115B28A 0004
8115B28A 0001
D115AF32 0400
D115B28A 0001
8115B308 42B4
D115AEC6 0004
8115AEC6 0015
D115B21E 0004
8115B21E 0015
D106B55C 43B0
D115B510 0046
8115B28A 0120
D115B28A 0120
D115B510 0046
8106B55C 3F80
D115B28A 0120
D115B510 0046
8115B308 43CF
D115B308 43CF
D115B510 0046
8115AFB0 43CF
D115B510 0046
D115B308 43CF
8106B49C 3F80
D115B28A 0004
8115B28A 0001
D115B21E 008C
D106B55C 43B0
8115B21E 0001
D115B28A 0400
D115AF32 0001
8115AFB0 42B4
D115B28A 0001
D106B55C 3F80
8115B308 0000
50000902 0000
810503EC 2D9B
D115B308 0000
8115B308 42B4
D115B308 0000
8115B28A 0001
D116C378 439F
8116C38A 03D5
8107BC80 3F8A
8107BD5C 3F8A
8107BE38 3F8A
8107C088 3F8A
D115AF44 0004
D115AEC6 001B
8115AFB0 0000
D115B29C 0004
D115B21E 001B
8115B308 0000
D115AEC6 0018
D106B49C 43B0
8115AEC6 0015
D115B21E 0018
D106B55C 43B0
8115B21E 0015
D116C378 439F
8116C374 C38B
D106B55C 43B0
81048310 0026
D1048310 0026
81048312 0026
D106B55C 3F80
81048310 001B
D1048310 001B
81048312 001C